Breaking the Chain

June 9, 1993

Brian Kocourek


Oneness pp. 217 <read>

Notice  he  says, "Then he'll jump off here, and that's  the  one that causes death right there. That breaks the chain right in the middle and down you go."




Luke 4: 4 <read>





Deut 8:15 <read>


So  if we do not live by bread alone, but we live by the Word  of God, then notice...He say's "Not only that, but he'll chasten you He'll try you and He'll test you to see where you'll break.


Matt 7: 21 - 23 <read>


There's  got  to be that Ginosko! That  intimate  knowledge  that comes from an intimate relationship.


JOHN 8: 37 - 43 and


John 18: 37 <read>


JOHN 6:44 - 45 <read>

They not only hear but they must also learn. That means there has got to be a thought process change occur. Now, contrast that to..


JOHN 6: 51 - 66 <read>


So what is your breaking point?  Where will you turn and walk out on Jesus, the Word?


Quote 3:6:15:5 through pg. 16


Quote 11:1:9:33


Quote 9:3:11:57


Prov 3: 11 - 12


 1 Peter 1: 3 - 7 Testing for the purpose of Approval.


Hebrews pg. 258 pp. 555 -->


Heb 12: 1 - 29 <read>


And how do you refuse Him that speaketh?



The  word refuse means to beg off -- to deprecate --  to  express disapproval of -- to shun or to avoid -- to refuse or reject.


2 Peter 2: 1


Then ever just outright denied Him as though they did not  believe He  existed. But the Word here to deny is Arne - o - mai  and  is pronounced " Ar ne - oh - ma hee!"


It means to say "not!" To contradict, disavow or abnegate.


2 Tim 2: 10 - 19 <read>


Now notice          pp. 218 - 224 <read>


How far of the Word they stray!


To stray! WEBSTER: To wander outside


Matt 13 10 - 11 and mark 4 : 10 - 11


To  wander  from a given place, or a  given  deviate (from what is right).


2 Peter 2: 1 - 22 <read>


Gal 5: 7 - 10


Gal 4: 9


2 Tim 4: 4