Going Astray from the Word

June 13, 1993

Brian Kocourek


Wednesday night we studied pps. 217 to 224 and we saw how brother Branham emphasized that the devil and basically those who are not in God's Election will use God's Word and even 99.99 % of it  but there  will always be some thing or some place in  the  scripture that  they  just can't accept. And when that happens,  then  down they go.


Quite  often I contemplate just what I have experienced  in  this message,  and as I look out around, not just what has  transpired here locally, but as I look out yonder at all the churches that I have  had  contact  with I realize that there has  been  quite  a shaking off since 1983. Many brother's that had appeared to be so solid  have since bitten the dust and have gone into  fornication with  women or with God's Word chasing after a female Holy  Ghost or angelic visitations or just going after strange doctrine.


Good  people.  People  who had a desire to  hear  and  wanted  to  believe the prophet. In fact, I think, wanting to believe so much that they do not  know how to sit back  and  watch.  They  see  something the prophet said, and instead of taking it back to  the Word  of  God,  they take a shoe horn and try  to  make  it  fit,  thinking they have uncovered some great deep hidden secret.  Now,   I'm not talking about denominational, I'm talking about  brothers  and sisters in this message. People just don't seem to be able to  sit back and watch and wait. They're in too much of a hurry to be doing  something. And what happens? The Devil set's them up  real good.  Brother Branham said if you are leaning in  one  direction  too much, the Devil will get behind you and give you a push.


How  many  have ever Indian arm wrestled. You  grab  each  others  right  hand  and stand side to side. The object is  to  push  the  other guy over. You get the person pushing so hard, and when  you can  feel him pushing fully you then quickly change from  pushing to a quick pull and off he goes down on his face.


Now  if  those who are falling away would land on their  face  in humility before God that wouldn't be so bad, but that isn't  what is  happening.  They go out all puffed up and yet the way  up  is down with God.


Wednesday night we saw how brother Branham let us know that Satan uses  the Word very much but just can't take all of it.  He  even got  into a theological debate with Jesus in the desert,   And  even  the  first  preacher off the Word was  the  serpent  in  the garden. He came to Eve with quoting the Word of God. It's  always been that way yet it never rings true to the Message of the hour.


Brother  Branham said, "How far off the Word they stray!" Now  to stray, means that they once were in the way but they've left  it. We  see many scriptures where the Word of God tells us  that  the end-time  setting in the last days is to be this way.  Many  will forsake the way of truth and because they love not the truth, God turns them over to believe a lie.  


Brother  Branham told us that the revival has died down and  what we are experiencing is the lull before the storm. He said in  the last  days  those spirit's would be so close that only  the  very Elected would not be deceived. We even know that in 2 Thes 2  the scripture tells us that there will be 2 parousia's. God will have one and so will Satan. So let's just pick up at pp. 224.


PP. 224 <read> "How far off the word they stray!" Now, to stray is to wander.


Webster: To wander from a given place or from a direct course. To roam aimlessly. To go wrong or be in error, to deviate from what is right. Now, notice  this  last  one   fail   to concentrate, be inattentive or digress...


Isn't that exactly what brother Branham is saying in this pp?


He  says, "have you noticed  in the last days that  these  things would  come  to  pass?" Then he says, "Have you been noticing recently how  the Word of God is being  manifested?"  And  right  after that he says, "have you been denoting these things?"


Now to denote something is to take notice, or mark out. to search out the real meaning behind something. Not just observe passively but to enter into and study closely to find the real true meaning behind it.


That's  what  brother Branham says we should be  doing.  Then  he says,  it will be so close. So we ask ourselves, what will be  so close.


He says, "Have you compared the Word of Jesus that He said,  that the  Devil  in the last'd be so close,  like  the  real thing,  till if it was possible he would deceive everyone  except the Elected, the Elected One."


Now  I hope you caught this how brother Branham said it. He  said it  would deceive everyone except the Elected One, singular,  not plural. And let's face it, without this message of Thus saith the Lord,  we would have all been completely confused as to what  was happening when we saw men like Oral Roberts and Billy Graham. But the elected "One," was not deceived because God Himself came  and  step  by step showed him the truth that he might tell us.  That's AMOS 3: 7 "surely the Lord God will do nothing lest He reveal  it unto His servants the Prophets."


Now, notice as he continues here in pp. 224..."Jesus said that it would  be  so close in the last days, just like the  real  thing, that scriptural teaching is going to be so close!"


What scriptural teaching, "We believe the Holy Ghost, we got  the Holy  Ghost,  we got evidences." Yet he said they even  deny  the Word of God.


Now,  I would like to know how they can deny the Word  and  still have the Holy Ghost when the Holy Ghost wrote the Word?


 Tim 3: 16 - 17 <read>


So,  as you can see,  we are living in a time as he  said,  where the  people  will be straying from the Word, yet  all  the  while thinking everything is ok.


2 TIM 3: 1 - 14 <read>

Knowing  from  whom  you  have  learned  them.  yet  notice   the condition of  these people, "having a form...having  a  form  of Godliness, having a form of God-like-ness yet denying, ...


Remember,  that  word  DENYING is a  Greek  word  A.r.n.e.o.m.a.i  Ar-ne-o-ma-hee. and it means to say "NOT". Just exactly what  the  Serpent said to Eve.


Having  a  form but denying the power thereof. Having a  form  of God-like-ness but denying, saying "not"...saying it doesn't  mean what it says, and then giving their own interpretation to it.


Having a form but denying the power, the Word of God.


Romans 1: 16 <read> Having a form of God-like-ness but denying the Word He brought.


Didn't He come down with a shout. And Isn't that shout a Message. And didn't Jesus say "My Words shall Judge in the last days".  Is it  the last days? Did He come with a Message, a Word  to  gather His Elect. Did not Paul in 2 Timothy 3 tell us the condition that would  prevail  in  the last days? Did he not warn  us  that  the people would be God-like or have a form of God-like-ness?


Well do the Pentecostals have a form of God-like-ness? Now the word Paul  used  here in 2 Tim 3:5 is  a  Greek  word  EUSEBEIA, "EU" which means "well" and "SEBOMAI" which means "To be devout". So  we  see  it is word that expresses  that  "piety  which  is characterized by a God-ward attitude and means to do that which is well pleasing to Him."                      


These are not renegade blasphemous people. And certainly not  the Pentecostals of today. Neither could it be said of the  Baptist's or  any other denominational group. So where can we find a group of people who are devoted to piety and yet denying His Shout?


Who among the Christain world goes forth with, ..."Lord bless you my precious brother"... And has such a form of piety?


It's  right among us in this message. Having a form...a  what?  A form... "Lord bless you my precious brother"...and all the  while denying the very Message sent to deliver them.


A  form...MORPHOSIS  a form or outline, an outward  semblance  or  resemblance...

 Strictly artificial though because it is an outward work and  not one of the heart.


Pentecostal pussy cats, stroke them with words they long to  hear and  they  will purr, but stroke them contrary to  their  way  of thinking  and  the hairs will stand on end. And  you  had  better watch out because you didn't say it in a way that pleases them.


That's  why brother Branham could say in pp. 200 that the  people  were  so  head strong they couldn't receive the truth  when  it's vindicated before them.


I've never seen anything like it. How a people could be so caught up  with themselves and yet so far off the beaten path  of  God's Word.


But  tell them anything and you better watch out or  those  claws will try and rip you apart. And they call that the Spirit of God?


I'd rather be destitute of religion altogether than to have  that type of a spirit. Yet right among us in this message.


You say, "The Message of this hour? Look ... brother Branham said "My  ministry is to declare Him, that He is here." And  yet  they will say, "NOT!"


That  my brother and sister is to deny the Message of  the  Hour. They will tell you, God sent a prophet and then when you ask them what that means they will give you the message that was given  to the  last church age of Pentecostal restoration of the gifts  and the manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit in the body of this flesh.   Yet   that   is  not  justification,   neither   is   it sanctification. And what we understand of the baptism of the Holy Ghost that will not do either. For one could be baptized with the Holy  Ghost in this hour of the latter rain every hour  of  their life  and still go to hell. It's that Word that counts.  And  yet they  have the form of piety and devotion yet they deny the  only thing that can bring on a change of the body and deliver us  from the  body  of this death. Christ Himself, The Word.  For  we  are transformed by the renewing of our minds and He's got to do it.


2 Peter 2: 1 <read>

Wherever  you have a True Prophet bringing the Word of  God,  you will always see false teachers following close behind. And so  it shall  continue.  Paul is saying here, Therefore since  you  have God's  Word  you should take heed to yourselves that you  do  not have  in  addition false teachers. For where the Word of  God  is preached in it's purity-close upon it false teachers will  arise.  The  reason  is  that  not everyone lays hold  of  the  Word  and believes it, although it is preached to all.


They  who  believe  it follow it and hold fast  to  it,  but  the greater  part  -  they  who do not  believe  -  receive  a  false understanding of it. Therefore they become false teachers.


MATT 13: 18 - 19, 23 <read>


Martin  Luther said, "We have not seriously considered, nor  have we  attended to this warning. Instead, we have gone  astray,  and whatever  has been preached we have done. There we have  stumbled and  fallen  and been led away by delusions, as though  the  pope with his priests and monks could not err. Thus, those that should have been on their guard against such things have been the  first to  urge them upon us. So we are not free from blame,  though  we have  a wrong belief and follow false teachers. It will not  help us  that  we  have not known, since we  were  warned  beforehand.  Besides, God has bidden us that we should each judge what this or that  one preaches and give account of it. If we do not, then  we  are  lost. Therefore it concerns everyone's own soul's  salvation to know what God's Word is and what false doctrines are."


Matt 24: 23 - 24 <read>


1 TIM 4: 1 <read> "As  forcefully as such admonitions have gone forth,  so  careful  should  we  have  been;  yet they have  been  to  no  avail.  The admonitions have been kept silent, and thus we have wandered  and suffered ourselves to be led astray.


Now  notice in 2 PETER 2: 1> He calls them  destructive  heresies because whosoever is persuaded into them is already lost.  Notice he says, "There they shall secretly bring in"... They would never out right say that the Gospels and the scriptures or the Words of the Prophet is false. No that would cut off their meal ticket.


But  "they secretly bring in" let's you know they  are  preaching the  Truth and yet they will add other than the Scripture to  it. To  bring  in suggests that these are right in the midst  of  the Truth.


So,  what we see is this; right in the midst of the  truth  these men bring in something that is contrary to it. "There is  nothing said  against the pure Christian doctrine directly, nor is faith or baptism  denied,  nor that Christ is  the  Savior.  But  they  privately  introduce such doctrines along with these as  to  lead men away from the right path, and they build upon themselves  and their works, and hold nothing more in regard to Christ than these words:  "We believe that Christ is the Son of God and the Son  of Man;  we believe that He died and rose again and that He  is  the Savior  of  the World." But if you'll just sit  back  and  watch,  you'll  see that although they confess Him outwardly to be  their Savior, yet they really show no trust and confidence in Him,  for if  they  did so, then they would no longer rest upon  there  own  efforts, nor try to convince so many of their greatness, but His.


So we find them preaching among the people this; "You are  indeed Christians  and  His Bride, but that is not enough. You  must  do such and such works,...and they hold down the people in bondage."


And  each church or each group follows their own special  set  of laws that means something more special to them than the next  guy across the street. 


It  doesn't matter what he calls himself, whether it's  Catholic, Baptist,  Pentecostal,  Jew, monk, Muslim,  Buddhist  or  Message Believer.  There is really no difference between them except  the difference of place, rites, religions, works and worshiping,  for each  contends that they and they alone have the correct  way  of sacrifice  before God and worship, but as they all have this  one thing  in  common, it is that they know not  Christ.  Each  group holds more dear one rule over the next, yet in one thing they all  agree,  and  this is the way they think: "If I do this  work  and obey this rule, then God will have mercy upon me, but if I do  it not He will be angry."


And  therefore every man that thinks like that, is only  thinking with His own opinion but not with God's.  And therefore they  are actually rebelling against the knowledge of Christ and  therefore fall  into  idolatry and conceive such notions of God as  is  not even agreeable to His Character nor His Divine Nature. God  never said,  He will save and justify men for their religions, nor  for their   observations or ceremonies, or ordinances or the  keeping of  certain  laws devised by man. God abhors  nothing  more  than this. They that trust to their own strength and righteousness  do serve  a god, but such a god is only an idol of their  heart  and their own imaginations, but not the True God.


For God regards no man for his religion, nor for his charity, nor for  his virtues, nor for their newness of life but for  Christ's sake only. "No man can come through His religion, his  ceremonies or his creeds, because He said, "no man can come unto the  Father except through me. "And  He is "the way, the Truth and the light".
And He is "the Word."


The priests and monks of all world religions only know God  after  a natural knowledge in that He is the creator of the world and He will  punish the wicked and reward the righteous. And that being about the extent of their knowledge of Him they conceive vain and wicked  imaginations  of Him which are without  and  against  His  Word, and so dream that God is such a one as by nature He is not. They imagine Him to be a God that forgives sins, and gives  Grace and everlasting life, for the keeping of His rules. But this  god is nowhere to be found in the Scripture or anywhere else for that matter. Therefore they serve not the True God but only that which by  nature  is  no God, which is the  imagination  of  their  own  hearts.


GAL 4: 8 - 11 <read>


What is righteousness? Is it not right-wise-ness? Then we do  not receive right wise ness by the doing of the law but by receiving the  Faith  of  The  Son  of  God.  Outward  virtues  and  honest          conversation is not the Kingdom of God. Those things are good but they are not and have nothing to do with our salvation.


Look, He gave them the law because they didn't want Him, and  the same  One Who gave them the law came down and that law  condemned Him and found Him guilty and He became sin and had to suffer  the penalty of the law which is death. Now, if the law chastised  and condemned  to  death  the very Creator of all  things,  the  very fountain  of  Life Himself, then how do you think you  will  ever stand  before it. Therefore flee it my brother and sister,  empty the  very thoughts from your twisted minds that have  never  been set  free to be a Son or Daughter of God and cleave unto Him  who pulled  out  the  stinger of the law which  is  death.  Your  own       brother caim down and layed His life down for you.  He'll not let you down. Your His very Elect and precious jewel for His crown. 


Now, had the ministers in this message preached and taught  that: That you are Christians indeed, and the very righteousness of God through  Faith and nothing short of that, then those who  live  a
hundred miles away would have the same revelation of Christ,  and then we would all have one Christ, One Baptism, and one Faith and we  would all believe that God has personally come down to  bring forth  His message of Grace to tell us that He is here to  gather us into His Garner not based upon our own merit but strictly upon His  love, His Mercy and His Grace to us. Then the  people  would have come together into a common faith. There would have been  no difference  before God but we would be all striving for that  one goal and that is to be delivered from the body of this death in a rapture.  And  helping each other through our  struggles  with  a singleness of heart.


But  rather  than  bring the people into this  unity,  they  have Killed  any  semblance of unity in that they say:  yes,  you  are Christians , but you must do certain works in order to be  saved, and thus they lead the people away from Faith into works. And the works  seem to differ in preeminence from one local  to  another, and  groups are formed around certain efforts of men and  certain desires to do certain types of works.


Peter  said, "They deny the Lord that Bought them".  Though  they indeed  believe that He is Lord and Master and has purchased  the whole  world by His blood, yet they do not believe that they  are
bought,  and  that He is their master; and so they say,  "He  has indeed bought and ransomed the people, but this is not enough, we must 1st by our efforts eradicate sin and make atonement for it.


But if you can yourself take away and blot out your own sin, then what has Christ done? You certainly can never make 2 Christ's who take away sin. How can I say he does it if I must do it? How  can I call Him the Savior of my soul if I'm left to myself to do  it.


There  can  not  be 2 Christ's! I can not be  Christ  and  He  be another.  If I can do away with my own sin then I can not say  He does  it. And that is what's called denying Christ, for  although  they  hold Christ to be their master, they through their  actions deny  that Christ has Truly bought them. Thus they leave  to  Him nothing  more than a name and title. They are actually  in  heart  calling  themselves Christ for they have seized upon  His  office and have become their own mediator of their own sin.


Titus 1: 10 - 16 <read>

They  say  they Know Him, Ginosko Him. They say  they  have  this great  personal relationship with Him, but they don't  even  know Him,  and He says to them in Matt 7 "depart from me for  I  never even  knew you" although every thing they did was in  His  name". Lord, Lord, I cast out devils in your name and did many marvelous works. And He answers them , "I don't even Know you." For if they really knew Him they would make no boast of their efforts  before God  knowing  that He doesn't look upon anything we  do  in  this flesh.  Not the good or the evil when it comes  to  Justification and placement in Him. Either He did it all or we are lost.


" They profess that they know Him but in works they deny him". It doesn't say that they say one thing and actually do another. Now, you may have thought that's what it said,  But it actually  says, "they  profess  that  they know Him but because  they  are  works oriented, it shows they haven't got a clue".


Looking  at the flesh has always been the peoples fatal  mistake. To look at yours or any one else. And that is what is causing the great falling away. It is the same thing in Paul's day.


They had to push circumcision of the flesh instead of the  heart. And Alpha has become Omega.


JUDE 3 - 4

These are ordained to go the way they go. Notice verse 12 - 13.


They  feast  with  you. That's 2 Peter 2: 1 those  who  bring  in alongside  of  true  doctrine false. They  are  wandering  stars. Wandering,  like brother Branham said, They wonder this and  they wonder about that. To wonder is to wander. And noticed. They  are carried  about  by every wind of doctrine. Unstable  souls.  Why? Because  they deny the One who bought them. There is no rest  for the  wicked.  Why? Because they have rejected the  only  hope  of rest. Christ Jesus our Lord who paid the debt in full. You  don't have  to pay interest. You have no principal to pay. It's a  free gift.  Jesus said, "Come unto me all ye that labor and are  heavy laden and I will give you rest."


MATT 11: 28 - 30 <read>

Learn of me and you will find rest for your souls. The trouble is that  many say they know Him but because they don't they  end  up following another Jesus, another Spirit, another Gospel, and they find themselves under tremendous weights of guilt and despair.


But the Word of God is so refreshing, so life giving, so free  of guilt. So edifying and uplifting to know that we are part of  Him to the place that we are flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone.


                    2  Thes  1: 7, 10 <read> 

And  to  you who are troubled, rest with us. When? The  The  Lord Jesus comes with His mighty angels. He's Here.



"Working for this one thing, for you to recognize the presence of Jesus  Christ.  See? If He is present, then,  why  everything  is settled. He made the Word, He's here to confirm it."



"The  sin  questions  over for you when you're  standing  in  His Presence. "  


Isaiah 55: 1 - 13 <read>

"It's yours. And He's here to give it to you. Just believe,  only believe. All things are possible to them that believe."



"We are and believe that we are in the presence of Jesus  Christ, but it's your attitude that brings the results. The Mechanics  is here  and  so is the Dynamics; if you can just get  started,  God  will do the rest."



"If we could realize that He is appearing to us in these meetings for one Purpose and that's to release our desires that we have in Him to us. But we've got to recognize His presence."


ONENESS pp. 225 - 229 <read> 


                     Let's just bow our heads in prayer.