Grace for Grace

Wednesday, June 23, 93

Brian Kocourek


Last Sunday we examined pp. 233 of Oneness and saw where  brother
Branham  gave  three examples of people who  didn't  have  enough

Grace in their lives to overcome certain situations.


We  examined this thought on Grace and focused our attention  on
three  vital elements of it. Namely #1) What is Grace. #2)  Where
does  it  come from, or shall we say Who does it come  from.  And
finally #3) How will I know that I have received it. What measur­ing device do we use to tell what portion of Grace we possess.


WEBSTER  :  It simply means Good will  or  favor;  thoughtfulness
toward  others. Mercy and clemency or forgiveness. The  unmerited
love and favor of God toward man.


So  we   ask  ourselves. What is favor?  Grace  is  unmerited  or
unearned favor . It means to be partial toward. To be friendly or
show  a kind regard for. To show good will towards  and  approval
of.   So it is a partiality toward you that is totally unearned.


Now  we  know  JOHN 1:17 says, "Grace and  Truth  came  by  Jesus
Christ."  So we see then that He is the source of our Grace.  For
He truly is Grace.


We  read  a quote from brother Branham where he said, " Love  and
Grace  are twin sisters. They are the same." So then you can  not
separate  Love  from  Grace. They must  be  like  Siamese  twins.
Inseparable.  Except  these  two are joined  at  the  head  wher
because they have only one head and that is Christ.


We found that Grace is to bring forth it's fruit by the Truth  of
the  Word.  In fact we found by the scripture that  in  order  to
measure the Grace you do have you can only do it by measuring the
Grace you bestow upon others. Reaping and sowing.You sow Grace...
you'll  reap Grace. You sow love reap love. You  so  mercy
you'll reap mercy.


In 1 PETER 1: 13 we find that this end-time revelation of  Christ
is to produce in us this Grace that brings us into His nature.


In Colossians 3:4 it tells us that at the Appearing of Christ  we
shall come to manifest His very nature.


This   Grace  comes  by  His  unveiling  to  us  as  we  saw   in
1 Corinthians 1: 3 - 10. And also brings us to the place where we
are  made ready to receive the very mind of God. For  after  all,
that is the very ministry of Elijah. To restore the hearts of the
children  to  the fathers. And when the word hearts  is  used  it
always is used in such a way as to represent the understanding of


2 PETER 1: 2 - 4

So  we  see that through this Grace, not just  receiving  it  but
actually  it takes a hold of our entire thought process until  it
replaces our very own nature with His nature.


I  believe  the highlight of the message Sunday was not  so  much
knowing  what Grace is and where it comes from, as  important  as
that is. But by now we should know that  all things that work for

our  Good come only from God. So those two aspects, as  important
as  they are, you already knew them. And as Peter said,  we  only
need  to stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance.  But  the

highlight  of the message for me is being able to see the  effect
of Grace in our lives.


We saw many, many scriptures that showed us that the Grace of God
brings Rest. It brings Mercy and therefore it  brings Peace.  And
we  know that He is our Peace. We found in Hebrews 13:9 that  The

Grace of God establishes our hearts. And Hebrews 12: 28 tells  us
that  the Grace of God brings us to a place of service  unto  our


 Ephesians  1:  5  - 6 tells us that the Grace of  God  makes  us
accepted in the beloved. Purely unmerited I might add, and brings
us  to the place of actually wanting to make sure our destiny  so
much that He literally predestines our path to ensure we come out
as He had planned.


Oh, the Mercy and Grace of our loving Father is incomprehensible.


And  as I said earlier we found in the scripture last  week  that
where God is His Grace is sure to be found.


Now how many here believe that Alpha has become Omega? All  right
then, let's turn to Exodus 33: 12 - 16 <read>


Notice  here that God Identified His Grace with His  presence  as
did  Moses. And He is the same yesterday, today and  forever.  We
are  walking in Grace because we are walking in His Presence.  If
you walk in the Light as He is in the Light, you have  fellowship

with  one another and the Grace of Jesus Christ His Son  cleanses
you from all sin.


You mean the blood cleanses us from all sin. You bet, and what is
the blood, but the Grace of God shed abroad in our hearts by  the

Holy Ghost.


Notice  how brother Branham was speaking about Grace in  pp.  233
and then at the end of the paragraph he says, "why don't you take
this  Word this morning. I'll tell you now, It's flesh among  us!
Take the Word in your hand."


Take  the Word in your hand. My, what a statement. And  I'll  bet
you that most people who read this mean it to say what he didn't.


The Pentecostal element will run with this and try to make it fit
into their ideology. But He's talking about Grace and the Subject
is Oneness with God. Not miracle and so forth. But The Very Grace
of  God  coming  forth from His Presence  which  brings  us  into 
fellowship  and therefore unmerited friendship, or Grace.  That's

what  He's  speaking about. And I challenge you tonight  to  take
that into your hands. Grace.


JOHN 1: 16 - 17 <read>


Grace  for  Grace,  That's what we have need of.  Grace  to  have


Now this Word Grace here is the Greek Word "CHARIS" and refers to
the  Divine influence upon the heart and It's reflection  in  the
Life which includes gratitude."


WUEST: "For out of His fullness as a source we all received,  and
Grace in exchange for Grace."


2 COR 8 : 7 - 12 <read>


JOHN 1: 16 - 17 AMPLIFIED: For out of His fullness (Abundance) we
all  received - all had a share  and we were all supplied with  -
one  Grace  after another and Spiritual blessing  upon  Spiritual

blessing, and even favor upon favor and gift (heaped) upon gift.


let's just read in pp. 234 at what he follows up this thought  on
Grace with. Notice carefully how he ties it to the very  presence
of  God  in our Midst. Then He ties the blood of Christ  to  that



ONENESS pp. 234 <read>


Luke 7 : 40 - 50 <read>


MATT 18: 1 - 35 <read>


ONENESS pp. 235 <read>