Every Life has its own nature

July 21, 1993

Brian Kocourek


Last  Sunday we spoke from brother Branham's message  on  Oneness
and we took our subject from the thoughts that he spoke from  PP.

19 - 23 where he let us know that the interruption in the  Garden
caused  a hybreeding of the nature of man with that of the  beast
and  thus the constant warfare that lays deep within each of  us.
Now we did not have this warfare within us when we lived with our
sole purpose of gratifying this flesh. But when the light  struck
the  seed, and quickened that which is Eternal, the Life  of  the
Spirit  began to be nurtured by the Word and therefore came  into
conflict  to  that other life that lay in us called the  body  of
this death.


We have learned from brother Branham's sermon here that these two
natures  can not live together. One of them must be  killed  off.
The Apostle Paul said, "I am crucified with Christ,  nevertheless
I  live, yet not I , but Christ that Liveth in Me, and  the  life
that  I now live I live by The Faith of The Son of God  Who  gave
His life for me."


So, then as Paul said, "To live is Christ, to die is but gain."


Now we know that every life has it's own nature. The word  nature
according  to  WEBSTER =  NATURE = The essential character  of  a
thing, the quality that makes something what it is, it's  essence
of being or inborn character. It's innate disposition or inherent
tendencies. It's kind....


GENESIS  1:  11 <read> Every thing will bring  forth  after  it's
kind.  The very essence of Life itself is to reproduce itself  in
another. Every life form must reproduce itself or it's own nature
in   another called offspring. It is impossible for one  kind  to

produce another kind. Therefore simple bible logic would tell you
Darwin's theory of evolution is nothing but hype and idiocy.


Brother  Branham made this clear when he often said, "If you  had
the  life  of Dillinger you'd rob banks. If you had the  life  of
Beethoven you would compose music." So you see, you can't have  a
Life form without having the nature of that Life form.


So  if God's own Life is forming in you , then you will begin  to
show  forth the very nature of His Life in you. Then the  things,
He  did you will do also. Jesus gave us Mark 16 to tell us  that.
But it goes way beyond Mark 16.


That  is  why brother Branham went to great lengths to  teach  us
that if we have been quickened by the Spirit of God and are  born
again,  then we will and must by the nature that is in us by  the
new birth stick with every Word of God.


Now,  this  morning I would like to continue this thought  as  we
examine  further  about these two natures that we have,  the  one
given us at birth through the flesh by a flesh act and the  other
nature that is given at our new birth.


Then  if we have the ability to actually possess two  natures  at
one  time, we know that unless these natures are the  same,  they
can  not coexist in this earthly tent of our  habitation  without
conflict.  One  will rise up against the other and  warfare  will


Now  the question is what Spirit will rise up. well, to  see  the
nature  of  these  two  natures  we have  only  to  look  to  the


Now  let's  See these two natures at there peak  and  investigate
this further. Now remember, bother Branham has taught us that  if

we  have the Spirit or Life of Christ in us then the evidence  of
that  is  that we will believe the Word for the season.  We  will
enter into the Word for the Season and become one with it.


So  let's  see what happened when Jesus (Who is our  Life)  Let's
just  see  what happened when His Spirit or Life  came  into  the
presence of that other nature which is fleshly.


JOHN 8: 37...(read) Now notice here, he says I know that you  are
a product of Abraham, and therefore you claim his life in you and

therefore His nature in you, but something is really wrong here.


Then He tells them that they are not really of Abraham as is  the
Lineage of God, but rather, they have another father really.


JOHN  8: 38...(read) He let's them know here that His Father  and
their  father are different. By this time they get the drift  and
they try to repute what he is alluding to.


JOHN  8  : 39 ...(read) Again he tells them if they  really  were
from  Abraham they would have his life and therefore his  nature.

But  because  their nature is not compatible with the  nature  of
Abraham,  therefore  they  could  not  possibly  have  been   his
offspring as pertaining to the lineage of God.


JOHN  8 : 40 ...(read) Notice now how He begins to let them  know
that the things they are doing in opposition to the Words of  God
shows that they have not the Spirit or Life or nature of the  one
they  are claiming to have come from. He tells them because  they
would easily murder one who tells them the truth, it shows  where

their roots are from. He of course is alluding to Cain.


Now  let's just go back a moment and follow this through back  at
the beginning right after the great interruption took place.  Now
remember,  God  had said in GENESIS 1: 11 that every  seed  would

bring  forth  after  it's  own kind.  And  we  see  by  Webster's
definition of KIND = 1>origin 2> nature 3> essential character.


So  then  every seed must bring forth after it's  own  nature  or
essential  character.  So let's just see what took place  at  the
great interruption to the life stream of God.


GENESIS  3: 14 - 16, 20...(read) Here we see the great  interrup­
tion  take  place. Eve cohabitated with the Serpent  who  was  of
another  kind or nature or essential character and so she  became
pregnant  with his seed. The Life stream of God  became  polluted
and by mixing or hybreeding one life to another, it introduced  a

breed of nature that became violent.


Let's just look at the nature or essential character of the first
byproduct of man and beast. CAIN...


GENESIS  4:  2 <read> Now notice something about  his  nature  to
begin  with.  He became a tiller of the ground. Now why  did  the

ground  even  need tilling?   Because of the fall in  the  garden


GENESIS  3: 17 - 19...<read> Notice verse 18. Thou shalt eat  the
herb of the field. ...GENESIS 1: 29 - 31 <read>


Now apparently the fact that they would have to eat herbs was not
so  bad yet this blessing given in chapter 1 becomes a  curse  in
chapter  3.  But notice more specifically verse 17 the  curse  is
upon the soil. The ground. And what do we see Cain doing the very
first time we hear of him? He is tilling the soil.


TILL  or TILLER = abad = to serve, till ; to enslave or  keep  in
bondage. Also bondsmen or bond service.


It's a sign of a person in bondage. a bond slave.


2 Samuel 9: 9 - 10 <read>


Ex 6: 5 <read>


Leviticus 25: 35 - 46 Tiller is a bondslave.


Cain had become a bondslave to the soil. A bondslave, a legalist.

God cursed the soil so what does he do? He goes to the soil for a
living. He tries and tries to break the soil, to break the  curse

but to no avail. This reminds me of the man John Bunyan wrote  of
in   His  Pilgrim's  progress  whose  name  was   Mr.   Legalist.
Mr.  Legalist tried to carry his sins up the hill in a  big  sack
and as he got further up the hill the hill became steeper and  he

kept  falling  back down the hill and then he would  get  up  and
start all over. And this scene would continue without end. Day in
and day out.


GENESIS  4: 2 <read> notice how Abel did not go for legalism,  he
went  after the easy way out, to watch over the sheep. The  sheep

didn't need to be tilled, they just ate and slept ate and  slept.
All he had to do was to keep his eyes open and watch out for them
and make sure they ate proper food. Then they would produce  what

he  would have need of. You didn't see him tilling or becoming  a
bondslave to the soil like Cain. He was free.


GENESIS  4: 3 - 7 (read) SEPTUAGENT: "If thou doest  well,  shalt
thou not be accepted? Thou hast rightly offered, but thou has not
rightly divided!"


So watch his nature go into action. GENESIS 4: 8 <read>


So Cain went to talk to his brother. Now what do you suppose they
talked about? Didn't God tell him he had not rightly divided?  So

he  went  to his brother to get the right division  of  the  Word
because after all, God had vindicated his brother's revelation or
understanding by accepting his offering.


So now we see the same scenario as in JOHN chapter 8. Abel, a Son
of  God is talking to his half brother who is serpent  seed.  Now
Abel  never went to Cain and forced his revelation on  him,  Cain
went  to  him  to find out. And when Abel spoke the  Word  it  so
infuriated  Cain  that  his  nature took over  and  he  slew  his



Now remember, Abel's sacrifice was a slain lamb right?  And  what
happened to him? He became his sacrifice. And what is a sacrifice
but your revelation given back to God.


So you become your revelation. Why? Because you can only do  what
is  revealed  to you. And your nature controls what you  are  and
what your responses will be. And if you have the nature of  Jesus
Christ,  then you will respond like He responded to the  Word  of



Now, notice. Abel became his revelation. A lamb slain. Now  which
of  the  prophets were not put to death? They all  came  the  way
Jesus Came? Why? Because His nature was in them.


 And  If  we were in Christ before the foundations of  the  world
then His nature will have to be in you. Then we must know what HE
was then so we will know what nature we will have.


EPHESIANS 1 : 3 - 4 <read> So we were in Him back then right? And
what Was He then?


REVELATIONS  13: 8 <read> The Lamb slain from the foundations  of
the world. And just think as that lamb, we were in Him then.


So  then what nature will we have?  "Butt Pastor," Butt I  think"
Butt  I  don't like it" Butt My opinion is"...Goats  butt,  sheep
just follow.  What nature do we have today? That will tell us  of

whom  we have our source. That will tell us what Life we have  in


So  we see Cain was a murderer to begin with. And Jesus told  the
Pharisees  that  they were of their father the devil,  just  like

Cain  because  when  He attempted to give them  God's  Word  they
fought it tooth and nail.


JOHN 8: 40 - 41 <read> we are not serpent seed! God is our Father


They  didn't  like what Jesus was telling them. But  all  He  was
saying  is look here, "I have spoken the Word of the Lord to  you
and yet you still look for fault in me and my Words. You do  what
you can to destroy me.


You know, my father in law wrote to brother Branham one time  and
asked brother Branham something about killing. I don't know if it
had to do with going into the service or what, but brother  Bran­
ham  wrote back and told him that there is more than one  way  to
kill  a person. He said, you can speak against him and  kill  his



Now  that is exactly what happened to Jesus. They tried  to  kill
His  influence, and when they found they could not do that,  they
then went physical and literally killed Him. And don't think that

that same nature doesn't exist today.


Why  did  they want to destroy His influence? Why did  they  then
attempt to kill Him with violence? JOHN 8: 37, 40. <read>


JOHN 10: 31 - 33 <read> It isn't for the good things you've  done
for  your congregation that we stone you, but it's for  what  you

say and what you stand for.


You  know I think that same devil lives today. If the life  of  a
seed  will  bring forth after it's kind, then  those  that  would
oppose any true five fold ministry and talk behind their back, it

is the same as murder. And even though they may only speak words,
yet  out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. So  if
it comes from the mouth, it is already in the heart and therefore
it shows the nature is serpent seed in nature.


PP>  75  "Eve had the life of the devil in her. As  soon  as  she
disbelieved  God's  Word,  she accepted the  life  of  the  devil
because she accepted his teaching."  


That  is pretty strong. Either we are sealed in or we only  think
we  are  sealed in. What nature is governing  today  brother  and
sister. What thoughts do you have of the True five fold  ministry
and  true  shepherd God gave you. Well, you say, he  doesn't  see
things  my way. Since when is a shepherd supposed to  follow  the

sheep?  The sheep by nature will follow the shepherd and  if  you
don't  think  so  then I would question your  authenticity  as  a
genuine sheep. Jesus said, "My sheep know My voice and a stranger
they will not follow". If your thoughts are contrary to His  then

you  are the stranger. If a sheep thinks he or she has  a  better
way, I can say a few things about that.


#1) That thinking is in opposition to scripture, therefore it  is
Satan's lie.


#2)  Anyone who feels that way is supposing themselves to be  the
shepherd. Therefore they are guilty of false representation.



  Your  pastor, when he stands here on the platform,  ministering
the  Word of God, he is God's angel to the church,  messenger  to
the church. Therefore a pastor should never leave that Word,  but
stay  straight with the Word, because He's feeding  the  shepherd

straight,  'cause that the word pastor means "shepherd." Look  it
up and find out if that ain't right. A pastor is a shepherd,  and
the  Holy Ghost has made him overseer over His Church and  flock,
to feed them. What with? The Word of God. Amen. Oh, my! What a...



  But  pray God to send you some sensible sound  Gospel  preacher
that'll  stand in the way, and give you a little bit of  spanking
when  you need it and love you need it...?... and keep you  lined

up with the Scripture and with the Spirit. He's a shepherd watch­
ing over your soul. If you got that pastor, flee to God and  pray
for him all the time. Listen to him.



  Sometimes  I  preach pretty rough because I see  that  somebody
getting out of line. You see, you're supposed to do that. A  real
daddy will. Why, he'd shake you and say, "Here, get back here  in
line!"  if he's a real true father. So... sometimes  your  pastor

has  to  wade down on something. Just love him  that  much  more,
because  he's a real father to you, you see, trying to  keep  you
lined  up; because he's watching over your soul--which  the  Holy
Ghost  has  made  him the overseer of the church.  And  you  must

always watch that.


282 HEBREWS.CPT.7.CHURCH.ORDER - JEFF.IN - HEB 331-368 -- 57-0922

  But  the full and complete authority of the church is the  pas­
tor.  Read  that  in the Bible, see if that's  not  Bible  order.

That's exactly right. There's no one above the elder.


Now getting back to these two natures. You will notice the nature
of  the serpent seed will always go to trying to destroy the  one
who  is  packing God's Word. They did it to every  messenger  God

ever sent and they continue to do so today.


JOHN  8: 42 <read> If you have the nature of the one who sent  me
then you will love me because He sent me.


JOHN  6:29  <read> But just like their forefathers  before  them,
Jesus said, which one of God's servants the prophets did not your
fathers  put to death? It's in your nature and you can't help  to
perform what your father before you performed.


JOHN 8: 43 <read> It is impossible for them to be anything  other
than what they are. What would cause a people to hate the man but
love  his message. A man and his message are one.


As a man thinketh in his heart so is he and out of the  abundance
of his heart his mouth will speak. So if His message is one  with
God  then so is he for a man and his message are one.  You  can't
separate them. Now, you may not always understand why that person
reacts  the way they do, but that isn't any of your  business  to

know.  Your  business is only to pray for that  person  that  God
would use them to help you prepare for the rapture.


You  see this is so important for us to know. These two  natures.
If  we are God's Seed, we have both of these natures  warring  in

our  mortal beings. But which one is receiving  the  preeminence.
That is the key.


Now if the nature of the flesh which you all know is a hybrid, if
that nature is the only one showing power over your thoughts  and

actions  then  either you have not been born  again  which  means
either you have never died to yourself, or else you are incapable
of being born again because you had no representation in  heaven.
In  other  words,  you  were not in the  lamb  slain  before  the

foundations  of the world, therefore you do not and can not  have
His Lamb nature in you.


Now as we said before, you must be honest with yourself. You must
have  the  Life of Christ in order to have His nature  for  every
seed  will  bring  forth after it's own kind which  is  it's  own
nature or essential character.


 To receive God's Word is to receive His Life, His nature.

    To doubt is to receive Satan's nature, his life. pp. 76-80


   John 6: 63

   1 Jn 1 : 1 - 2

   James 1: 18

   2 Cor 3: 18

   1 Peter 1: 23


 But notice the nature of Cain desired a substitute for Word. pp.  

 107 - 108


   1 John 3: 11 - 13

   2 Peter 2: 1 alongside of True doctrine

   2 Cor 11 : 1 -4 and 13 - 14

   2 John 9

   John 8: 37 - 43


Therefore we must have a more dominant nature of our spirit  than
our  flesh in order to be united in oneness. This comes  only  by
the Word of God which transforms our nature to His own. The  Word
only can restore the nature we had in Him before the interruption


   pp. 24 - 31 & 2 peter 1: 1-4 Eph 1: 13 - 14 before 15 - 18

   1 John  3: 2 - 3 Romans 12: 1 - 2 transformed by the Word

   Eph 2 all