Satan’s Distraction

Brian Kocourek


Wednesday  night  we spoke on how one Word off  will  break  your
fellowship  with God as it did to Adam and Eve in the Garden.  We
saw how that we as human beings  tend to associate with others of

like  mind. Christian people are not the only ones who  associate
with others of like mind. Every person in this world of nearly  5
billion people, feel more comfort around others who think as they
think.  We see from Brother Branham's Message  of "Oneness"  that
Satan, knowing this, will try to do anything to distract you from
believing all that God has said.


 Human  beings no matter what race, gender, or ethnic  background
find  fellowship with those who have the same purpose or  beliefs
that  they do. We as human beings, find comfort in having  others
around  us who believe the same things we do. It  doesn't  matter
whether you are a conservative or a liberal. When you are  around
others  who think like you and talk like you there is  a  certain
comfort level we receive from that.


And  as  I pointed out Wednesday night, God is no  different.  He
said  in  John  15, " If you love me you'll  receive  Me  and  My
Words." That's fellowship.


   FELLOWSHIP:  Webster...companionship, friendly association,  a
mutual sharing. A group of people with the same interests. So  we
see  that  the  word  here  has to  do  with  a  togetherness,  a
commonality  of sorts. And believe it or not most  fellowship  is
involved around principles.


We  mentioned the Right to Lifers. They gather together around  a
certain principle, and so do abortion rights people. Wars are not
fought  over real estate as much as over  principles.  Principles
are what control us whether we believe in God or not. And without
principles there can be no control. Complete anarchy is all  that
would result.


And this leads us to our subject for this morning which we  began
to touch upon Wednesday night.


I.  Satan will offer anything to distract. Anything contrary to

    God's vindicated Word is Satan's kingdom. pp. 55 - 57


     DISTRACT:  WEBSTER..To  draw draw  the  mind  or
attention  away  in  another direction, to  divert...To  draw  in
conflicting create conflict or confusion...


To divert is to turn aside from a course or direction...


James  1:  5  - 8 & 13 - 15 Drawn away from  what?  That  is  the
question.  What brings death when drawn from it? The Word of  God
of Course. Jesus said, "My Word are Spirit and they are Life."


So to be drawn or pulled away or distracted from the Word of  God
can only produce one thing and that is death.


That  only makes sense. John 1: 4 says, "In Him was Life and  the
Life  was the Light of men." So to leave the Light which  is  the
illumination  of His Word can only bring upon darkness. It  is  a
scientific  fact that if we lived in total darkness,  life  would
cease  to exist upon this planet. No light, no life. Then  if  in
the natural, we see a law that affects life, how much more so  in
the spiritual, since the natural types the spiritual.


Now  as  we said before that Satan's goal is to break  our  Union
with God and therefore break our fellowship with Him as well. The
Bible tells us in Proverbs "A whisperer separateth very friends."
So  Satan  will  attempt to draw you away and as  Jesus  said  to

Peter, "Satan will attempt to sift you," That is to say, he  will
try every trick in the book until he has achieved his own purpose
and that is to destroy your relationship with Jesus Christ.


In  Revelation  12,  we find that satan is  the  accuser  of  the
brethren. Now all humankind comes to this world the same way.  we
are born in sin, shaped in iniquity and we all come to this world
speaking lies. Have you ever watched even little kids at play and
if  two  kids are close friends and another kid comes  along  and

wants  into the fellowship, what generally happens? One  of  them
invariably  says something untrue or very personal about  another
one with the intention of separating them from their old  friend­
ship  so  they can cut in and have a friend for  themselves.  And

Satan is no different.


But the stakes are a little higher in this game, because "if  you
walk in the light as Christ is in the light, you have  fellowship
with one another." Now 1JOHN 1: 7 doesn't stop there. It goes  on

to say, "and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses you  from
all sin."


So we see that this separation of very friends has a death penal­
ty  to  it  and Satan already knows his days  are  numbered.  His
stinger was pulled out on the cross, and his time is limited.  So

beware  my  friends of his tactics. As Peter  said,  "Satan  goes

about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour."


Now  with this in mind lets's turn to the Scripture this  morning
and examine just what the condition of man is in this hour.


2 THES 1: 2 - 2: 17 <read>

This scripture fills us in on the condition of the entire  church
world  at  the  time of the Glorious Appearing of  our  Lord  and
Saviour Jesus Christ.


Let's  focus first on verse 10 <read> With all deceivableness  of


DECEIVABLENESS:  Comes from the root word deceive which means  to
make a person believe what is not true, to delude or mislead.  To
be false, to betray.


 Now  delude  is to fool someone so completely that  they  accept
what is false as being true.


Now  notice  that this deception that is being spoken of  in  the
scripture  says, that the deceivableness has it's source  in  the

unrighteousness. Now this word unrighteousness is not speaking of
a  sin  so  stooped in immoral and filth that  these  people  are
completely possessed like someone heavy on drugs and not in their
complete mind. On the contrary, the scripture speaks of a  people

who are religious but are completely led into false worship in  a
false system.


Look,  satan  hasn't changed his ways. Can a leopard  change  his
spots?  Can a Zebra lick off his spots? Neither can satan  change

his nature. And neither can you. Your nature is the  characteris­
tics that speak out what you are. They are the outward  represen­
tation  of the life that is yours. Who was it that  killed  Jesus
Christ? It was the most religious people of that time. Who was it

that  killed all of the Prophets that God sent to His  people  to
call  them to repent and change their thinking? It was  the  most
religious people that's who.


So  then  what is this deceivableness of unrighteousness?  It  is
something that makes the people believe in what is not true.


2  THES 2: 3 <read> There has to be a falling away from what?  To
fall away let's you know that a certain height has been  attained
first, then a falling from that height.


In  the Wuest translation it calls this deceivableness in 2  THES
2:  10  a deception geared to the gullibility of  those  who  are


JOHN  8: 44 Lusts .... pleasures...It was a  religious system  in
those men that the devil got into and used.


1  COR 12: 12 - 14...We are born again by one Spirit.  And  Jesus
tells  us in JOHN 6: 63 <read> and we see Peter tell us the  same
thing in 1 PETER 1: 23 <read>.


ROMANS 8: 9 <read>  Unless we are born again we are none of His.


EPHESIANS  1  : 22 - 23 <read> The church then is the  only  soul
saving institution there is. So then satan's attack will and must
come  to and through  the church in order to fully propagate  his


1 TIM 4: 1 - 3 <read>


2 Tim 3; 1 - 9 <read> Pleasures


JOHN  8: 44 The pleasures is a spiritual form of worship.   These
people seek a religious form to reach God.


 But notice how they resist the truth. These men rise up who just
take over the leadership.


Now,  these  are not those men who have been called by God  as  a
five fold ministry.


EPHESIANS 4: 7 - 8, so what are these gifts, 11 - 16.


But  these that Peter is speaking of that come on as  Jannes  and
Jambres  are not God sent but satan sent. Paul tells us that  the

true  gifts of God to the church will bring you to a place  where
you  are not tossed to and fro by every windy doctrine.


 1COR 12: 28 These are numbered.


So then who are these that come in. ACTS 20 : 28 - 30. From among
yourselves. These are not God's gifts to the church, neither  are
they  novices in the Word,  but they are elders in the  congrega­
tion  apt to teach. Men who are not in the original plan for  the
church  as Eve was not in the original creation and  thereby  she



1  JOHN  2: 19 - 20 They went out from us. From  What?  from  the
reality of the Word to their own conception of the Word.


They  did not have a revelation or they would not have  left  the
fellowship of the saints who are fellowshipping around the  reve­
lation of Jesus Christ.


2 COR 11: 1- 4  A chaste virgin who's minds become corrupted by a
Jesus of another Nature, a Gospel of Another nature and certainly
they take on therefore another nature and not Christ' own nature.

This  corruption is a process that comes by a spiritual  learning
that  is  other than what Christ has taught. It  is  a  spiritual
learning apart from the illumination of the Word which our  minds
are  to  receive.  By Faith are we saved. Revelation  then  saves

you. But it must be correct revelation.


MATT 13: 24 Kingdom of heaven ...Mustard seed grows until  inhab­
ited by birds. That means it is polluted by this time.


REVELATION  18: 1 -2 notice in this fallen, not annihilated,  but
in this fallen condition she is inhabited by birds. Just anything
filling up her pews.


MATT 13: 33 Leaven...until it was completely leavened. The  whole
kingdom, the entire church is a mess.


MAL 4: 5 - 6 unless Elijah sent all to be burned.


The  problem  is that in every religious order,  and  system  the
people do not know that they are in this fallen condition.


JER 3 : 1 - 2



8. Union, oneness, fellowship broken when one Word off. Word =

    life= nature. Break nature break fellowship, harmony, oneness

    pp. 103


10. False union will always bring on judgment. pp. 117 Therefore

    false union only stumbling block to keep you away from the

    real. pp. 121 - 123


    Gal 1 : 6 - 9

    Rev 22: 19

    Deut 28 cursings esp. 15 - 19 etc.


14. Satan's teaching (alternative) is so close yet can not

    produce Eternal Life in you. pp. 220 - 228


    2 Thes 2

    Rev 13: 1 - 8