Worth Ship

Brian Kocourek


2  COR  11: 1- 4  Another: heteros, meaning an altered  or  of  a
different sort of nature.


                    ONENESS pp. 65 - 68 <read>


A  chaste  virgin  who's minds become corrupted  by  a  Jesus  of  
another  Nature,  a Gospel of Another nature and  certainly  they
take on therefore another nature and not Christ' own nature.


This  corruption is a process that comes by a spiritual  learning
that  is  other than what Christ has taught. It  is  a  spiritual
learning apart from the illumination of the Word which our  minds
are  to  receive.  By Faith are we saved. Revelation  then  saves
you. But it must be correct revelation.


JOHN  6: 44 - 45 <read> We must learn of the Father, that is  why
He sends to us the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the  knowl­
edge of Him


EPH 1: 15 - 22 <read>


MATT  13:  24  Kingdom  of heaven  ...Mustard  seed  grows  until        
inhabited by birds. That means it is polluted by this time.


REVELATION 18: 1 - 6 notice in this fallen, not annihilated,  but
in this fallen condition she is inhabited by birds. Just anything
filling up her pews.   COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!


REV 3: 20


2 COR 4: 3 - 5


MATT 13: 33 Leaven...until it was completely leavened. The  whole
kingdom, the entire church is a mess.


MAL 4: 5 - 6 unless Elijah sent all to be burned.


The  problem  is that in every religious order,  and  system  the
people do not know that they are in this fallen condition.


JER 3 : 1 - 2


ISA  28:  all religious systems have made lies their  refuge  and
they  have hidden themselves under falsehood. That is why He  had
to come Himself. Had He not sent the Spirit of Elijah, the  earth
would certainly be destroyed.


MAl 4: 1 - 6 <read>


REV 17: 5 notice she is a mother... that means she had kids...

          offspring...and every seed must bring forth after it's

          own kind...remember, Webster said the word kind is it's

          nature... So if the mother was a harlot and committed

          fornications with the kings of the earth, won't her own

          daughters do the same thing? It's in the nature of all

          religions to play footsie with the popular vote. But

          That is not the Way Jesus came. That's why they

          crucified Him.


REV 13: 8 All on earth worshipped this system...


          Webster said worship comes from two words. Worth and

          Ship. Worth means the value we place upon something and

          Ship is the state or condition of that value. Hence to

          worship is to place a higher value on the thing that is



8. Union, oneness, fellowship broken when one Word off. Word =

    life= nature. Break nature break fellowship, harmony, oneness

    pp. 103


10. False union will always bring on judgment. pp. 117 Therefore

    false union only stumbling block to keep you away from the

    real. pp. 121 - 123


    Gal 1 : 6 - 9

    Rev 22: 19

    Deut 28 cursings esp. 15 - 19 etc.


14. Satan's teaching (alternative) is so close yet can not

    produce Eternal Life in you. pp. 220 - 228


    Maqtt 24: 24

    2 PET 2: 1 - 8

    2 Thes 2: 10 - 13