God is obligated to Preserve His Word

August 8, 1993

Brian Kocourek


As  we  continue to study this message of  ONENESS  that  brother
Branham  spoke  to  us and that we have  been  examining  by  the

Scripture for over a year now, we have seen lately in our review,
that this Word just keeps opening up and we continue to feast  on
Spiritual Food in Due season.


This  Message  this morning  is number 73, and I no  longer  even
think  about  going onto another sermon because we  are  learning
more in this review than we did during the regular examination of
this  message. Each week this Word keeps opening up even  further
and  I believe we are witnessing the Word of Life first hand  and
are recipients of eating from the Tree of Life.


What else could explain what is happening with this Simple sermon
in  which  we have been looking at for over a year  now.  Brother
Branham spoke of the Seventh Seal as a Roman candle in which  the
first  ball  goes up and explodes. Out of  that  explosion  comes
forth  another  ball that shoots up and out and it  then  reaches
it's  climax and explodes and out of that explosion  comes  forth
another  that  goes up and out and it too  explodes  sending  yet
another  and the whole process keeps on repeating  sending  forth  
another and another and another until it goes plumb into eternity


"Time is blending with Eternity". "We are in His presence".  You
say, that's an awful big statement to make preacher.  How do  you
know that you are in His Presence? Because His Word is living. It
has been made alive. Didn't Jesus Himself say in
St. John  11...
"I am  the Resurrection and the Life
." In St. John  14  He  also  said, " I am the Way, the Truth, and The Life." "In Him was  Life
and the Life was the Light of Men."
He said in St. John  6, "My
Words Are Spirit and they are Life." So if the Bible is The Words
of  God Himself and therefore True, then His Own Words  tell  us,
"As a man thinketh in His Heart, so is He." And then, "out of the
abundance of his heart his mouth will speak."


Then  if  your Words are only a reflection of His  Words,  (  and
that's  what Jesus said to Confess is. “Saying the  same  thing". Then  your thoughts are only reflecting His thoughts, so then  if
His  Words  are Eternal Life and you are filled with  His  Words,
then you have also His Spirit and therefore His Life.


Has  His Word become a reality to you? I hope so. Because  if  it
hasn't,  your still dead in your trespasses and sins. He is  here
to quicken the living and call forth the sleeping out of slumber.


MATT 25: 1 - 13.

Now  didn't brother Branham show us by scripture that 13  is  the
number of this nation. And Here in the 13th verse we see that the
Son of Man is to Appear. Where? In this very nation who's  number
is 13.


Now as we were saying, God is obligated to His Word, to keep it.

So point number one this morning is this....


1. Therefore God is obligated to preserve His Word. pp. 63 <read>


   We are truly blessed with the fact that God can not lie. If He

   gave His Word about something, He is obligated to do what He

   has promised.


   Titus 1: 1 - 3  He can not lie. And notice also how He

                   manifests His own Word. Through preaching.


   Have you ever wondered why the penalty in Hebrews chapter 6      

   is so great for turning away from this end-time Word? The

   Scripture tells us there is no room for further repentance.

   In other Word that's the all of it, your finished. That's

   Why brother Vayle hits so hard on, "Live, Die, Sink or Drown,"

   as brother Branham puts it. That is why brother Vayle has hit

   so hard on those who said, "If this isn't it, then we'll be

   for it when it comes." Because to say that, you've got to turn

   down this which is 2 THES 2: 10. <read>


   Now let's just examine this penalty in Hebrews 6 and look at

   the reason behind it's harshness.


   Hebrews 6: 1 - 20... It let's you know that it is impossible

                        for God to lie. It let's you know that

                        the very fact God said it, that ought to

                        settle it. It becomes an anchor in your

                        Soul. You can enter into rest.


    So then what does God do to make sure His word is preserved?

3.  A) To ensure we enter into ONENESS with God He gave us 3      


       Oneness pp. 177 - 183 What was the sign He gave them so

       that they might know He is in there midst?


    1> Pillar of Fire. 2> Prophet to set church in order.

    3> Message


    Now, these 3 signs will indicate God's very Presence. Then

    When you fix upon what God is doing through these signs you

    will see Him vindicate this Man and His message. So first

    He will indicate, then He will vindicate. That is the way God

    works. Indication then vindication. Then anyone who walks out

    it just shows they never had representation in Him to begin

    with. That's why God calls them scoffers in 2 Peter 3 <read>


    2 Peter 3: 1 - 3 ( notice they are scoffers. The dictionary

                     in Strong's suggests that this word actually

                     has to do with a nature that is derisive and

                     more so because of false teaching.


Now  to  be derisive is to poke fun at or  ridicule.  Isn't  that   
exactly  what  has  happened in this message?  And  what  is  the
derision  over  in  2 PETER 3? Isn't it over  the  issue  of  His
Presence. His Parousia? 


Didn't  brother  Branham  warn  us in Psalm 27: 1  -  5  when  he
preached on the Rapture that the setting for the Rapture would be

2 Peter 3 and Psalm 27: 1 - 5? Let's just read His text for  that
sermon...Psalm 27: 1 - 5 <read>


Now,  notice the attitude of David, A man after God's own  heart.
His main desire was to behold the Beauty of the Lord and what? To
enquire in His Temple.


Now,  I would like to ask 2 questions. #1) What does it  mean  to
behold. Doesn't it mean to look upon. Didn't John say in the book

of  Revelations 1: 7 "Behold He cometh with clouds." Did  He  not
come  in  this hour in Clouds. Doesn't 2 Thes 1: 7  tell  us  who
those  clouds are? His angels? And doesn't The cry that He  comes
with  in Matt 25 say, "
Behold, the Bridegroom, come out  to  meet
Him?"  Doesn't Revelations 3 tell us "Behold He standeth  at  the
door." Doesn't James 5:7 tell us "Behold, the Judge standeth  at
the door."


So  then David longed for this hour. Now the second question  was
this. 2) What temple was David referring to when he said that  he
wanted  to  enquire  at the Lord's temple.  What  is  the  Lord's
temple.  People have misunderstood this for ages. David  was  not
speaking of the temple that wasn't even built yet. He was talking

about the temple built without hands. "A Body hast Thou  prepared
Me."  even  the  Pharisees  misunderstood  Jesus  when  He  said,
"Destroy  this  temple and I will raise it up in  3  days."
didn't  understand  that  He was not speaking of  the  temple  in
Jerusalem  built by the people. He was speaking about Himself  as
the temple of God. Doesn't the scripture teach us that our bodies
are a living temple of the Holy Spirit?


So  David longed to behold The same One you have  opportunity  to
behold  in this hour and he also longed to enquire into the  very
presence  of  God Himself or he wouldn't have  further  clarified
himself in Psalm 31: 20 <read>. In Psalm 27: 5<read> Now contrast

this with Psalm 31: 20 <read> Notice the secret of His  Presence.
It is a secret. David wanted to go to the Source to enquire of it


Now a secret is something that is known only to a certain  person
or persons and purposely kept from the knowledge of others. So it

is purposely concealed from sight or notice and hidden. Something
that is not revealed, understood or explained except to a certain
individual  or  individuals so that it may remain  a  mystery  to
others.  So  when they tell you that all the  mysteries  are  not

revealed,  you know that the person telling you these things  has
not been let in on the secret. The mysteries are apparently still
hidden from them.


MARK 4: 10 <Without>  exo meaning out as in outside the door.

                      And what is the door but Christ the Word.


MATT  13: 10 - 17 <read>

So  the  reason they can not receive the Truth when it  comes  is
that they are not made to receive it.


JOHN * 37,43, 47 <read> So when He is here and uses a Prophet as

                        His Voice, woe to them that would turn

                        away or even follow  while and then turn

                        back. To do so is calling God a liar.


    ACTS 3: 19 - 23 Woe to them that would turn back from this

                    one God sends.

    Hebrews 12: 25 - 29  <read>


Now,  in the book of Jude these men are called mockers.  This  is
the  same  word as scoffers used in 2 Peter. And  these  men  are
separators. They leave you with their nose up thinking they are a
better  class  of  person. The word mocker  or  scoffer  here  is
EMPAIKTES   which has to do with insults being cast at the  Elect

by  those who are doing the mocking. It is used in various  other
scriptures  in  reference  to the way Jesus was  treated  by  the
religious people of His day.


Jesus  said, "if they called the master of the  house  Beelzebub,
how much more will they call you." If they have done those things
in  a  green tree, how much more so when it  becomes  dried  out.
That's  this  hour.  If you stand for the  Truth  they  will  not
understand  you,  nor will your motives be  understood.   Brother

Vayle  took me aside one time and we were talking about love.  He
stood there with tears in his eyes and looked me in the eyes, and
said,  "I'm going to tell you about Love that people  just  don't
understand."  The he hit me in the arm. It hurt. He continued  to

look  me in the eyes with tears coming down his own and he  said,
"Now, was that Lee Vayle or was that God?" 


Brother,  if  you  stand for Truth, you can't  expect  people  to
understand  you or your motives. Unless they have walked in  your

shoes,  they  are only quessing. Lee get's letters all  the  time
from  people who think he's out to hurt people. And I can  under
stand  why he says what he says. I've had people send me  letters

too. One guy told me that He was writing on behalf of God to tell
me this work here is just my human effort and is only a treadmill


Now  a treadmill doesn't go any where. It's just  wasted  effort.
It's just another way to say "you're just spinning your  wheels."

Well, I think we're moving quite well in this Word, thank you.


This  man doesn't realize that you reap what you sow? And if  you
don't sow you will never reap? He Doesn't realize what Jesus said
in Matt 7: 1 - 2 will come back upon him? <read>


They just don't understand what is happening. That's all.


JUDE 17 - 19 <read>


2 JOHN 9 - 11 <read> Abideth : meno : to stay in a given place.

              And this says, abideth not. These people can't just

              abide. They are restless. The Revelation of             

              Christ's presence isn't enough. They're still

              looking for something beyond this. What is there

              beyond Christ Himself.


1  JOHN 2: 18 - 19 <read>

He tells us that the evidence showing that they are not of us  is
that they no longer are of us for they have separated  themselves
from us.


But  what's new? The scriptures tells us,"He was sent to His  own
and His own received Him not." He said, "Oh Jerusalem, How  often
I would have gathered you but you would not."

2. In order to have harmony you must have the same nature.

   ONENESS <read> pp. 16 - 17.


And  as  We have studied quite thoroughly, that  your  nature  is
produced by the Life that is in you.


Now we know that every life has it's own nature. The word  nature
according  to  WEBSTER =  NATURE = The essential character  of  a
thing, the quality that makes something what it is, it's  essence

of being or inborn character. It's innate disposition or inherent
tendencies. It's kind....


GENESIS  1:  11 <read> Every thing will bring  forth  after  it's
kind.  The very essence of Life itself is to reproduce itself  in

another. Every life form must reproduce itself or it's own nature
in   another called offspring. It is impossible for one  kind  to
produce another kind. Therefore simple bible logic would tell you
Darwin's theory of evolution is nothing but hype and idiocy.


Brother  Branham made this clear when he often said, "If you  had
the  life  of Dillinger you'd rob banks. If you had the  life  of
Beethoven you would compose music." So you see, you can't have  a
Life form without having the nature of that Life form.


Now  let's just go back a moment and follow this through back  at
the beginning right after the great interruption took place.  Now
remember,  God  had said in GENESIS 1: 11 that every  seed  would

bring  forth  after  it's  own kind.  And  we  see  by  Webster's
definition of KIND = 1>origin 2> nature 3> essential character.


   How  does God preserve His Own Word?

3. He is here to place His own Life in us therefore guaranteeing

    His nature in us and oneness with Him. pp. 144-150