The Parables of Christ 6

The Unclean Spirit

November 2, 2003

Rev. Brian Kocourek



This morning we will examine the parable of the unclean spirit. In order to do so, let’s open our Bibles to Matthew chapter 12, and also Luke chapter 11 to take our text.


Matthew 12, verses 43 - 45   43: When the unclean spirit (that is a demon of unclean thoughts and living) When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he (the unclean spirit) walketh through dry places, (he begins to look for another host to make his home in, and he looks to places where there is no watering, for they are dry. And he is) seeking rest, and findeth none. In this verse Jesus is speaking of a spirit that he calls unclean. The Greek word akathartos simply means unclean in thought and life. The word is made up of two Greek words, the first is the prefix “A” which means “not”, and the second is the root word kathairo which means to cleanse of filth or impurity. It is used of trees and vines but we know also that men are typed in Scripture as trees or vines. In this particular sense, Jesus is using a word that pertains to the pruning away of excess shoots. In other words, He is speaking of those demons that would plant impure thoughts in a man that seem to just hang on, and these demons seem to make the person vile in their life thus distorting that persons life, even as useless shoots on a tree can make the tree twisted, and unsightly, and thus preventing the tree from producing fruit the way it should. Useless shoots prevent the tree from growing upright and reaching their potential, and also prevents them from producing good fruit, because too much of the energy that should be going into the production of fruit, must go to feed those unsightly shoots.


Therefore we are looking at a spirit upon a man that would just hang on that man, and literally personifies the man who has not pruned off the impure thoughts, nor the impure life associated with those thoughts, and because the life has not been sanctified, the life energies are all going into the ceaseless ups and downs of a non victorious life. This is that kind of person who never seems to get ahead spiritually. They are constantly battling these shoots or thoughts that keep springing up in their mind, and they never do come to a rest.    When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none (Now, notice it tells us that this unclean spirit of his own will leaves the man, and goes out looking for another to inhabit. I think even the demons get tired of the same old non productive life that this sucker plant is living.) When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, (And dry places are those places that are not being watered. And we know that water represents the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. But this demon goes out from the man and goes to those who are not watered. And how can you tell who is not watered? Brother Branham gives a good illustration in the message…


ISRAEL AT KADESH BARNEA 53-0328   149    You know, I travel around over the world a lot. And one of the most stickerest, nastiest places to try to lay down, is in the desert. Everything there has got a sticker on it. You know why? Every kind of a little old weed's a cactus. You can't lay down nowhere; it's sticking you. The reason of it is, they ain't got no water. Water makes it soft. Where there's lots of waters, you don't have any thorns and thistles, where there's lots of water. And I tell you, brother; you take an old church that's dry in his bone, and no Holy Ghost in it, and no salvation, no Divine healing, no power of God, no shouting, no joy, and it's always, "This, oh, she done this, and he done this, and he done this," sticker, sticker, sticker... What you need is a good old fashion outpouring, gusher, of the Holy Ghost (Hallelujah.), soften up a little bit. Amen.


It doesn’t take discernment, this demon simply reads your body language land knows who is watered and who is not. Who is occupied with the presence of God and who is not.

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, (He’s seeking a place to call his home, and he is looking among those people that are not softened up by the Holy Ghost, and Jesus says) and findeth none. This one goes out looking for another host and when he doesn’t find a suitable host, or at least one that was as comfortable as the host he left, he decides to return again from whence he had left.


44: Then he saith, I will return into my house (Notice he claims that vessel as his own. He says,) I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, (in other words, no other spirit has come into this host, and he also finds it ) swept (which means the person is trying to keep it clean, they are trying to be moral), and garnished (and the word garnished tells us that this person might even have gone to the point of changing their appearance, so as to look clean, and changed. But because no other spirit has come in to occupy the host, it takes that for a signal that it is now welcome to come back, and it not only comes back but it will bring other demons back with it.) 45: Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: (they make their home there. And then what happens?) and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Now, Jesus had been talking about the Son of Man and His presence among the people and the generation that would see Him and yet would not believe, even though a greater than Solomon is here, and he goes on to say, Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.


Even so shall what be? Even so shall the generation become seven times more wicked in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.


Luke 11, verses 24 - 26   24: When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out.   25: And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished.   26: Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.


Now, in the reading of this parable we cannot read without asking the question, why did this demon leave in the first place, and why did he go back?


INVESTMENTS  63-0803B   59    A very beautiful picture, Jesus said, "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man." Did you notice He never said, "When he's cast out of a man"? But when he goes out by his own will, "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, and he returns back to this man and finds that the house that he lived in has been swept, garnished, then he goes and gets seven other devils, demons, unclean spirits, and enters into this man; and the last estate of this man is seven times worse than it was at the first." Did you notice the devil went out by his own will, and he returned by his own will? Now, if this house had already been occupied, when he returned, he would not been able to get in. But, you see, he just found it swept and garnished.  60    It's a very beautiful picture of a moralist, as we would think today of a man that's a--a--tries to think he's going to heaven just because that he quit gambling, or maybe he quit running with the woman that wasn't his wife, or stopped his drinking, on New Year's Day, and turned over a new leaf and joined church. See? You see, he doesn't--he really isn't converted. He's just a moralist. And the--the devil using moralists just to--to go out and--and make a foolish representation, when really, the real power of the living Christ isn't there. See, they--they...61The world is wanting to see Christ. Jesus said, "I am the Vine; ye are the branches." And the branch bears record of the Vine, because it draws its energy and Life from the Vine. Well, the first Vine, first branch that came from this Vine, if they wrote a Book of Acts behind that branch. We see the way the Holy Spirit acted in that first church, that church of Pentecost. And then when we believe that if this original Vine ever puts forth another branch, they'll write another Book of Acts behind it, because it's the same Life that's in the Vine.

So we see, that it is not just a matter of sweeping out all the cobwebs in your life, but more important, we must become filled with the Spirit of the Living God, in order for the House or tabernacle we live in might bring forth the fruit of The Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, patience etc. God is a husbandry-man, and He wants all of his trees of the field to bear fruit. Remember, when Jesus cursed the tree because it did not bear fruit? He said it was worthless. Therefore, we must never forget that Faith is what gives us the victory, and negative faith which is unbelief is all that is needed to take the victory away.


HEALING WHAT CANCER IS  53-0904   E-27    When that cancer goes out, when it's cast out, and you see the very evidence of everything that was of the Son of God in His... in the leading of His people, working and showing His signs and wonders and that demon is pronounced gone and you feel it's gone, and then in two or three days, if you start doubting again, the very faith that taken it out, unbelief will bring it back again. And the Bible said, "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, walks in dry places, and when he returns he brings seven other devils worse than he was." Is that right? And the last estate of this man is seven times worse. You're going to die then.  E-28    You remember what I tell you every night, "Go ye and," what no more? And what is sin? Unbelief, is right. See? "Go ye and disbelieve no more or a worse thing will come upon you." You understand?


WHAT IS THAT IN THINE HAND 55-0611   E-9    It may get worse for a little while. No matter what happens, you just keep on believing. You see? And as long as you'll keep your faith... Now remember, when the unclean spirit is gone out of a person, it walks in dry places and returns back again with seven other spirits worse than it was; and if it can, it'll enter in and take over, and the condition will be much worse. But if the good man of the house isn't there, which is your faith to keep it away... Just don't fight at it. It'll fight you back. Just refuse; just ignore it. That's all. Just go on. Just say it's over; that settles it for good.


Now, for the next few minutes I would like to read several quotes from brother Branham concerning this subject on deliverance from demons and demon possession. Now, demons and demon possession are a real thing, and don’t ever let anyone tell you they are not. But we have a promise from God that “Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the World.” And have you ever wondered what it is that attracts these demons to a person? I believe it is the things they are feeding on. If applying the token is to get rid of all the trash, the TV’s and vulgar newspapers, etc. then that is because the Holy spirit of God will never dwell in an unclean vessel. But what about these horror movies and things that people feed on? YOU start glorifying these demons and pretty soon you begin to live in fear. I wonder what it must be like for a man like Stephen King who writes these murder mysteries, and these gruesome books that deal with all kinds of sordid and wicked spirits. He must live in constant fear, and yet we have a promise that “Perfect Love will cast out fear because fear has a penalty.” So, let’s read now from brother Branham’s sermons to find out more about this study on demons and demonology.


EXPLAINING. HEALING AND JAIRUS  54-0216   E-12    Now, I don't deal with the lump. I deal with the spirit that's in that piece of flesh. Now, when the spirit's called out, the spirit goes away from it. How many hunters, deer hunters, are in here? Let's see your hands. How many butchers are in here? Let's see your hands. Is there anybody that ever killed animal, and knows this to be the truth? When you kill anything, you're a hunter, or an undertaker, a human body... When you die, anything shrinks for about seventy-two hours. And then it'll start swelling, and it'll get bigger than it ever was. Look at a little dog run over on the street. Let him lay there in the hot sun a few days and watch what's happening. He's bigger than he ever was, he swells up. Now, the patient, when the unclean spirit's gone out of the person, when it's cast out by Divine healing, powers of God, when the unclean spirit's gone, the patient feel better and they rejoice. And about seventy-two hours, I warn with this thing, they'll start feeling bad, getting sick. Well, sure they've got to. They'll say, "Well, you know, I felt so much better, but I guess I just lost my healing." That's the way to lose it. That's right. "For the unclean spirit," said Jesus, "when he's gone out of a man, he walks in dry places, and returns again, with seven other devils." Is that right? If the good man of the house isn't there to protect that house... And the good man of your house is your faith, if it isn't there to war him off, he will come in, force himself in. Then the life, the same power of faith that taken devil, the life out of it, your unbelief will restore it again. Didn't Jesus say, "Go ye," and what no more? Would you all say it together? "Go ye," and what no more? [Congregation says, "Sin no more."--Ed.]

  E-13    Well, what is sin? See? Drinking whiskey is not, and smoking cigarettes, and committing adultery is not sin. That's just the attributes of sin. You do that because you're sinners. That's what you life bears. Smoke... Just like I said tonight outside, "How much this is nice, the whole thing's nice." And you're a sinner, because you believe not. "He that believeth not is condemned already." You're a sinner, because you don't believe. And when... That's what makes you do those is, because you do not believe, and yet you profess to believe. That ought to make all the holiness preachers say, "Amen." And a Calvinist is saying it. All right. But anyhow, your life is known by the fruit you bear. And if you just simply do these things, and think there's no harm in them, it's because it hasn't been right down here, yet. See? You do that because you are a unbeliever. Now, I know Baptists will disagree with that. But listen, brother, the tree's known by its fruit it bears. Jesus said, "By their fruit, ye shall know them."

  E-14    Now, if the life is in here is God's faith, and it's of God, it can produce nothing but a Christian life. That's all. You can't make apples grow on a thorn tree. Whatever the tree, if its got sycamore bark on it, looks like a sycamore tree, and bearing apples, it's a apple tree, 'cause the life in it is a apple tree life, and it's producing apples. See what I mean? Don't make any difference whether it's Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Full Gospel, Pentecostal, whatever you are, Nazarenes, if you're bearing the fruits of the Spirit, you got Life in you. See, see?

  E-15    Now, the life is known by what's on the inside. Now, if that unclean spirit is gone out, and their life that it is in here is faith, "Go ye and sin no more," that is, disbelieve no more, "or a worse thing..." sure, seven others will come with him, and come in by force and take it. See what I mean? So, when you come to the platform at any time here, you come with one purpose. If you don't believe, if you don't believe this to be of God, stay off the platform. Stay away from here. See? All right. And if you--if you do believe, then do just as you're told to do. Go right on and believe, because it's backed up with God's Word. See? And you've got to receive it.

  E-16    A little testimony about a linger, and I hope I'm not taking too much of your time. Recently, there was in a meeting. I've told it several times. I always refer to this, because it just seems to so good to me, or nice. Seeing this woman come along with stomach trouble. And when I was talking to her, and It said, before it knowed what I was saying... And everybody was weeping; I wondered what it was. And I picked it up on the tape recorder, and as the tape recordings, to see what was making it, and It said... The Holy Spirit spoke out and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, eat what you want to; you're healed." And the woman went on rejoicing. And a woman down the line farther, the same night, had a lump on her throat, sticking out like that. And It said the same thing to her. "THUS SAITH THE LORD, you're healed." And told her what she had done, something or other; and she was going to make restitutions for what she'd done. Anyhow, she was healed.

  E-17    But a woman went home to try to obey what the Voice of the Lord had said to eat. And the poor thing, she tried to eat, and she'd vomit, and she--stomach would burn; and she'd tried to force it down her. It'd just... It was weeks past, and just--just still as bad as it ever was, if not worse. Well, she just kept on believing. And her people around the neighborhood, they started making fun of her, said, "Why, that woman, that preacher run that woman crazy." Well, it wasn't me that told her that. It was Him. So she just stayed right with it, and one morning when her family had left, her stomach was burning her and hurting so bad, three or four weeks afterwards, she got real hungry when was washing the dishes, so she picked up a piece of toast and eat it. That ordinarily, she'd vomit it right up. And she started eating the toast, and taste pretty good, so she kept that down. And one thing that hurt her was oats, and some of the children had some oats left in the plate, she said, so she just taken a few bites of that oats. And didn't bother her any, so she just drank her a cup of coffee, so just fine and dandy. She waited a few minutes, she said, "The funniest feeling..." And she got so happy, she run down to tell her neighbor, down the street, which was the lady that had the lump on her neck, that said, "Why, she was--just how she was feeling." She run down, and she heared somebody screaming in the house; she opened the door and run in; the woman was shouting, running all over the floor. The lump had just left her neck.

  E-18    And so, she come to the meeting, both of them, and come to the meeting where we were at. And she said to my brother, asked about it, and wrote a note to me; she wanted to get up us, so the manager, he come and ask me. Well, I said, "See, when a blessing is pronounced of God, just like God's Word about the millennium, and everything else, it's got to come to pass. See? Now, what happened... God maybe not answer spontaneously. I believe Daniel prayed, and it was about twenty-one days before the Angel... Wasn't that right? Twenty-one days later, the Angel got to him? But what it was, when the Angel of the Lord had pronounced that, it was weeks later, two or three weeks, it was Him passing through that neighborhood confirming the Word (See?) that had already been spoken by God. See? Just...

Not what if the woman during this time, would've got to--with some critics and unbelievers, say, "See, there ain't nothing to it." Well, there'd been so much unbelief built up there... See what I mean? Just like anything else in God's Word, it takes the same thing. So have faith in God. May the Lord bless you now.


DEMONOLOGY 1 PHYSICAL 53-0608A   74    Notice, but any man that claims that he's a healer, he's a storyteller, 'cause he can't do it. For the Bible said, "I'm the Lord Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases." I've been to studies. And in my room, some of the best of doctors across the nations has come. You don't know the back of a life, friend, to know what's been, and things I don't tell out in public. Men come secretly, and don't you think there ain't a lot of Nicodemuses yet in the world; it sure is, thousands of them. They look on that and come in the meeting, set there with a t-shirt on, something another like that, with polished names that you'd be surprised, set right in the meeting. In a few days slip around and call in by secretly, and send someone in for an interview. And set right there and say, "Brother Branham, I believe that's the truth." They're human just same as we are. Sure, and every man's desire, and they look beyond that dark veil yonder he has to go through someday.

  76    But them cancers and things are absolutely devils enformed in a body of flesh, moving up, taking your life. Now, if I would do like the doctor, if I could cut it off, lay it on the ground... Or, just like say for instance, you was a cancer yourself on this earth. Now, here's Divine healing. If I wanted to get rid of you in the way of the doctor's way, I'd just have to rub your body or something another till it just all vanished off the earth. There wouldn't be no more of it, just like the doctor takes the growth off of you. But in the form of Divine healing, if you was a cancer, I'd just call your life out of you and you'd go on. Your life would leave you, but your body would be here just the same as it was.

  78    Now, there's where sight and time is God's worst enemy in Divine healing. I don't know whether Brother Baxter ever gets to these things in meeting. I set down, explained it to him and Brother Bosworth over and over. But here's what's happened. I doubt whether many of the people get it, because after while you begin to find the people coming back, saying, "I had my healing, Brother Branham, for two or three days, but bless God it left me." I find it. I think it's because they don't set the meeting right. The people don't understand. I've had men to come to the platform and be totally blind, cancers or cataracts over their eyes, and read this Bible after being prayed for, walk down, in three or four days be just as blind as they was in the first place. What happened? Anyone knows that when the life has gone out of any flesh, it shrinks for a while. Is that right?

  79    Anybody ever, here, kill a deer or a cow, or anything like that? Sure. All right. You weigh it tonight, you hunters out here, friends of mine. You kill the deer and you throw him on the scale, tell the boys how much he weighs. Watch out. In the morning he's going to be several pounds lighter than what he was. When a human being dies, the undertaker, the first thing, takes the false teeth or an eye, whatever it is in there, takes it out, because it shrinks, it'll push out, because the human body shrinks. Every other flesh shrinks. When the Life's gone out of the cell it begins to move down and shrink. It'll do that for about seventy-two hours. And then it'll start swelling. Let a little dog get run over out here on the road. Let him lay out there in the sun for about three days, and watch what happens, he's a bigger dog than he ever was. Just swells up. Is that right?

  80    Well, that's the same thing takes place when a demon is cast out of a sick person. The first few days, "Oh, I feel wonderful." Then begin to say, "I'm sicker than I ever was. I've lost my healing." Just as sure as faith took it out, unbelief brings it right back again. As faith kills it, unbelief resurrects it. Jesus said, "When the unclean spirit's gone out of a man, he walks in dry places and he returns back with seven other devils. And if the good man of the house isn't standing there to protect that door, he will come right on in. And the good man of your house is your faith, say, "Stay away." That's it.

  81    But now you watch a patient that's healed, and ordinarily--'less it's an outstanding miracle. Which, Divine healing and a miracle is two different things. Divine healing is one thing and a miracle's another thing. But an ordinary run of Divine healing, when the unclean spirit's cast out, a cancer devil, when it leaves the person, oh... Now, or say we'll take something so you can see more visual. I'll say the cataract. What happened when that man... If you'll notice a blind person. I don't know whether I've ever had any here or not, yet, cataract eyes... I'll let them stand for a few minutes. Why? So that that shrinkage begins to take place. Tell them to come back, give us a testimony. Oh, my. They can see wonderful. "Oh, my. Just, I can see things. Yes. I..." What's the matter. Life is gone. The body of the cataract is shrinking. Well, it'll do that way for a couple days. Say, "Oh, I'm getting so well."

  82    And after while they begin to get a headache. Don't feel so good. Get up the next morning, "I'm losing my sight again." Some of them said, "Uh-huh, he just was worked up; that bunch of holy-rollers got you worked up." Don't you believe that. That's a lie of the Devil. If you believe that, you'll go right back blind again. But if you'll just hold on, say, "No, Lord, I believe."

Then what happens? That body swells for so long. It covers over that sight again. That cancer in the body will swell. You'll become hurting and aching again. Then you'll get horribly sick, terribly sick. Why? That big growth of dead flesh in you is laying there, dead. You go back to the doctor and he will say, "Oh, that's nonsense. There's a cancer right there. I can see it." Sure, it's there, but it's dead. Hallelujah.

  86    Now, the bloodstream has to purify the body. Every time the heart pumps, it throws the blood around the body, and it picks up that infection. Sure, it'll make you sick. What if you had a chunk of meat hanging in you somewhere, or long as a snake, or something big around as your finger, and hanging in there, and it was dead, that much dead meat hanging in you, and it's rottening? Well, of course, your bloodstream has to keep that pure, as it pumps through. But there's a dead body, the thing hanging there, because the life is gone from it. The power of God through faith drove it out. He's a demon; he has to leave.

  87    But the reason, the people's not instructed; they go away, and give up, and that same devil's standing right there to take over again. When God tells you anything on this platform through His Spirit, when you under inspiration, don't you doubt that, or a worse thing will come upon you, He said. For Jesus said, "The last estate of that man was seven times worse than it was at the first place." Is that right? When the unclean spirit went out of a man, he walked around in dry places, come back with seven other devils. So don't you disbelieve, stay right with It. Mean It from your heart. Say, "No, sir. I'll not be moved. No matter how sick I get, that doesn't have nothing to do with it." Then the first thing you know, you'll be getting cleared up. Everything will be all right then. See, it's dead. The--the operation that the doctor would've taken from you, that same growth is laying in you with no life in it.

  88    You say, "Life in it, Brother Branham, will it take my life?" No, sir. That life is a separate life from yours. I've just showed you that you are a life and become a being, and it's a life and becomes a being. And you're of God, and it's of the devil. You see what I mean? Demonology. Now, you ought to see what that thing looks like when you stand and look at it.

Oh, my, I'm sorry, it's almost three-thirty. I'm sorry. Look, friends. Oh, what this world needs.

  90    I've been about seven years teaching across America, having these healing services. I just got a good notion, starting back across the country teaching the Bible and on demonology, how the people can understand what to do. And that's the reason they go to these meetings a lot of times and fellow... If you don't understand, the people come out... And many times... Now, remember, that fellow that come and said he had a gift of Divine healing... The gift of Divine healing was in you if you got healed. It's you, the one. Any gift operates by faith. And no matter how much gift of Divine healing I got, I believe it with all my heart. But you could stand here and, if you haven't got the same kind of faith, it don't do you no good. I could pray for you for hours and weeks and months. It isn't the preachers with the Divine healing; it's you that's got the gift of Divine healing, that believes in being healed, 'cause it's by faith. By faith... Every operation of God is by faith.

     91The whole armor of God is by faith. We haven't got one natural thing of this world. Everything of the Christian church is a faith act. Look at the armor of God, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience. Is that right? Everything's supernatural, nothing natural. So we don't look at the things natural, because we're operating supernatural. And the only way we can base it, is faith, is on what God said was the truth, and we look at the unseen. And we call those things which are not as though they were, like Abraham did when he got his... Amen. Abraham called those things which was not, like God did, as though they were. Being a hundred years old, staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief.