Preparation #54 women’s Immodesty

Sunday December 12th,  1999

Brian Kocourek


29-1 WAY OF A TRUE PROPHET  62-0513 1M  No, you don't do things like that and then have the Holy Ghost.   29-2    Went to... A minister's wife one time, setting up there with a dress on; it was horrible looking. You say, "You ain't got no rights." I have got a right; that's the Word. Preach It all. You bypass those things, a lot of sissified preachers, because they haven't got the audac... Maybe they haven't even been called to preach in the first place. That's right. But a true servant of God will stay right with that Word. That's right. Minister's wife setting there all squeezed up in a dress with earrings hanging on, and makeup on, and short bobbed hair, when God condemns the whole thing as filth. And then saying you got the Holy Ghost? I was preaching here in Phoenix, not long ago, on something like that; and the minister's wife, setting on the pulpit with one of these boyish bobbed hair all kinked up, and with a dress that she couldn't even keep her underneath skirts from shining (couldn't get down over her knees, was about four or five inches above her knees setting up there), jumping up-and-down leading songs. I blasted it just as hard as I could. Course he won't invite me back. I don't expect to, but he knows right and wrong. When I stand at the judgment, it's not on my hands anymore. Then go off and say...  29-4    A man, so-called teacher (which I don't say but he isn't) made a remark the other day before some of my friends at a certain city I'd been into. You know the brother. And this brother come in; he said... Well, he said, "We had Brother Branham here once" (a certain city in--out west). And this man said, "Oh, Brother Branham's a good man (See? He knowed better than to throw anything on the character.)," said, "Brother Branham, but don't you listen to his tapes, because it'll get you confused." And there happened to be one of my friends standing there said, "Just a minute, sir. I was confused until I heard the tapes." And that's the difference. Said, "I couldn't understand how a holy God would put up with such things as that, as you all do."


216 THE.EVENING.MESSENGER 63-0116  I met a man here not long ago... I don't say this to be sacrilegious, please forgive me if I'm a--thinking it's making it sacrilegious. I was at a tent meeting and, the minister, a Pentecostal minister brought his wife over to play the piano. And when he introduced me to his wife, honestly, I almost fainted. The woman had real short hair, curled up, and she had great, big earrings, and enough manicure on her lips, or whatever the stuff is, fingernails painted. Looked like she was a... It was horrible looking; great, big long claws, and like that. And sexy-looking; little, bitty, short dress on, she couldn't even put it over her knees when she set down. Well, I stood there a little bit, and I said, "Brother, will I hurt your feelings if I say something?"  He said, "Why, certainly not." Nice man, and she seemed to be a nice woman.  I said, "Do you say your wife is a saint?"  Said, "Yes."  I said, "Excuse the expression, but she looks like a `hain't' to me." I said "That's true, or something like that." I said...   He said, "What do you mean, Brother Branham?" "Oh," he said, "you're of the old school."  I said, "I'm of the school of the Scripture. That's right, the school of the Scripture." I don't believe that a saint acts like that, I just can't do it, when the Bible so condemns it. See?


27-1 MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE  65-0221.1M What is a lie? Is the truth perverted. What is an adultery? Is the right act perverted. So there is the perverted creature; there is the perverted whole thing. And the whole thing is spelled s-i-n. Laying right there... That's why the question's so great. Only a piece, scrap, made of a man, to deceive him by, God made it. Right here has proved it. That's what she was made for. An immoral woman is the lowest thing that can be thought of in the earth. Excuse this, young ladies. She's nothing but a human garbage can, a "sex exposal." That's all she is. A immoral woman is a human sexual garbage can, a pollution where filthy, dirty, ornery, lowdown filth is disposed by her. Why's she made this way for? For deception. Every sin that ever was on the earth was caused by a woman. And a analyst just from Chicago, a--a woman wrote this article, of the police force, that they chased down in United States (metropolitan United States) that ninety-eight percent of every crime that was ever did in any form in the United States, there was either a woman in it or behind it. Now, I'm saying all this to get to one thing here at the end so that you can see what's the matter.    27-5    She was made to deceive like she did Adam at the beginning, telling him that the fruit was pleasant and so forth to deceive him and take him away from the Word. That's the way the church does today: same thing. But then, after that, he become her ruler, to rule over her.  Now, what a difference in this day and this day of conception. Instead of him being her ruler, she has become his god. Sure. She rules him. Now, you can kinda well understand what I've been hitting at. By her beauty and her sex control, her shape that was given to her by Satan (the byproduct that Satan did), she is sent to deceive sons of God, and she can sway more of them to hell than any other instrument Satan's got. That's exactly right. (I'm talking of the immoral now, not you sisters. We'll give you your place, right place, in a few minutes in the Word of God here.) It was in God's plan from the beginning. Now, to do this today... What is the god of the United States? You remember the tabernacle years ago, I preached on that, The God of This Modern Day? A little flapper setting there with make-up on, and dress pulled up over her knees, and things like. I said, "Behold, your god." And that's right! She's on every advertisement, half naked; she's on the street the same way. It's a instrument of Satan. "From the beginning," Jesus said. See? We see it was so now and--from the beginning and what He's talking about.


GREAT WARRIOR DAVID 55-0118  E-6    And if Israel had just stayed in that condition, but they said, "Well, now looky. The rest of the nations has got a king, so why can't we have a king?" That's what happened to you Pentecostal people when you thought, "Well, the rest of the churches, they all go to shows. And they--their women cut their hairs off, and they--they wear short dresses, and they say they're Christians, why can't we?" There you are. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Thank you, I'm glad to hear you say that. Thank you. That's right. An old Methodist preacher used to sing, "We let down the bars, we compromise with sin; we let down the bars; and the sheep got out, but how did the goats get in?" You let down the bars, that's--that's it. That's true. Now, don't think I've got a measuring stick; I have not. But I--I have seen what the Gospel does to a person when it really gets a hold of them. It makes you look different, act different, dress different, walk different, you're different all the way around. That's right. And just let down the bars once and watch how the goats get in.


QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  64-0823M   949-Q-244    244. Brother Branham, what do you think about our... (Oh, oh, I remember reading this one. I wasn't... I was going to keep it back late, but I guess I might as well read it. Some woman's handwrite. She must be from Kentucky, 'cause she's got a--a Kosmos Portland Cement ticket here.) Brother Branham, what do you think about our sisters in the church wearing such short dresses? Doesn't it mar our testimony and set the wrong example for our young people in this our church? It seems so i-n... to see a--a young--to see a grown woman wearing a dress so short that it shows her knees when she walks. Ever who you are, sister or brother, whoever it is, I agree with you one hundred percent. It's a disgrace, but tell me what to do about it. See? I preach it just as hard as I know how to preach it; they do it the same. So it's their judgment, 'cause the Word's went forth. Yes, I'm certainly against them little old skintight dresses that look like... I constantly fuss at my kids, Becky and Sarah. I don't care how little they are, I... that... I just fuss at them all the time. I think they even wear their dresses... Meda takes Becky apart every day about it. See? Dresses plumb up... 'Cause kids, you can expect that in kids, and you have to correct them; but when it comes to a woman, there's something wrong there. See?