Romans 116


May 11, 2003

Brian Kocourek


Good morning everyone, I hope and trust that all you mothers in here this morning are having a pleasant morning so far, and also I hope that your children will decide that one day a year is not the way we should honor our mothers, but that everyday will bring about honor and respect for your sacrifice and unending service that you daily enter into as you set about your homes to make it a better place to dwell in for your family.


Now, in honor of you mothers, and in line with our studies in the Book of Romans, (I just love the way the Lord works all things together for the Good of those who love Him and the elect according to His own Purpose) and therefore, we will examine the next verse of Romans 13, and we will find for our text some words perhaps you mothers have used over  the years, as we find in verse 11 the Apostle Paul saying the following words…


KJV Romans 13:11    And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep:


How may of you mothers have said to your children, It’s High time that you wake up and get up out of bed? Well, if that isn’t a motherly thing to say I don’t know what is. And therefore we are going to look at the role of the mother this morning as we find it in the Scriptures. And remember, you children, there is actually one of the ten commandments that commands you to respect your mothers, and so we find that the word of God has a little something for everyone of us. 


The Fifth Commandment which is the first commandment with a promise, tells us that if you do this you will have long life upon earth. " EXODUS 20:12    Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.)


There is a saying among the world that says, “For every great man, there is a great woman behind him. And the women’s lib movement wants you to think the great woman in the man’s life is his wife. Now, that may be true in part, but where you have had great men, it is because there stood behind him a great mother who raised him up to be what he becomes. And the Bible and History is full of these unsung heroes who took their role as mother to be a very important accomplishment. I think today we have had the world try to dictate to us what is considered an accomplished person and what is not. But let me say that I can give you some women in history that by today’s standards would not be considered accomplished and much more likely would be considered nobodies. But I want you to understand this, the Bible and history is replete with stories of the great women behind the great men and those great women have been their mothers.


Look at Moses, and how his mother raised him up and taught him that he had been chosen by God to deliver God’s people. FAITH COMETH BY HEARING  54-0320  E-53    How Moses... How could he, after being indoctrinated down there, and all that stuff poked into him, by those Egyptian scholars (how to embalm the body, and how to do this, and eat garlic, and everything else they had down there, and all the cures, and put-ons they had down there in Egypt), how could he ever get that, all of that out of him? You know why? Because he had a godly, little mother that set him on her knee, down there off from one side, from all them scholars, and said, "Moses, you are chose of the Lord. God gave you to me, and your promise. We see God on you. And someday, you will deliver your brothers." Hallelujah. Faith cometh by hearing, hearing from the Word of God. And he did it?


INVASION OF THE USA 54-0509 244    To you little mothers here this morning, that's been real mothers, and I know there's many of you; I think, every one of you. Let me tell you something. God bless you. You're the fifth Gospel, I think. Let me tell you what's in there for your children, just a little thing. 'Cause, Brother Neville will probably preach on the--about mother tonight, or whoever, one of us that preaches, all right, about mothers. But, listen, let me ask you something.

Remember, when Moses was a little boy, it was a mother who give him his instruction. It was a godly mother who took little Moses on her knees, and said, "Moses..." taught him all. He was her teacher or... She was his teacher, rather, under Pharaoh, and said now these things. Said, "Moses, someday you're going to deliver the children of Israel. You're the boy that's called. Keep yourself pure and unspotted from the world, for you're the one. You're the one." No other place do we know where he ever went to any seminary, any teaching at all, he ever got. He stayed right in Pharaoh's palace, which was a heathen; but his mother taught him. That's a real mother. She taught him the precepts of the Lord. She told him how he must be holy. She told him how and what he must live, and how, what God must do, would do for him. And it stuck with Moses all the days of his life. And any good, true, loyal mother that'll take her little babies, instead of send them to picture shows and dances, and so forth like that, and she'll put them on her lap and teach them about the Lord Jesus Christ...


And what about John Wesley? PHILADELPHIAN CHURCH.AGE  60-1210 John Wesley was born on June the 17th, 1703, in Epworth rectory, England. He was the fifteenth child of nineteen. John and Susanna Wesley, father and mother... Father, a preacher; mother, a consecrated saint; although with nineteen children to take care of, she found much time through her busy day to teach her children Bible lessons, and Bible stories, and pray for them. That's what made the boys what they were. The great song writer, Charles, his brother, who gave the world some of the most inspiring songs we've ever had...


JEHOVAH JIREH 61-0209 E-52   A woman said, "Well, I just can't find time to read my Bible to my children." Why, Susanna Wesley, she had seventeen children and she spent three hours a day, with no modern convenience... She didn't press a button, wash her dishes. She didn't turn on a tap and get a little water out, like that. She packed it from a spring in an old wooden bucket and a gourd dipper, packed it from the spring. And raised seventeen children and could spend three hours a day in prayer. What did she raise up out of it? A John and a Charles (Hallelujah. Yes, sir. Certainly.), men that shook the world in their days. 


UNCHANGEABLE GOD  62-0120 E-16    You notice most of the women today has wash machines, and electric ironers, and push button dishwashers, and everything like that; and yet they got less time to pray than they ever had. You know, Susanna Wesley had seventeen children. And she--with them seventeen children, packing the water from a spring, and washing on her hands, and yet she could find two or three hours a day to pray with her children, with seventeen little fellows. And out of there come a John and a Charles.  That's what's the matter today, reason our schools are letting down, no ministers coming in, young men interested. We have... need some more praying fathers and mothers is what we need to make our schools fill up. Young men's hearts burning with zeal to take the Gospel is what we need. But things are changing.


And Abraham Lincoln, after his own mother died when he was young was raised up by his step mother Sarah Bush Johnston who taught him to reed and  guided his early life through home schooling him and seeing to it he had the right kinds of books to influence his life. She selected such books as The BIBLE, Pilgrim’s Progress, and the Biography of George Washington, and William Grimshaw’s History of the United States, for his reading material.  Abraham Lincoln called her his angel Mother and had great affection for what she did in setting him in the right direction in life.


Now, the role of a mother is a very important one, and we know that brother Branham taught that the mother is the first teacher to her children. She has the first influence on what that child is going to be when it is raised up. And the Bible tells us the way we raise them up is the way they will be. That’s PROVERBS 22:6    Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.




Therefore, we can see the importance of the role that mothers have in the fashioning the minds, intellect and the condition of their children’s hearts. And this works in both directions. A mother can nurture up a child to become a great man who lives a godly life, or she can create a monster that affects society in a very devastating way.


Let’s take at Sadaam Hussein for example. Soon after he was conceived, his father was killed and his brother died, and so his mother blamed him while he was yet in her womb, saying, “he already wants to be the ruler of the house”, and so she tried to abort him by running her belly into the walls and doors, and she hated him and never nurtured him. Therefore without love, and a nurturing mother to guide him, he became a renegade at a very early age, learning to steal and because there was no love and guidance from his mother, he killed his first victim at the age of ten. Now, contrast that mother with the mother of Moses, who nurtured him up in the ways of  the Lord, and he went forth with great character in bringing forth the children of Israel to the promised land.


The bible also speaks of the mother as the first to train the child in the right ways of God.


PROVERBS 6:20  My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother: 21    Bind them continually upon thine heart, [and] tie them about thy neck. 22    When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and [when] thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. 23    For the commandment [is] a lamp; and the law [is] light; and reproofs of instruction [are] the way of life: 24    To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. 25    Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids. 26    For by means of a whorish woman [a man is brought] to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life. 27    Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? 28    Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? 29    So he that goeth in to his neighbour's wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent.


What a role a mother can play in shaping of the future of a nation. What a contrast between the mother of Abraham Lincoln, and William Jefferson Clinton. The first, Abraham Lincoln,  a godly man who was truly a great leader and yet remained very humble and obedient to the Word of God.  And the other, mr. Clinton, a scoundrel that was more concerned with having illicit sexual affairs than governing the nation.  Abraham Lincoln’s step mother who raised him was a godly woman who placed before his little mind words in book that would shape his mind, his intellect and his heart to always honor and fear God. On the other hand, Mr. Clinton’s mother was an ungodly woman who had several live in boy friends, and who was of such a shallow character that she painted her fingernails with the image of Elvis Presley on each finger nail. And thus the lack of character of little William Jefferson Clinton was shaped by the lack of character of his mother.


William Branham, God’s vindicated Profit to our generation said, “the role of motherhood is a sacred trust that God has given to her”, and yet what is she doing with it?


INVISIBLE.UNION OF THE BRIDE 65-1125  16-1    What a sacred trust, what a responsibility to a woman. Now, see why she is a type of the church, which has the same responsibility as a woman has a sacred responsibility to her motherhood, to her virtues, to her husband; the church has a sacred responsibility to prayer, and to the Word, and to Christ, just the same as the woman has. And as a woman drifts off with another man; when the church goes off on these institutional programs, and building programs, and schools, and so forth... I have nothing against them.


INVASION OF THE USA  54-0509   244    To you little mothers here this morning, that's been real mothers, and I know there's many of you; I think, every one of you. Let me tell you something. God bless you. You're the fifth Gospel, I think. Let me tell you what's in there for your children, just a little thing. 'Cause, Brother Neville will probably preach on the--about mother tonight, or whoever, one of us that preaches, all right, about mothers. But, listen, let me ask you something. Remember, when Moses was a little boy, it was a mother who give him his instruction. It was a godly mother who took little Moses on her knees, and said, "Moses..." taught him all. He was her teacher or... She was his teacher, rather, under Pharaoh, and said now these things. Said, "Moses, someday you're going to deliver the children of Israel. You're the boy that's called. Keep yourself pure and unspotted from the world, for you're the one. You're the one." No other place do we know where he ever went to any seminary, any teaching at all, he ever got. He stayed right in Pharaoh's palace, which was a heathen; but his mother taught him. That's a real mother. She taught him the precepts of the Lord. She told him how he must be holy. She told him how and what he must live, and how, what God must do, would do for him. And it stuck with Moses all the days of his life. And any good, true, loyal mother that'll take her little babies, instead of send them to picture shows and dances, and so forth like that, and she'll put them on her lap and teach them about the Lord Jesus Christ...

  248    Here the other day, I was talking to a mother on the telephone. And the mother said, "Oh, Brother Billy," she said "my poor boy's in trouble." Said, "Oh, what a trouble he's in." I said, "Yes, I know about it, sister, dear." And she said, "He may be wrong. I don't know." Said, "One says this and one says that. I don't know." But said, "no matter whether he's wrong or right, I love him." There you are, "I love him." He said to his mother, said, "I've been so deceived by this and that." Said, "Mother, I believe you're about the only sweetheart I really have, a woman that's true to me, and sticks to me." That's mother's love. That's a real mother that'll put her arms around her baby, regardless whether he's right or wrong, she goes right on to him. And if God... If a mother can think that of her baby, how much more will God think that of His. You see? You stay right with Him. Go right...

  251    And now let me just tell you another mother, right quick, in the Bible, before we close. There was a mother called Herodia. She taught her daughter to tap dance. She wanted her to be popular. And she danced before the king, and required the head of John the Baptist. We have record of seventy of her offspring, this damsel that danced before... Herodias' daughter danced before Herod; seventy of her offspring, they either died prostitutes or on gallows. One mother taught hers the things of the world; the other mother taught hers the things of God. One became a great leader and a conqueror, immortal among men today; and the other is botched and in hell, and taken thousands times thousands with her. See what I mean? "Bring up a child in the way it should go."

  253    And I certainly sympathize with you poor mothers setting here with your white roses on. There's a heaven that a mother's gone to, today, where a good old fashion mother that lived for God, probably has passed beyond the veil. She's waiting for you to come. That's right. I respect and honor you there with your red roses on. Your mother, if you want to do anything for her, do it three hundred and sixty-five days a year. Go to her house and offer prayer, and live for God. That's the thing to do. And bring up your children. And when your children come up, they'll call you "blessed," after you have passed on beyond the veil. That's the real spirit of motherhood, and the real spirit of mother's day. Mother's day is three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

  255    This is the day they sell flowers and pass presents. The world does it. If it passes, if the world should stand another twenty years, they'll have son's days, and daughter's days, and, or cousin's days, and uncle's days, and all them things like that, just enough to get the world in a commercial glamour. That's just where it's going, right into hell, just as hard as it can go to destruction. But, you, God bless you, is my prayer.


Notice that even in Scripture we find the two covenants represented by two mothers.


GALATIANS 4:22   For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. 23    But he [who was] of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman [was] by promise. 24    Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. 25    For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. 26    But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. 27    For it is written, Rejoice, [thou] barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband. 28    Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. 29    But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him [that was born] after the Spirit, even so [it is] now. 30    Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.   31    So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.


And the two covenants are represented throughout Scripture as the church and the false church. One is the Mother of Free Born while the other is the mother of those born into bondage. One is called a Lady, and in fact to be more precise she is called the elect Lady, Precious, while the other is called the great whore that is the mother of harlots as seen in revelations chapter 17. and the scripture tells us…


EZEKIEL 16:44    Behold, every one that useth proverbs shall use [this] proverb, saying, As [is] the mother, [so is] her daughter.


Now, in closing I would just like to name some other mothers in the scripture that we have not yet mentioned an I would like to point your attention to the attributes that the Scriptures hold up to us as those qualifying characteristics that God has placed on display for all to see and to keep before us ion our memories as to what a true mother really is.


First of all let me mention those that we are all so familiar with. We all know the story of Ruth and how she was taken in by her mother in law Naomi. And we are well aware of the great sacrifice Naomi made for her daughter in law. And we also familiar with the story of Rachel who was loved dearly by Jacob and truly we are drawn to this story because it is one of the classic love stories in the Bible. As was the story of Isaac and Rebekah. But even in these stories we are more familiar with the love story between the Bride and Groom than we are about the roles these women played as mothers.  We are also familiar with the story of Abraham and Sarah but in these beautiful stories of Love between Groom and hiss bride,  there are also less talked of stories of women who also were married and mothers and who suffered greatly because they did not have the love from their husbands that these other stories possess. 


We talk about Sarah but what about Hagar? In many ways the character of Hagar Far out-shown that of Sarah. Sarah at times was controlling, doubtful and manipulative, and yet we find Hagar obedient, longsuffering, and faithful.  In Genesis 16 we find the story is that Sarah, doubting the promise of God gave her handmaid to Abraham to be his wife so that they could have a family through her. But when she conceived, she looked down on Sarah and this got her very mad and so she went to Abraham and asked what to do, and He basically told her that Hagar was hers to deal with as she pleased. I think basically he told her that’s your problem, take care of it yourself. And so Sarah began to treat Hagar very badly to where Hagar just fled. But going away from the family, out in the desert where she had fled, she met with God and He assured her that all would be well. You know,  It’s one thing to be a mother with a loving husband, but here is a mother who knew not the love of her husband.  And yet she remained so faithful to her child that she had brought forth by her husband who did not even love her.  She was the mother of Ishmael, and when Abraham and Sarah brought forth Isaac, she who had been part of the family, and loved so much by Sarah, at one point that Sarah had offered her to Abraham to begin the family God had promised, and yet after bringing forth the child, she was cast out along with her child that she had by Abraham as his first born child. NO wonder the Arabs to this day hate the Jews.


Then the grandson of Abraham comes along and we see the same seen unfold itself all over again. This time it is Jacob who wishes to marry a beautiful young girl Rachel. But the father sends Leah to the tent at night and Jacob in the dark does not know that he is making love to Rachel’s sister and when he finds out the next morning he is very, very angry with Laban.


Now the story of Leah is full of mixed emotions. It is tragic in the sense that we see this woman who is rejected, unloved and unwanted, and yet she is predestined by God to bring forth more than half of the tribes of Israel.


We find out a little about her in Genesis 19:16 that describes Leah as simply being "tender-eyed", which probably meant that she was weak in her eyes with some sort of eye condition that perhaps caused her to squint or perhaps she was cross eyed, or had an "lazy" eye. She had plain features in comparison to her younger sister's beauty, as the Bible tells us Rachel was well favored, which means she was no doubt very beautiful. Leah had no probable suitors and no doubt was past the age in which women normally married, and so Laban thought he could get rid of his responsibility to support his “old maid” daughter and get seven more years of free labor from Jacob as well.  It must have been a very difficult burden to bear for Leah being constantly overlooked, but character is molded in the furnace of trials.

To make matters worse, Leah was stuck in a marriage in which her husband loved her younger, prettier sister. Leah, like most women, it would have only been natural for her to dream of marrying the love of her life. How sad it must have been for her to be forced to marry someone who had no love for her. And although this is a message about motherhood I want you young men who hear this and those of you who read this on the net to get this one point. If you plan to marry some young lady in this message, someone who has been brought up right, to live a descent life, then you had better do the same, and you had better tell her that you love her,  and tell her that she means the world to you. Notice after each of her sons were born, Leah hoped this would earn Jacob's love and the names she gave her sons reflected this craving to be loved.


Leah, was unwanted and unloved. But God loved Leah, and He loved her so much that He purposed in her to bring forth Reuben and when this happened we hear her say,  "Surely my husband will love me now" in Gen. 29:32. Next she brought forth  Simeon and at that time we hear her say, "Because the Lord heard that I am not loved, he gave me this one too" in Gen. 29:33. and next came Levi and we hear Leah say, "Now at last my husband will become attached to me" Gen. 29:34), showing that she still felt left out from the love of Jacob. And then she bore Judah  at which time we hear her say to God, "This time I will praise the Lord" Gen. 29:35, and it is apparent by this time she is learning to live with this lack of love from Jacob, because she truly knows that although she does not have his love, she is loved by God and is truly being blessed by Him.  And then as she is getting older, and cannot have any more children herself, she offers up her maid servant to Jacob to continue having children, and when Issachar is born, we hear her thanking God for this child,  "God has rewarded me for giving my maidservant to my husband" Gen. 30:18. Now the character of Leah is quite a bit different from the jealous character of Sarah. Now, a miracle takes place with Leah and she again bares a son to Jacob, and his name is called  Zebulon and we hear her prayer to God saying, " God hath endued me [with] a good dowry; now will my husband dwell with me, because I have born him six sons: and she called his name Zebulon Gen. 30:20. 21 And afterwards she bare a daughter, and called her name Dinah."


Here is a woman who was faithful, loving and never complained, and yet was despised and rejected, and never did seem to gain the love of her husband, and yet how faithful she was always patiently looking for the promise of a Husband that would love her. This story is so often overlooked, because its not the love story that we so love to hear. But rather it is the story of a faithful woman who despite having a husband that apparently did not love her, yet she remained a true wife and mother of her children. . She was predestined to bring forth half of the twelve tribe of Israel. Even more importantly the "Messiah", Jesus Christ,  would descend from her son Judah. I thin many women could learn a great lesson from this mother of faithfulness. So many people waste their time and energy trying to earn the love of others  who do not love them. Instead we should concentrate our efforts on seeking God's will in our life and fulfilling His purpose  and make it our purpose for our life. God has promised us that all things will work together for our good, Romans 8:28, so we should always remember this and when things do not look like you would have planned for it to happen, just recite this to yourself and keep in mind that God said,   My ways are not our ways, and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts. But never the less, all things will work out for your good, because he has promised it.


If we look at other genuine mothers in the scriptures we find women like Elisabeth that her only claim to fame was that she was a humble woman and the wife of a minister. She made no pretenses to be somebody, but must have trained John to see through the politics that had evolved within the church circles.  Elisabeth, never sought out attention or fame, yet her son was the forerunner of the Messiah. All the scriptures speak of her is that she was righteous, LUKE 1:6  And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. 7 And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were [now] well stricken in years. Elizabeth was righteous. She was obedient to God. She was dedicated to serving God. Although the Scriptures commands us to be perfect and to walk blamelessly before God, yet few people are described in the Bible as achieving that standard; but Elizabeth is among those few who  - lived blamelessly, "without fault or defect." This tells us she must have been a very disciplined lady, and took great strides to do things right. This also tells you she was no sluggard and she did not try to cut corners in life and take the easy way out. But she was dedicated, consecrated and lived before God which means she kept the Lord always before her in memory and in her daily life. She no doubt is that woman spoken by King Solomon concerning the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31. And she gave credit where credit was due. She praised God for His provision: Luke 1:25 (NLT) "How kind the Lord is!" she exclaimed. "He has taken away my disgrace of having no children!" And she was humble: as we see in her response when Mary comes to visit her in Luke 1:43 " But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?!"

Another attribute that we see in her is obedience as when it came time to name the child, Cultural expectations led people to assume she would name the child after a relative. But the Lord had directed her to name him John, and she obeyed. She was intent on pleasing God rather than man.


LUKE 1:57    Now Elisabeth's full time came that she should be delivered; and she brought forth a son. 58 And her neighbour’s and her cousins heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy upon her; and they rejoiced with her. 59 And it came to pass, that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child; and they called him Zacharias, after the name of his father. 60 And his mother answered and said, Not [so]; but he shall be called John. 61And they said unto her, There is none of thy kindred that is called by this name. 62 And they made signs to his father, how he would have him called. 63 And he asked for a writing table, and wrote, saying, His name is John. And they marveled all. 64 And his mouth was opened immediately, and his tongue [loosed], and he spake, and praised God.


She was humble, and thankful, and had an attitude of praise and was obedience to God. All these attributes which are nothing extraordinary, and yet these are the traits that God ordained to raise up the  child that would grow up to become what Jesus would describe in the following way. 


MATTHEW 11:9 But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet. 10    For this is [he], of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. 11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist:


If God had a purpose and a plan for such an ordinary woman as Elisabeth, then certainly he has a purpose and plan for you in your life. But to find that way takes the greatest gift of all, and that is to get yourself out of the way. JAMES 4:10  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.


Let us pray.