Romans 27

Peace Trough Tribulation

Brian Kocourek


The last Sunday we met, I spoke to you on the subject of Peace through Tribulations. And I believe  the reason the Word which we focus upon seems to come to pass so very often is that it is a Living Word. I am in the midst of a trial that I would like your prayers for, and Don is in the midst of a trial in which his family would request your prayers as well. Derek just came through one of his several trials, and Mike and Halina still have the sale of their home as one of several trials they must endure. We each have to be tried and tested to see how we shall react. This is all part of our passing the test.


As you might remember, we last read from Romans  5:1 ¶ Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: Now, the scripture tells us that we are justified by faith which is a revelation, and this brings us Peace with God, but it does not tell us that our peace will be in this world. It says, our peace is with God. And that is our main concern. Although we would like to have peace in this world, we certainly have not been promised this. 


In [Matthew 10:34] Jesus said, “Think not that I am come to send you peace on earth, I am not come to send peace, but a sword.”


Paul continues, “By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.  And not only [so], but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;  And patience, experience; and experience, hope:  And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.


He said, we glory also in tribulations... Now this is a hard saying, but we have such a rest and confidence in God that we know that  All things will work together for the good of those who love God and those who are the Elect according to His purpose. [Romans 8:26-30](read) Now, this searching of the heart is part of what brings forth our trials as we shall see a little later in this message. He said, “those who love God”,  and how do we know that we love Him? Jesus tells us the  answer in [John 14:23] Jesus said, “If a man love me, he will keep my Words: and My Father will Love him, and we will come and abode with Him.”  Now, what does it mean to make our abode with him? The word abode means to dwell with in such a way that it creates an  atmosphere of Their Presence with you.


Now, why is it that only the Christian, the Elect of God can rejoice even while under the toughest of trials? Because we know that God is not far from us, and whatever form of trial we may be going through, we know that He has allowed it to work something in us that otherwise would not be there. And that is the key... When you are going through any trial, whatever the trial, don’t forget that God knew about it before it even happened to you. And not only did He know about it, but He allowed it to bring forth something in you that is lacking yet in your character.


94  I KNOW 60-0417S   There was too much of you in you, till God had to squeeze it out through trials. And while that squeezing was coming on, it's hard. But after while the skies clear back and you see the purpose of God. Then you cry, "I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days He'll stand on the earth. Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." These little trials and things are just for a moment, and they fade and pass away. But they're only done for your good; let us remember that, that God would get glory.


Remember, Jesus forewarned us, in [John 6:33] where He said, In me ye may have peace. In the world ye will have tribulation.Therefore Paul can say in [Romans 5:3], “We Glory in tribulations also” Our tribulation which comes from divine Love and has a purpose in it, and that purpose is to work that only which is good for us, even though for a time it may appear to be otherwise.


But we see in this in  [1 Peter 1: 3-7] (read) The tribulation which comes from divine Love will work only that which is good for us. and what is that?  [Romans 5:4]  Knowing that Tribulation worketh patience.” Through tribulation our faith is put to the test and purified to the highest degree. Whatever tribulation finds in us, it develops more fully.  And therefore the purpose of the trial or tribulation  is to expose where we are carnal, weak, blind, wicked, haughty, and so forth.  Because without this understanding of how Christ works in us His will, tribulation will only make us more carnal, more weak, more blind, more wicked and more haughty. On the other hand, if we are spiritual, then our tribulations will make us strong, wise, pious, gentle and humble and we will become more spiritual, more powerful, more wise, more pious, more gentle and more humble, as we see in [Psalm 4:1] “Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress.”

 So we see here that distress will enlarge what ever condition we are in, whether in a carnal condition or in a spiritual one. And that is the purpose of the trials and tribulations. And in fact when the squeeze comes fully upon us, it will only bring forth in us those attributes which God has already placed in us by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. And then what will happen? Those attributes will become enlarged. Those attributes will show forth in our lives, and as we read of the Blessings in Deuteronomy, just as those Blessings will come upon us and overtake us, so will the divine attributes of God show forth in our bodies. “For all the creation groans for the manifestation of the Sons of God.”


Therefore, we should never blame the other guy when we are put to the test, but we should thank our God for the privilege of being His and that He is so wanting to show Himself in our very being, that he has brought to us the honor of allowing Satan to buffet us. Then instead of being angry with our opponent, we should petty them, that they are an instrument in the hands of Satan, yet unknowingly, in the permissive will of God.  The Christian who outwardly worships the Cross of Christ and marvels at the suffering of God’s only begotten Son, and yet flees from, and detests tribulation and affliction, are simply ignorant and childish in their thinking and indeed are hypocritical in their mind, because the Scriptures tell us that the Cross of Christ is not just some wooden object on which Jesus was stretched out, but as we read in [Matt 10:38], Jesus said, “He that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.


6-1  LOOK AWAY TO JESUS   63-1229E  So now, I am going to say something to you now, that I haven't said all along. And that is, the thing that we have looked forward to for so long, or at least many years, four or five years or maybe longer, the third pull has now been vindicated, and I'm sure you all know what it is.  Now, remember, there'll never be any impersonation of that, 'cause it can't be. It cannot be. Now, it's in existence, and I have--I am warned of this, that soon, right at this time now, it's just happened, so it could identify its presence among you. See? But it will not be used in a great way, until this council begins to tighten up. And when it does, when that does... The Pentecostals and so forth can almost impersonate anything could be done, but when that time comes, when the squeeze comes down, then you'll see what you have seen temporarily, be manifested in the fullness of its power. See? Now, I must continue in evangelism, just as I was commissioned first; I must continue on. Therefore, you've had the Word, and you know what to look for, how to stand. I must continue on in evangelism. And friends of mine, keep still and just keep moving on, for the hour is approaching swiftly (See?), that when something is going to be done.   Now, you might see some little odd things happen from me, nothing sinful, I don't mean that, but I mean something odd to what the regular trend, because what I have reached to now in the ministry, I'm dropping back here, watching that spot and waiting for the time to use it. But it's going to be used. And everyone knows that for as certain as the first was identified, so has the second been identified; and if you'll think real closely, you who are spiritual (as the Bible said, "Here's to him who has wisdom.") the third is properly identified. See? We know where it is. So the third pull is here.   It is so sacred that I mustn't not say much about it, as He told me in the beginning. Said, "This, say nothing of it." You remember that years ago? It speaks for Itself. See? But to... I've tried to explain the others, and I made a mistake. This will be the thing that, to my opinion (I don't say the Lord tells me this.)--this will be the thing that will start the rapturing faith for the going away. See, see? Now, and that... I must lay quiet for just a little while.  Now, remember (and who's listening to this tape) you might see such a change in my ministry right away, dropping back... Not going up, dropping back... We're right at the age now, and it be--can't go any further. We have to wait here just a minute until this happens over here to catch up, then the time comes. But it's thoroughly identified. There's coming a time upon--in this nation, to where this nation is going to exercise all the power that the beast had before (which was pagan Rome, when it become papal Rome. See?) that this nation will do that. Revelations 13 plainly explains it. The lamb came up out of the earth. The other beast came up out of water, thickness and multitudes of people. This lamb came up where there was no people.   A lamb represents religion--the Lamb of God. And remember, it spoke like a lamb; it was a lamb, and then after while it received power and spoke like a dragon, and exercised all the power the--the dragon--power the dragon had before him; and the dragon is Rome always. So don't you see, Roman denomination, a marked Protestant denomination, an image unto the beast, making a power that'll force all Protestants like a union. You'll have to be into this council of churches, or you won't be able to have fellowship or to--to...  Well, it's practically that way now. You can't go to a church and preach, 'less you have a fellowship card or some identification. And now, on persons like ourselves, we're going to be cut out of all that altogether. That's exactly, because they won't be able to do it. It's tightening; and then when that time comes, and the press comes to a place to where you're pressed out, then watch (what I am fixing to tell you in a few minutes) watch the third pull then. It'll be absolutely to the total lost, but it--it will be for the Bride and the church.  Now, we're closer than it seems to be. I don't know when, but it's real, real, close. I may be building a platform for somebody else to step on. I may be taken before that time. I don't know. And that time may be this coming week that the Holy Spirit will come with--and bring Christ Jesus. He may come this next week. He may come yet tonight. I don't know when He will come. He doesn't tell us that. But I do believe that we are so close, that I would never die with old age. Yet at fifty-four years old, I'd never die with old age until He's here. See? Unless I am shot, killed, or something, or other, some way killed; just old age wouldn't kill me, until He's come. And I believe that... And I want to say this; I have never said it before, but according to Scripture, according to what He said thirty years ago, thirty-three years ago on the river down there (in 1933, rather), what He said, everything has happened just exactly. I may not do it, but this message will introduce Jesus Christ to the world. "For as John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming, so is the message to forerun the second coming." And John said, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." See? So it--it paralleled it in every way, and I know it will. The message will go on.


In other words, he is no Christian who refuses to bear this cross; for Paul said, “we glory in tribulation.” And in Acts 14:22 we read, “ We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” And the word, Must does not mean that tribulation comes by chance, or that it is a matter of choice for us, or that we may take it or leave it. As we had mentioned a few weeks ago, God is our Savior and Healer and helper in times of trouble, and those who would bypass tribulation are saying in effect, I don’t want to have to make myself totally dependent upon God, and thus by doing so, we are literally robbing God of His titles, and His honor. In essence making Him a god of no substance to us.  And to those people who think this way, our Lord could never be their savior, nor could He be their healer, nor could He be their helper in times of need, because they will not admit that they are under condemnation.  To them God is never mighty, He is never wise, nor is He gracious, because they do not desire to honor Him as creatures that are weak, foolish and subject to punishment.


Paul said, we rejoice in our trials, because they will work a divine patience in us, and that patience will work divine experience, and this experience will work hope. Experience must here be understood to be the object of tribulation, or the good which tribulation is to effect. God accepts no one as righteous whom He has not first put to the test or tried. But He tries us  through the fire of affliction, as we read in Psalm 11:5The Lord Trieth the Righteous.”  God tries us in this way in order that we may really know whether we love Him for His own sake. David said in Psalm 139:23, 24Search me , Oh God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”  If God would not try us by tribulation, it would be impossible for us then to be saved.


Rom 5:5 .   Hope maketh not ashamed.  Tribulation takes from man everything in which He trusts and leaves him naked and destitute. It also prevents him from seeking help and salvation in his own temporal and spiritual works.


195  END TIME EVANGELISM   62-0603  Peter had a sword. He pulled that sword was going to cut the high priest's ears off, and things like that; he did it. But when it come to real Christian courage, he didn't have it. He backed up and denied Him. Is that right? He could cut the high priest's ear off with his sword, sure, he knowed how to handle it. But when it come to the squeeze and time to stand on the Word of God, he didn't have the courage, and even denied he knowed Jesus.  That's where it is today. We got courage to build buildings and put millions of dollars in them. We got courage to put pipe organs, and plush seats, and everything, and go out and proselyte from place to place, and make the Methodists come Baptists, and so forth, back and forth like that. But when it comes to Christian courage to accept the Word and the message of God, and stand there on it, we are few. So what good's your stones without a stone mason again? That right?


Finally, it causes him to despair of every creature, to look away from himself, and apart from himself and everything else, to seek help alone from God, the Creator, as we see in Psalm 3:3 “But thou oh, Lord art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.”  That is what hope means, and through the experience of tribulation such hope is confirmed in us. On the other hand, the wicked who trust in their own virtues, and do not endure tribulations with patience, do not allow themselves to be tried by it.

They never discover that we must put our trust alone in God. Therefore, when the last trial or affliction will come, and all their virtues and merits will disappear, then, when they sink into a hopeless eternity they will cry out to the mountains: “Fall on us (Lk 23:30) Their assumed hope is actually no hope at all, but only a perverse, arrogant trust in their own works and righteousness. 


167  EVERLASTING LIFE 54-1231 And God could ever get a man and women today in this tabernacle, anywhere else, that'll pay no attention to what's going on around them, but submit themselves to the Lord, as an individual unit, God will lead the same man today, that He led then. He proves that He's with us. What we need today is a humble, submitted life. Submit yourself. Don't squeeze yourself back. Don't do nothing but leads straight with the Holy Spirit. What the Spirit says do, do quickly. Don't say, "Well, I'll wait and find out what this is and that is." What the Holy Spirit says do, go do it.  What if I hadn't have went to Finland when the Holy Spirit called me over there? What if I hadn't went to the hospital yesterday, where that little baby was laying there dying; hadn't have went? It's, "Obedience is better than sacrifice." Do what the Holy Spirit says do. What we need tonight, is to let loose of a lot of our little old squeezy ideas, and let the Holy Spirit... You are taught here. You know what's right and wrong.   But what you need tonight is a great big bundle full of the love of God poured out in your heart, all differences washed away. Bury it with the old year as it passes out. Let it go. Let's start a new life, a new beginning. You can't... If you're already born in the Kingdom of God, you've already got the Holy Spirit in you, the only thing you have to do is cut loose from these things of the world that's holding you down. Said, "Let us lay aside every weight and the sin doth so easily beset us, that we might run with patience, the life, the race that's set before us," Hebrews the 12th chapter. Lay aside the weights.

  E-22  INFALLIBLE PROOF OF RESURRECTION  57-0114   We're taught in the Bible that Jesus was a Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world. We understand that He wasn't slain, really, until four thousand years later. But when God spoke the Word, it was a finished work when God spoke It. He was slain back here at the foundation of the world when God foresaw, and knew what He would do, and He spoke the word. And it was finished right there  And to give you a little courage... Which I find amongst the American Christians, that the great lack is--is a fear. The American Christian seems to be afraid that God won't keep His Word, and afraid if you just don't squeeze and hold or something... It's nothing that you can do in the beginning; it's what God has done.


  E-37  CHURCH DEDICATION   59-0708M   And the great beautiful life that our Lord lived was instrumental in God's hand. But it could never be a perfume until He was crushed, and mashed, and spit on, and squeeze the very life out of Him at Calvary. That made the anointing for us.  He was the Lily of the Valley. What do you get out of lilies? Opium. What does opium do? It soothes pain. It puts you to sleep in a dream land. What does the Holy Spirit do? The opium of the Holy Spirit eases every pain, takes away every tear, mends every heartache. The Lily of the Valley...


 55  THINGS THAT ARE TO BE 65-1205   Now, in this world that we live in, it's education... I want to prove to you, education, science, civilization, and all these things that we seemingly so enjoy today is of Satan and will perish. You say, "Brother Branham, civilization?" Yes, sir. This civilization come by Satan. Genesis 4 proves it. Cain's son (See?) started this civilization, building cities, and organs, and so forth. And civilization came by knowledge. Knowledge is what the devil sold Eve in the garden of Eden that caused her to transgress God's commandment. So there will be a civilization in the world that we're going to, but it won't be this kind of a civilization. For in this civilization we have sickness, sorrow, lust, death; everything in this civilization's wrong. But in that civilization there will be none of these things. We won't need science. Science is a perversion of the original anyhow. See? You split a molecule to--split a atoms and do so-and-so to blow you up. You take gun powder, and bang this, and kill something. You take the car and take gasoline out of the earth and the materials out of the earth to loosen up the fibers so it can blow up, and go down the road at ninety miles an hour and kill somebody. See? Oh, so nervous, squeeze, and hurry up, we got to push and taken... Oh, see, it's all of the devil. The Kingdom of God will not have automobiles, airplanes, or any scientific achievement. No. It won't have any education at all. It'll be an education so supreme to this, that this won't even be thought of. See? Education, civilization, and all this comes from Satan.