Satan’s Eden no 45

South American Spanish Ministers meeting Q and A

Saturday May 8, 2022

Brian Kocourek, Pastor


This morning we will review the questions we received from the South American Ministers for yesterday’s minister’s meeting. We had 8 countries in attendance and 18 ministers.


Question no 1. The prophet said that the seventh seal has a threefold purpose. What is that triple purpose?


Answer no 1. 


Ok, so the actual quote Br. Branham said is “the Seventh seal has a three-fold mystery”, He did not say “a three- fold purpose”. We want to be as accurate as possible because we are handling the Word of God, which is the Holy Fire of God. Now, there is a difference between the word “mystery and the word “purpose.” These are two different words and therefore, they mean two different things.


Definition: “Mystery” : “anything that is kept secret or remains unexplained or unknown:”


Definition: “Purpose”: “the reason or intention for which something exists or is done, made, or used”


I hope you can see the difference between something kept secret (a mystery) and the intention or motive (the purpose) for that something that is exists, acted upon or used. One word deals with secrecy while the other word deals with intent the very motive or reason for that something.


Therefore in the actual quote from The Seventh Seal 63-0324E P:129  Brother Branham used the words mystery when speaking of the seventh seal. “The millennium's coming up. And see, everything that's got any filth in it is to be purged during the Sixth Seal. Now, do you notice on the opening of this Seventh Seal, it's also in a threefold mystery.


This one I have, will speak and have spoke, that it is the mystery of the seven thunders. The seven thunders in heaven will unfold this mystery. It'll be right at the coming of Christ, because Christ said no one knew when He would return.


So you see the three fold mystery or the three things which have been kept secret he tells us are no 1) No one will know when Christ returns. No 2) It will be announced by the seven thunders No 3) It will be at the coming of Christ. The what, when, and the why of the seventh seal. That is the threefold mystery of the seventh seal.


Now, those three things are still a mystery because they cannot be revealed until God actually does them. We know that God reveals His Word by bringing it to pass. So until God brings these three things to pass, they will still be a mystery to us. The what, the when, and the why His Coming. That is the method by which God’s Son will come, The time that He will come, and the reason why He comes.


And never forget there is a difference between the Coming of the Lord and the Appearing of the Lord. These are two different words and they mean two different things.


If we always remember to get your eyes off the vessel, and on the God who uses the vessel, then we will be open to understand the what, when, and why of the coming. And we will know and understand this difference between the Appearing of the Lord and the Coming of the lord as brother Branham taught us so well.


From his sermon From that time 62-0713 P:102 brother Branham said, “How many knows there's a difference between the appearing of Christ and the coming of Christ? It's two different words. Now's the appearing, the coming will soon be.


He's appearing in the midst of us, doing the works that He once did, in His church. Now, you're a part of that church, and by grace you believe. I am a member of that church. Now, I'm not a preacher.


You know I'm not. I have not the education to do it. Sometimes I feel reluctant standing here by men of God, who's called to that office. There are apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists.


Not all are apostles, not all are prophets, not all are teachers, not all evangelists. I'm standing here...But my ministry is a different ministry from a pastor or teacher. I'm not. And if I say things wrong, brethren, forgive me. I don't mean it. But this is my ministry (See?) to declare Him, that He's here.”


So, who was it in Matthew 25 that gave forth the midnight cry, “Behold the bride groom is here, come out to meet him?” Now thin of that question, because if you do not know who was calling for the bride to come out into the presence of the Bride-Groom, then you will understand the difference between the Appearing and the Coming. And you will understand who the bride groom is.


That one who cried for in Matthew 25 is the same the seventh angel of Revelation 21:9 who said, “Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.”


Now, remember the vision of the preview of the bride. Who was standing there at that preview?


And from his sermon It is I be not afraid 62-0611 P:81 brother Branham told us, “You know, there's a difference between the appearing of Christ and the coming of Christ. That's two different words altogether. He's appearing now in His church. We see Him; we know it's Him. It's the Holy Spirit. See? We know it is. Now, We believe that the Holy Spirit is God. All of us know that.


Ok, so we know that the Appearing is the Holy Spirit which is God, right? I mean, that is what he just said. So then who calls for the bride to come out to meet the bride groom? The seventh Angel which we just read in Revelation 21:9 who said, “Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.”


That is the same one who says in Matthew 25Come hither”, Same words, “behold, look and see who is here, come and see the bride Groom is here.Come hither and see. There’s you Appearing, which brother Branham told us is The Holy Spirit, which is God Himself.


And from his sermon Jehovah Jireh part 2 62-0706 P:74 brother Branham tells us again, “This is the close of the royal Seed's waiting. He's here, the appearing of Christ. Did you ever try to divide... There's a place in the Bible, you know, I ain't got time to go into it, says, the appearing of Christ, and then the coming of Christ.


That's two different things altogether, the appearing and the coming. He's appearing now, working with us in the form of the Holy Spirit, making it just perfect, the Church; It has to.


And from his sermon Perseverance 62-0608 P:95 He said, “Did you know that the Bible speaks of the appearing of the Lord, and also the coming of the Lord, and it's two different works? Search it and find out if that's right”.


Ok, and one more here, in his sermon Jehovah Jireh part 2 62-0706 P :74... he says, “There's a place in the Bible, you know, I ain't got time to go into it, says, the appearing of Christ, and then the coming of Christ.”


Now, we see this in 1 John 2:28 where both words are actually used in one verse,  And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.


Of course this word coming John uses here in verse 28 is actually the Greek word Parousia, and it speaks of the actual presence of the Lord in a Spiritual way, because after all God is Spirit. This teaching was first spoken of by Jesus, then Paul, then Peter, then James and John. The world knows nothing of it, and does not teach it because they do not believe the BIBLE.


Many have read it in their studies, but they lay it aside because it does not fit with their presupposition of the second coming is supposed to take place.


Therefore as Jesus said, “it is Hidden from the wise and prudent but revealed to babes such as will learn.” Notice who I t is revealed to. Those children such as will learn. Those who will listen in order to learn.


Now, in getting back to the three fold mystery from our question, there is also another threefold mystery that William Branham speaks of and that threefold mystery concerns Christ. And never forget the word “Christ” speaks of  anointing”, which is the process, and also the object of the “anointing” which is the “anointed.” And finally it speaks of the one who does the anointing which is the “Anointer” Himself. That is your threefold mystery of Christ or threefold mystery of anointing.


Therefore brother Branham speaks of the three fold mystery of Christ as  " Christ with you, Christ in You, and Christ through you.


We see in Colossians 3:4 When Christ, (speaking of the Anointer) who is our life, when he shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.


Now, reading the word Christ as anointing, we read it as this. When Christ, (The anointer who is our anointing,) Who is our Life, when he shall appear (when he shall phaneroo, when he shall manifest in His true identity.  When he anoints His Anointed.


“then shall you also appear (Then shall you also manifest in your true identity) together with him in the same glory (The same doxa, the same opinions, same values, and same judgments. So His appearing is tied to our appearing. And both his and our appearing is tied together with the same doxa, the same opinions, values and judgments. There’s your spiritual union of the bride and the Groom.


Now, let’s take this one step further. I John 3:1-3 “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.”


2 “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, (we don’t have to wait for the millennium, we are now he says.) and it doth not yet appear (phaneroo, or manifest) what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, (when he shall phaneroo) we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.


Therefore as He manifests we manifest, because it is the union of the bride and groom united by the same doxa. The same opinions, values, and judgments. 3 And everyone that has this hope in him, purifies himself even as (which means in the same manner as)He is pure.”


Well, first of all Who is He? He is the Word. And how do we purify ourselves? “By the washing of water by the Word.” Ephesians 5:26


David said in Psalm 119:9  Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. So our cleansing comes via the instrument of God’s Word.


Now that takes us to what brother Branham said in Christ is the mystery 63-0728 P:274 Then we can see that the marriage supper is at hand. Now, if I never see you again, remember, the marriage supper is at hand.


And from Collins dictionary we are told, If something is at handnear at hand, or close at hand, it is very near in place or time. And the synonym means: “approaching”, “near, “imminent, or “just round the corner”.


“And then the Kingdom according to the promise is ready to be issued in, the great millennium, the taking up of the Church, and the destroying of the wicked, and the world under the Sixth Seal to be purified by volcanic to take all the corruption and sin of the world, and to mold her out again, and to bring forth a bright new millennium for the age that is to come.”


“When we see all these great threefold revelationsGod in Christ, Christ in the Church, the Kingdom coming, Adam and Eve redeemed back to the garden of Eden in the representation of Christ and His Bride, and then the Kingdom is going to be restored according to His promise. Praise be to God.


Now, by the revelation of the threefold mystery (the secret) and by the personal a-vindicated Word by His original Headship...


Again from Christ is the mystery 63-0728 P:199 Brother Branham said, “Now, my, there's just so much here, we could just keep on going. Notice, the Tree of Christ, the Body in the garden, making now, making His mystery known to this Bride Tree (watch) redeemed by Christ, the second Adam (You believe He was?), going back home to Eden with His fallen wife, redeemed back home again.


That's Christ and the Church today, taking His Wife back. See the threefold mystery now? God manifested in Christ; Christ manifested in the Church; all together to bring back the original Adam and Eve again, man and woman, which are one, made out of the same Blood, and same Spirit, and everything else.


Then who is the bridegroom that the bride is called to come out and behold Him? It was Christ the Word that was standing at the door knocking, and He is the Judge, God Himself, and He is the Word. John 1:1 in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God.” And we are engaged to Christ. We are engaged to Christ the Word, which is God, the Holy Ghost Himself. The seventh angel in Matthew 25 said, “Behold the bridegroom, come out to meet Him.” And who is here? Is the Parousia of the son of God or God Himself? So Who is here? Elohim. God comes down with a Shout. If you do not know who has come down, then you do not know who we have been called out to meet.


Invisible union of the bride - 65-1125 If you're married to Christ, Christ is the Word of God. 


Invisible union of the bride - 65-1125 Now, she, as a woman, if she is married to Christ the Word, she cannot be married to a church denomination at the same time, for she's bound by it. She shall--cannot live with both husbands at the same time. 


Invisible union of the bride - 65-1125 Are you married to the church? Or are you married to Christ, the Word


Fourth seal the - 63-0321 That would be the bride of God, God is Christ. 


Marriage of the lamb - 62-0121E Just take the Word of God and say, "God, I did wrong. I'm sorry I did that. You know my heart. I did wrong. Right here upon this ground, I confess my wrong. And from this night henceforth, I'm engaged to You. I'm part of the bride. I'll never do that again, never let my temper slip again. I'll--I'll act like a lady. I'll act like a gentleman. I'll do the things that the Bible says do. I'll take You right now at Your Word." Then you're getting somewhere. Do you believe that, Gospel preachers? Is that truth? That's right. 


Oneness - 62-0211 Now, the church now is engaged to Christ for the wedding. The wedding has never been performed yet; it will be at the wedding supper of the Lamb. So we see that the church is now engaged, like a man engaged to his wife. What does he do while they're engaged? He's just bestowing all kinds of things, sending her presents, making her feel good. Well, that's what Christ is doing to His church. 


Second coming of the Lord - 57-0417 Think of it, Mister. We're not only engaged, but we're married. The Church is married to Christ. We are the Wife of Christ, bringing forth children.


QA Hebrews part 2 COD - 57-1002 The Gentile church will be taken into glory and the Bride will be married to Christ.


Marriage of the lamb - 62-0121E And when the woman, church, is married to Christ, they're no longer two. They are one: Christ in you. 


From his sermon, Super sign 62-0624 P:24 brother Branham said,  “We see time closing in. Soon we're looking for the Angel that will set His foot on the land and on the sea, and “raise up His hand and swear by Him that lives forever and ever, time shall be no more.”


Said, “at that time the mystery of God should be finished.” We understand now, Father, that God's threefold mystery has been made known to us. And we understand, and we're looking now for those mysterious thunders that came out from heaven, in the book of Revelations, that was sealed on the back of the book.


Now, again we will read from his sermon Christ is the mystery 63-0728 P:247 "The Kingdom of God is within you," said the Bible, Jesus. The Kingdom... We are not a denomination. We belong to a Kingdom, and the Kingdom is the Word of God made Spirit and Life in our own life, bringing to pass every promise in this day as it did in that day when the Word and God was One.


And the Word and God is One in His Church today, making it the Headship of the Body that is redeemed to bring the message in the last day and be taken up from the dead in the resurrection to go back and to restore again as Adam and Eve in the beginning of the garden of Eden. The threefold mystery of God, His Body... Oh, my.


Now, Brother Branham tells us the seven thunders are the opening of the seals and when each seal was opened there was a thunder that was heard. You’ve heard the expression the peeling of thunder, right? So when each seal was opened and peeled back the thunder peeled.


So someone asks brother Branham a question. Questions and answers COD 64-0830E P:49 395. “Have the seven thunders which equals seven mysteries already been revealed? Were they revealed in the seven Seals, but are yet not known to us as the thunders yet?” That is the question they ask brother Branham, so look at his answer.


No, they were revealed in the seven Seals; that's what the thunders was about. They was to reveal... The seven thunders that had uttered their voices and no one could make out what it was... John knew what it was, but he was forbidden to write it. He said, "But the seventh angel, in the days of his sounding, the seven mysteries of the seven thunders would be revealed." And the seventh angel is a messenger of the seventh church age. See?


So those people who teach they have a great revelation of the seven thunders, or they are going to reveal the seven thunders, or some man is going to come or seven ministers are going to come and reveal the seven thunders. They are either not listening to what the prophet said, or they just don’t believe what he said. Because he said “NO, some man is not going to come along and reveal them because the seven thunders were already revealed in the Seven Seals.”


So that whole group that is chasing the seven thunders prove right there they do not believe what the prophet taught for doctrine.


Now, from The Unveiling of God 64-0614M P:137 brother Branham said, “Now, someone has been, many has been saying to me, and theologians said, "Brother Branham, if the Lord God..." Said, "If with your experience that the Lord has given you for His people," humbly saying this, said, "you'd be eligible to write-a Bible yourself, your Word that God has manifested."

I said, "That might be true." See, he was trying to catch me. See? And I said, "But, you see, I couldn't do that."He said, "Why couldn't? You have all the qualifications."’’ I said, "But, you look, “one word cannot be added or taken away." See? And he said, "Well then, them seven thunders (You see?)," said, "wouldn't them seven thunders blasting out, won't that be a revelation be give to some man?"


I said, "No, sir, it would be adding something to It or taking something from It." It's all revealed in there, and the seven seals opened up the revelation of what that was. See?  He's still in the Word. You see, you can't get out of that Word. It won't leave the Word. And God's Spirit will never leave that Word. It'll stay right with the Word, blinding some and open the eyes of others. It'll always do that.


Oh, my then what can we say of a people who will chase after things outside the Word? They can’t be of God my brother and sister. They certainly are not born again by His Spirit and His Spirit is His Word. So stay clear from all that speculation that goes on, and stay straight with the Written word as revealed by Gods vindicated prophet.


Question no 2.- In the book of the Seven Ages, in the Pergamon Age, it says that the first showdown was on Mount Carmel, the second showdown was on Mount Transfiguration, and the third will be on Mount Zion. So what is that showdown on Mount Zion?


Answer no 2 So the question the brothers are asking is this:, what is the Mount Zion showdown? The brothers are asking their question in referring to what brother Branham said in the Seven Church Age book. So let’s read it for ourselves.


Church Age Book  Chapter 5 - The Pergamean Church Age P:54  As Israel left Egypt to worship in freedom, pushed out the natives, raised up a nation with great leaders like David etc., and then put an Ahab on the throne with a Jezebel behind him to direct, so have we done the very same in America.


Our forefathers left for this land to worship and live in freedom. They pushed back the natives and took over the land. Mighty men like Washington and Lincoln were raised up but after awhile other men of such poor caliber succeeded these worthy men that soon an Ahab was set in the presidential chair with a Jezebel behind him to direct him. It is at such a time as this that the messenger of Malachi must come. Then in the latter rain will come a Mount Carmel showdown.


Watch this carefully now to see it in the Word. John was the forerunner of Malachi 3. He planted the former rain and was rejected by the organizations of his day. Jesus came and had a Mount Transfiguration show down. The second forerunner of Christ will sow for the latter rain. Jesus will be the showdown between the denominations and creeds, for He will come to back up His Word and take His bride in the rapture.


The first showdown was Mount Carmel; the second was the Mount Transfiguration, and the third will be Mount Zion.


Alright, so that is not the only place where brother Branham spoke of this Mount Zion showdown in the church age book. He also said in paragraph 61


Church Age Book  Chapter 5 - The Pergamean Church Age P:61 “The last day messenger will appear in God's appointed time. It is the end time now as all know, for Israel is in the homeland. Any time now he will come according to Malachi.


When we see him, he will be dedicated to the Word. He will be indicated (pointed out in the Word. Revelation 10:7.) and God will vindicate his ministry. He will preach the truth as did Elijah and be ready for the Mount Zion showdown.


Therefore, to understand what this Mount Zion showdown is, we must understand what this Word Mount Zion stands for.


From his sermon  Questions and answers COD 64-0823E P:118 brother Branham said, “Now then, there will be a camp meeting of the saints upon the breadth of the earth. And Satan is loosed out of his prison and goes to make war again with the saints, just exactly what he done in glory to begin with.  


And then God rains fire and brimstone out of the heavens, and the whole earth is removed like... “It just burn up and destroyed. And there's no more sea, no more water, no more nothing left on the earth. Volcanic will spray and burst and blow, and the whole thing...


"And I saw a new heavens and a new earth: for the first heavens and the first earth was passed away; and there was no more sea. I, John, saw the holy city descending from God out of heaven as a Bride adored for her husband." Remember it?  


And in this Bride..."Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men," and God shall dwell with them upon this pyramid-shaped city fifteen hundred square miles. And in the top of the city there'll be a Light. Amen. Oh, that city on Mount Zion, As a stranger, yet I love it still. I'll meet you in them ages, When I reach that city on the hill.


Therefore, the term Mount Zion, refers to the New Jerusalem itself, as the New Jerusalem will be the City on Mount Zion which will be that great Holy Mountain of God where the Saints shall live eternally in that Holy City.


We live in America and therefore are called Americans. People who live in Bolivia are called Bolivians, and people who live in Peru are called Peruvians. So we see then that those who live in Mount Zion will be the bride and she will be known as the daughters of Zion. Just like the descendants of the Revolutionary people are called the daughters of the revolution.


From his sermon Future home 64-0802 P:177 brother Branham said, “Listen, let's just read it. Look here. ‘And in that day seven women shall take ahold of one man saying, We'll eat our own bread,... wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach...” (That's the end time where we're living now: marriage, divorce, and prostitution, and what-evermore.)”


“In that day shall the branch of the LORD shall be beautiful and glorious,... the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely... them that... escaped of Israel... (How that you escaped all that damnation. See?) And it shall came to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that's a remnant in Jerusalem, shall...”


“(Let's see.)... in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem: (See?)Wherein the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughter of Zion,... “ And then brother Branham says, … (Remember that's always the Bride. See?)


... and shall have purified the blood of Jerusalem... (That's the remnant of the Jews plus the Bride. See?)... and in the midst thereof with the spirit of judgment,... (Fire, that's always God's judgment.  When He makes His final judgment, calls you, justifies you, and brings you to redemption, then His judgment breaks forth upon you, and the Holy Ghost and Fire cleanses away the sin.


Then you're His. Same thing He does to the earth when He purges it with fire.)... and by the spirit of burning. (Now look listen, are you ready?)And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assembly, a cloud of smoke by day, and a shining of... fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence.


Now, Brother Branham also spoke of this in his sermon, Spoken word original seed 62-0318E P:186 “Then in the latter rain there will come forth a Mount Carmel, a showdown: Bible fulfilled to the letter. John the Baptist, His messenger before His face in Malachi 3,”


“planted a former rain and was rejected by the churches, the denominations, the Pharisees and Sadducees in his day. Jesus came and had the Mount Transfiguration showdown.”


“This forerunner of the last days will sow for the former rain. Jesus will be the showdown between denominations and creeds (which is His Word). When He comes, the showdown, the rapture of His Bride...  The first was Mount Carmel; the second was Mount Transfiguration; the third will be Mount Zion. Glory.”


So the Mount Zion showdown will be the rapture of the Bride, those who will be the citizens of Mount Zion, the daughter of Zion, the Bride of Christ.


Questions and answers COD 64-0830E P:31 Now, this Light on top of the mountain will not lighten the whole world; It'll only lighten the city. But It can be seen in the distance of thousands of miles maybe;  but It won't lighten the earth, because the Bible said, in the new world, that “from one Sabbath to another and from one, from one new moon to the other” (You see?)


“will the people come up before the Lord unto Zion, up to the city to worship. And now, they will be outside the city, not the Bride, but the people that come up in the second resurrection that will be tillers of the soil, just like Adam was, and so forth, and carers of the garden. But the King and Queen will remain in the city.”


Question no 3


Please I would like your opinion on this quote below:


(63-0318 The First Seal) E-283 “And Jesus, His Name on earth was "Redeemer," Jesus. When He was on earth, He was the Redeemer, that's true. But when He conquered death and hell, conquered them, and ascended on high, He received a new Name. That's the reason people shout the way they do, and they don't get nothing.”


Is this about the new name of Jesus which should be revealed in thunders? And then  What is this new Name of Jesus today?


Answer no 3


Now, the reason this person asked this question is because there is a false doctrine that went forth years ago, in the early 80’s that was based on a lack of understanding of Scripture concerning this quote from brother Branham.


So that quote is taken out of context by some people wherein they get people all excited about trying to figure out what the new Name of Jesus is that brother Branham is talking about here in this quote.


Now, First I want to establish one thing here. Either we believe William Branham was a word prophet and as a Word prophet he could never add to or take away from the Word of God. Either you believe that or you do not believe God’s Word. Therefore, William Branham had to say what was already said in Scripture.


God warned us never to do add His Word or take away from His Word, for to do so would take your name off the Book of Life. And therefore knowing this, then to think that God would give Jesus a completely different name than what He was called in the Word of God you would have to go outside of Scripture to do so.   


So get that notion out of your thinking. And then knowing that William Branham would in no way make any assertion that would go contrary to what God said in His Word, then we must ask ourselves, ok, so then what was brother Branham trying to tell us by this statement.


We read in Revelation 22:18 “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.” 


19 “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”


And we can also look to the Apostle Paul and see what he said also concerning what he taught. He said if we change what he preached in any way, we are cursed.


Galatians 1:6  “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:  Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.” 


 “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed As we said before, so say I now again, If any man  preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”


And the words any man he is referring to includes any of God’s seven church age messengers. In fact that is how we know these men were God sent messengers, because they stayed with the Word. Now, that being said, and since there is no other name on earth wherein we may be saved, as we read in…


Acts 4:10  “Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. “


11  “This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.” 12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”


And we see here that God took the name of His Son Jesus and did something to it, to change it, so what was that which God did to change his name?


We find the answer in Acts 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord  and  Christ. making him "Lord  Jesus Christ"


Notice God added two pronouns, Lord and Christ to the name of Jesus and that is His new name. And in fact that is what God does for all his children.  The whole family of heaven is named the same. 


Ephesians 3:14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,


Then the new name must have the same name, his first name with two additional pronouns. For God changes not. It is impossible for God to change. Malachi 3:6


So when God changed the name of Abram Notice if he changes not, then what did God do to change Abrams name? He changed it to Abraham. Notice the same name is there, but God added the letters “ha” to it. God did not give him a totally different name like George or Roger or some other name like that. He is still Abram but with a rearrangement of the letters Abraham.


And when God changed the name of Sarai, He changed it to Sarah, and therefore, God did not change it to some different name altogether like sally or Lilly, or some other name. She kept her name but the letters were rearranged a little different.


And when God changed Saul to Paul He just rearranged the first letter from and S to a P. And at the resurrection when we get our new bodies, it will not be different body that we will receive, but it will be the same body with the atoms and cells rearranged to fit the pattern of an endless life.


1 Corinthuiasn 15:43  It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:44  It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.45  And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.


46  Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.47  The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. 48  As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.


49  And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 50  Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 51  Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,


52  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53  For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.


54  So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 55  O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 56  The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.


57  But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58  Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.


Therefore when "Jesus was made both Lord and Christ", God added to pronouns to his name Jesus and his new name is now the Lord Jesus Christ. But Jesus is still the base of who He is. Crowned with Lordship and Anointed with Eternal Life.


Now, this is just my thinking on this, and I could be wrong because I am not a vindicated prophet, but to me that is the only thing that makes sense. But when you receive a new name it has to follow that same pattern. And “anointed” or “Christ” will be part of that new name, for it has to be, for the whole family in heaven will have that name.


We see the promise is first made in Isaiah 62:2 And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name.


Then we see the promise again in Revelation 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.


So let’s see what that name will be. Revelation 3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.


So your new name will be the same new name given to the son of God which Paul said the whole family of heaven will be named, and God said He will write His own name upon us. 


Ephesians 3:14  For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15  Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,


So all these people who want to push some emotional excitement about receiving some mysterious new name, all I can say there is nothing mysterious about it. all sons have the same name of the Father. On earth William was the son of Branham. I was the son of Kocourek, but in God’s family we are all the sons and daughters of  Lord Jesus, the Christ. So you can call me Brian, Son of Lord Jesus, the Christ. (put our own name in there).


Question no 4. What is the correct music for worship services in a local church of Message doctrine believers? What do you think of the musical genres that are so mixed today?


What types of instruments should be used in services? Is it a right thing to have a battery? What do you think of the dance in the Spirit since the Bible says that David danced?


Answer no 4.


So to answer this, let’s see what God’s prophet had to say first.


Church order 58-1007 P:25 Now, when the pastor comes to the platform, let the pastor then lead, at least, one or two songs, and go straight to the Word. Not no time for these long testimony meetings, and everybody get up, and a word to say. That does not prosper in the Branham Tabernacle. If any people, if you are listening to this tape, and, you, it has prospered in your church, well, that's perfectly all right.


And we are very glad of that, that it does prosper in your church. But in ours here, it does not, it only causes confusion. I've been pastoring here for twenty-some-odd years, and I have found that it only causes confusion. If you've got a testimony, give it before, in the congregation of the people, while the Spirit is a-blessing, and so forth.


Notice here brother Branham mentions the pastor leading songs, but later after the seals, he tells us that there should be a song leader to do that, so the pastor can be devoted entirely to bringing the Word. But when he began as pastor he had to lead songs and preach as I and other pastors have had to do as well at one point or other.


From His sermon on Church order COD 63-1226 P:94 he says, “And have a song leader, no matter who it is. And don't let them stand up and say, or carry on a lot, they're a preacher. See?  Let them stand up there and lead songs; that's their business. It's the pastor's business to preach (See?), not lead songs. He ain't to lead songs; the song leader leads songs.


Then in speaking of the pastor, he says, “He's responsible, and should come out freshly under the anointing of the Holy Ghost from the office in there, somewhere, when it's come time. He don't even have to be on the platform when this is going on.


Let him stay in the office back there (See?), or back in here, or wherever it is; the intercoms here will bring it in (See?) when it's time. When he hears that last... If there is a special, like a solo, duet, or something, for your third song. See?


That you've had two congregational songs, prayer, your offering (if you're going to take it). And let every man be at his post of duty.


So let every man be at his post of duty. If you are leading songs, you need to be there. If you are videoing the service you have a duty to be there. If you take up the offering you have a duty to be there. If you are treasurer it is your duty to be there. And if you are an usher, then it is your duty to be there, so be the best you can be because you are serving God as you serve the church.


“Say, "All right, while we're singing this last song now, if the ushers will, let them come forward for the evening offering." See?  And while they finish singing that song, here's the ushers standing here. Say, "All right, now we're going to have prayer," and they offer prayer, "We want to remember So-and-so here, and So-and-so," and read that off, you know, like that, like that. "All right, everyone stand. Brother, will you lead us in prayer." Then it's all over.


Now, this is one of the biggest faults we find in the Message today. Many churches do more singing than the preacher does preaching. Song service should last no more than 15-20 minutes, that would be two congregational songs,  prayer, an offering and an intro song like Only Believe to give the pastor a cue to stepping out of his study.


I think this church follows that pretty well, and once in a while we may have a special and he said that is ok, but never let the special become entertainment, then it is motivated by a wrong spirit. The special as all songs should be a beautiful melody to bring the people into a spirit of worship. 


You set in a church where the music service is done the right way and the atmosphere is set to receive the Word and the people will hear from heaven.


From his sermon God in simplicity 63-0317M P:21 brother Branham said,  When a minister walks into a congregation of people praying in the anointing of the Spirit, you're bound to hear from heaven. That's just all.  There's no way to keep from it. But if you walk into confusion, then you're so confused, the Spirit's grieved.

He said two congregational songs, which means songs with several verses and perhaps a refrain in between each verse. Then he said if you have a special, a solo, or something, that would be the third song. Not a fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh, as we see in many churches, until they leave 15 minutes for the preacher to bring the word.  


I will never forget my first trip to Mbanza Ngungu, in Congo DRC, they had almost two hours of singing, jumping around in the isles, and of that 2 hours, at least a 20 minutes was bongo drum jam session, where two bongo drum players held a competition between their two bongo’s, and the whole thing was totally carnal. Just flesh. And so when it was my time to speak, they were all wore out an sweating like they had just run a marathon.


By the time I was called to come forward to bring the Word, I noticed as I approached the Holy Desk, that several large women that had danced up and down the isles were so exhausted they just plopped down in their chairs and laid way back in them as if it was now time to fall asleep.


“Forget the Word, they came to dance and sing.”  So to keep them from going to sleep, I opened up both barrels of my shot gun, the Word of God with the Old Testament and the other barrel of the New Testament, and I just blasted away. That sure woke them up.


And every time I approach this sacred desk, I do so, as if it were my last opportunity to speak to you this Word of God. And I don’t care if I am liked or not. I do not care if you like what I say or not, or how I say it. That’s not my business, because It’s not about me, it’s about God’s Word which is sacred.

And when I come in the name of the Lord, and if you don’t like what He tells me to say, then you’ll just have to take that up with God, because He is the one that sent me.


And Jesus said in John 13:20 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send, receiveth me; and he that receiveth me, receiveth him that sent me.


And since I know He sent me, then to receive me is to receive Him. That is exactly what we just read of him saying to us in John 13:20.


And this same apostle John also wrote, 1 John 4:5  and in there he said, They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.  6 “We are of God: he that knoweth God, heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.


So if you want to know if you are of God you will hear whom he sends. And to refuse to hear shows you are not of God. Therefore, It makes no difference to me whether you believe I’m teaching you Gods Word or not, because if you cannot read what is up here behind me on the board, right before your face to see in Red and Blue, then I am not responsible for what you do with His Word.


Therefore, what I teach you will have to answer for, and I will be there at the white throne to judge those who have heard but did not act accordingly.


God’s prophet told us in his sermon, Led by the Spirit of God 56-0723 P:84 “Now, remember your blood is before me; I'm placing it before Christ. As a minister, I'm obligated to the Word. God will judge me if I don't preach the truth. And then I preach the truth then it's on your hands. He said if you would see the enemy coming and you don't warn, then I'll require the blood at your hand, but if you do, then it's upon your own head.


And from his sermon Discernment of spirit 60-0308 P:1 he said,  And we are here this morning, Father, gathered for no other purpose but to know and to study to know, rather, the will of God and what we must do to make Christ real to the people of this generation. Knowing surely that in the day of the judgment we will be brought face to face with this generation.


And, being ministers, we will be judges. And the people to which we have spoken to, and their attitude towards the Word that we bring them, will determine their eternal destination. Therefore, Lord, in that day we would be a judge for or against the generation that we preached to.


So knowing God sent me, I came to Mbanza Ngungu and I did not come to hear some  unbridled indulgence of passions:, I came to speak the word of the Lord to save those people from themselves.


And most people do not understand that a music spirit is a sexual spirit that gets on people, and they want to get up and shake their bodies with the music, and they twist around, and holler and scream, but they forget the Holy Spirit is timid.


From his sermon Invisible union of the bride 65-1125 P:61 he says, “You say, "Brother Branham, is that true?" Turn to Genesis 4:16 and find out. … And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.


On down to Tubal, on down forward they begin come designers of instruments, music and so forth. Civilization came by Cain. That's right. Building cities, instruments, scientific men come by Cain, the serpent's seed.


Still going on about Cain’s lineage we read that in his lineage there were also twins, Jabal and Jubal. Genesis 4:20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle. 21  And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.


So we see who authored the musical instruments, it was the lineage of Cain. Now, I am not saying God is not in music, but it must be the right kind of music, because music is twins. And every revival produces twins.


And music produces twins, good godly sacred music and then all other music. But you have to be wise enough to know the difference.

I will never forget when I was in Japan visiting the research center for Pioneer Electronics, and they took me to their hydroponic research center where they were researching the effects of music. They grew cherry tomatoes in just water and liquid fertilizers, and in one section they played Mozart and Beethoven.


Those plants thrived well and produced wonderfully. In another section they played heavy metal rock and roll music and those plants shriveled up and died on the vine.


You just look at your little children and watch them as they jerk their heads when you go where that kind of music is playing. Poor little kids, they can’t help that jerking and twisting. The music is compulsive and they just go with the flow. They don’t have the Holy Ghost and not enough teaching settled into their hearts yet to know Godly music from ungodly. And it is your job to make sure they do. For their eternal destination rests n your hands.


God of this evil age 65-0801M P:49 Christians, genuine Christians are not all about scientific research and stuff. No, just a minute we'll get into that.  But Cain's did after the nature of their father, the devil, full of worldly knowledge, beauty, and science, so forth. Cain's children was scientific; they were educated.


They was the players of music instruments (a modern Elvis Presley and some of this stuff like that the school board lets happen up here in the lane every Saturday night), builders of cities, beautifying women for personal lust,


Therefore, this morning I am so grateful for the pastors to ask this question on music because so many people are confused over this issue. They think because there is movement and excitement in the church that it must be the Holy Spirit.


One brother told me “oh you should have been there, the Holy Spirit was just moving in those people.” And yet they deny the Word? I don’t think it was the Holy Spirit., and most people don’t know the difference between the holy Spirit and the unholy spirit.


And I said to this brother, “brother, have you ever been to a football game where the people all in unison will stand up one after the other and lift their hands up and down like that, until it looks like a wave that is surging around the entire stadium?


I said, “that is just the human dynamo”, “that is not the Holy Spirit.” “But the human emotions and Human dynamo can produce anything the Holy Ghost will produce but that does not make it God or even Godly.” People are no naïve.


Brother Branham said the music in church should begin playing 20-30 minutes before the song service begins. That is when the people are supposed to be coming in, and quietly setting down or kneeling down and praying and searching their hearts.


The music should be playing very soft, gentle and sweet music like “Down at the cross where my savior died”, or “sweet hour of prayer”. Songs like that which help to create an atmosphere of real soul searching.


Then that will get the people in a spirit of worship, and soul searching. Then when the song leader steps forward to lead the church in a couple congregational songs of worship, those songs should also be songs to get the people in the right atmosphere of expectation to hear the word.


Brother Branham said from his sermon God in simplicity 63-0317M P:21 The old piano, I believe, set back in this corner the best of my remembrance.  And she would play softly, "Down at the cross where my Saviour died," some real sweet soft music, and then until it come time for the service, and the song leader got up and led a couple of congregational songs, and then if they had some outstanding solo, they sang it, but never just a bunch of carrying on.


And then the music continually played, and then when I heard that, I knowed it was my time to come out.  When a minister walks into a congregation of people praying in the anointing of the Spirit, you're bound to hear from heaven. That's just all. There's no way to keep from it.


But if you walk into confusion, then you're so confused, the Spirit's grieved.  And... We don't want that, no. We want to come here to worship. We have lovely homes that I'm going to speak about just in a minute and so forth at home, where we visit our friends and take them. This is the house of the Lord.


Notice how he laid this out for us. The piano begins playing softly sweet music and the people get into the atmosphere of prayer, looking for a heart-felt experience with God.  


In his sermon Church order COD 63-1226 P:80 235.we read, “It's wrote real little. "And I've had complaints," ain't it? had complaints in the beginning of the service. We have. We have songs, testimonies, and prayers, and prayer requests, special singing, and maybe get into the message at eleven, or after, but don't have too much time for the Word. Some of the people get restless and have to leave before it’s over.


Please explain how many songs, and what time to start the message. And sometime we have prayer requests and it ends up in a testimony meeting, some things that don't seem kind of right at the time.


P:85 Now, here's my suggestion. Now, now remember, I've confessed that I'm guilty of leading this on. But then I've told you why I've led it on; I'm making two-hour tapes to be sent overseas and everywhere, of a Message. You see?


… Now, here's what your order...


Let me just give you an example. Would that be all right, a suggestion? I would say that the church should have its doors open at a certain time; let the congregation come in; let the songs be playing.


And let everybody come in to worship, not to visit. And don't let them visit afterwards, tell them to dismiss and get out, not to visit. If you wanted to visit, there's the whole outside.


But this is the sanctuary, let this be kept clean. Now, if the Spirit of the Lord is dealing here, let's keep it the Spirit of the Lord. See? And It'll keep moving. If you don't, you just mark my words, it's going to fall; it sure will. And let's keep it; it's our duty; that's why I'm here tonight. Let's keep this thing lined up with these orders.


Modern events made clear by prophecy 65-1206 P:59 And that's what the church has done today. You've got away from that old fashion experience you had years ago when you stood on the street corner and preached the Gospel.


Come out of those organizations and call yourself a free people today, because you're wrapped in it again,  like a hog to its wallow or a dog to its vomit. If it made him vomit the first time, it'll make him vomit again. That's right. God spew you from His mouth, He said, "You're lukewarm,


 neither hot or cold"; have a few meetings, then play a few music and sing a little bit, when, it's--absolutely it's almost become a disgrace to Christianity. My son called me over the other day to look at a television, supposed to be singing bee where the people come.


That bunch of little Ricky's standing there, shaking around like this rock-and-roll, and singing them hymns, it's a disgrace to Jesus Christ.


There's no more solemnity in the church at all. It seems like it's all become a rock-and-roll something, and a fashion show, in the stead of the church of the living God where Jesus Christ can manifest Himself in power.


There's surely something wrong somewhere; they're slipping away. And the Bible said it would be that way. See? Look where you're at. Be careful; wake up before it's too late.


So the key word here he tells us is solemnity. And that word solemn means, gravely or somberly; causing serious thoughts or a sincere mood.


Seven church ages 54-0512 P:64 But now wait just a minute. What have we got? Got nothing, no more than they got. That's exactly right. As long as we fuss and stew and carry on among one another, we still walk as men.


Until a man can get down at the altar and get right with God, till he can overlook little things and move on like a Christian ought to... Pot can't call kettle black. Right. Don't holler at them. Let's clean our own steps first. Excuse us, strangers, I'm giving the church a little Gospel spanking now.


Notice, that's right. It's exactly what you need."Oh," you say, "we got It." And get up there and beat the piano as hard as it can go, and a bunch of drums, and run up-and-down the floor, and go out and fuss with your neighbor.


Have you got anything? Oh, no. No, sir. The only thing we got is a lukewarm. As long as the music's running, we're running. When the music stops, we stop. Brother, don't call the other fellow something; let's look around your own door first. Amen.


I tell you we need an old fashion revival like we used to have down in the country, when they laid on their face all night long, not to carry on. But when real godly sorrow, and not go back to the altar and stay,


but go out and make it right with the neighbors they had made it wrong with, and get straightened up... You know that's right. Scorching, but, brother, it'll help you. That's right. You've got to know that, my friend. Yes, sir.


All things 62-1124E P:30  What's any more important than the going forth of the Word of God? That's what I thought of things. The street meetings that...


Used to the old fashion preacher'd stand there, and preach till the blood and sweat, as it was, run down into his shoes. Have a street meeting today, it's a lot of singing, a lot of something else.


And brother, somebody tries to lead in prayer, and prays for the president, and everybody else, and goes through it for about an hour, and the people's done walked away. The Word is the main thing, the Word. But we've lost the interest. Sometimes...I appreciate testimonies.


I appreciate music, and all those things. But that isn't it. It takes the preaching of the cross. It takes a circumcision of the Spirit to bring life. There's where our sincerity's gone away. It's been a time that we notice the great sincerity.


When a man knows that it's wrong for these things to creep into his church, and then don't tell them about it? Where is that deep sincerity? A minister told me, said, "You're going to lose your ministry."I said, "God gave me this ministry.


And if the Word of God, preaching that, makes me lose it, then I missed the boat somewhere. God will honor His Word. He's waiting for it."


The main thing is what is the purpose of the songs you sing? Because if it is not to create an expectation to hear the Word then it is wrong. Most churches sing for entertainment. The people don’t come to hear the Word they come for entertainment.


Without money or price 59-0802 P:18 There is so many entertaining things of our days. There's so much to entice people to what we would call pleasures, and it's for all peoples and all ages.

There are the enticements for the young people: the modern dances, and the rock-and-roll parties, and the music that they have that goes with it. And it's all enticing, for entertainment.


I don't care how good a home a child has been brought up in, and how it's been taught to do right; if that child hasn't accepted the experience of the new birth, rock-and-roll music catches his attention just as quick as he hears it.


Because in him is born in him by nature, a carnal spirit. And the power of the Devil is so great today, till it catches that spirit of that little one.


Oncoming storm 60-0229 P:39 The world today, America, doesn't want the Gospel. They want entertainment. They've got to have something to entertain them, a lot of fancy music, or something like that, or some kind of a party, some kind of a wiener roast, which them things are all right, outside the church.


But the church is where judgment ought to be preached in the power of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and a warning. Judgment begins at the house of God: not parties; judgment.


Seal of the antichrist 55-0311 P:67 Now, they stay home for that, and the things that the people does, today, it's a shame, calling themselves religious. They act like the world, because it's the spirit of America.

America wants entertainment. Oh, everything, everybody's got televisions and radios, and they listen to everything.


Let me go into a man's house, and let me see what kind of music he hears. Let me look around and see what kind of a literature reads; I'll tell you what kind of a spirit he's got feeding on it. That's right. Let me watch the way he acts in his daily walk. True. It's a shame.


My, how the church has fell from grace. Oh, what a pity. Repent and come back. That's right. I say that in the Name of the Lord: Repent and come back.


Let us pray