Satan’s Eden no 17

The Most Deceptive age - 

Knowing the Tactics of the Enemy

November 21, 2021

Brian Kocourek, Pastor



This morning we will examine paragraph number 8-10 of Brother Branham’s sermon Satan’s Eden, for our study this morning. 


8 I come to say something to you that would help you, something I studied after I went home this morning: What could I say tonight, Lord, that would help those people. Listening to that mighty message this morning on... Brother Neville brought us, about... I thought it was so wonderful, how he said there, "A doctor will diagnose the case, but the man that comes with a pan full of needles; he gives the injection"; so I thought that was really a real cute little expression. I thought about the serum, after the case is diagnosed. And so that's a very good thing.

Ok, so this morning these words are every timely and I have been sent with a pan full of needles, so if the message this morning seems a bit prickly, or if it stings, please just know that I am not the physician, I am only the man sent with the needles. So don’t get mad at me for giving you the treatment this morning, because if the great physician did it himself, his needles are two edged swords and they cut coming and going. I’ve just got the little sword, looks much like a needle compared to His but will do the job he sent me to do. For I am not the one who prescribed it, but the great physician wrote the script, so please play close attention this morning.


Next we hear brother Branham in paragraph 9 tells us,  I wanted to speak to you something, to bring something to enlighten to you the promise of God for this age (See?) something, not something that somebody else was in some other day, but something... And them things are all right; we all refer to those things. But I thought I would try to bring something to your mind with these Scriptures I got written here, that would enlighten you to know, make you a better soldier in the field that you're fighting in now, to learn the tactics of the enemy so that you can block everything before it gets to you. See? That's the main thing: is to learn to keep the punches off of you as much as you can.

10 Now, let us look now to this great (for a few minutes), this great sinful day that we're now living in. I don't believe there ever was a day that I've ever read in history... There's been greater days of persecution when the children of God was put to death on every hand, but to see the deceitfulness of the enemy, we've never had a day like this we're now living. It's the most cunning, deceitful day. And when I see that, it brings this, that the Christian has to be more on his toes today than he ever was in any age.


So with that in mind, we want to go to the scriptures this morning to read where this age is the most deceitful. That will be our first thought and then to know the tactics of the enemy that will be our second thought. Because after all, just to know that this age is the most deceitful, without telling where the deceit is coming from does not prepare you to withstand the devils tactics to try and deceive you.


Perhaps I can give you an illustration. A good boxing coach will have you study film of your opponent so you can see his style, his rhythm, his footwork, his movements and how he sets himself before a gives you a left or a right. And not only teaches them to you but he finds a boxing partner for you, who has some of those moves, and boxing style that is similar so you can practice against them.


In football you study the game films of your opponent so you can see what plays they like to use and what defenses are effective against them. And in military “war-college” you study all the great battles to see what worked and why it worked and what led to defeat. You study the great generals and their strategies to not only study their strategy, but their thinking that went into that strategy. That is why great Generals like General Patton studied Hannibal the Carthaginian General who commanded the Carthaginian forces in their battle with the Roman Republic during the Second Punic War. He is regarded as one of the greatest military commanders in history. Why? Because against all odds, he took his army up through the alps with Elephants to come down upon Rome where they would least expect him to attack. He came down from the mountains to their backside, when they had expected a battle to come from the sea. And that is why he won. It is called the element of surprise.


So what brother Branham is telling us here is that we have to battle with our eyes wide open, knowing your enemy the devil and his tactics of war.


Now, the problem we face is that this being the most deceitful age, we have to ask ourselves, where is the deceit coming from. For years many thought this deceit came only from the realms of religion. And knowing Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 that “the two spirits would be so close it would deceive the very elect if possible.


But we also know that God promised because the people “did not have a love for the truth He would send them a strong delusion.”


That is in 2 Thessalonians 2:10 “And with all deceivableness of un-right-wise-ness” (in other the deceivableness comes via a wrong understanding and that is how they open themselves up to the delusion) “And with all deceivableness of un-right-wise-ness in them that are in the act of  perishing;” (why?) “because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe the lie:” (The same lie that was told to Eve).


So we see that the strong delusion comes as a result of not loving the truth to the place that would save them, but rather having pleasure in an un-right-wise-ness which is a wrong understanding. In other words, they took pleasure in a wrong understanding whether it was a wrong understanding of Scripture or just a wrong understanding as we see taking place today concerning the death jab people are willingly taking.


Now, the Wuest Translation says that “this deception is geared to the gullibility of those who are perishing and that this gullibility is caused by the fact that they did not have a love for the Truth.”


Let’s read it 2 Thessalonians  2:10-12 "Of every kind of wicked deception geared to the gullibility of those who are perishing. This gullibility being caused by the fact that they did not accept the love for the Truth to the end that they might be saved. And because of this God sends them a deluding influence resulting in their believing the lie, in order that they all might be judged who did not believe the truth but took delight in wickedness."

So if they are geared to something that means they were made that way. I like his illustration of them that are perishing are geared to the gullibility which if you understand what a gear is, it is made in such a way that it fits itself to the gullible delusion.


And in the Book of Romans Paul said, Romans 9:22What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:”


Notice how the apostle Paul uses words like “geared to” and “fitted themselves to” and if you understand what a gear it, it is easy to get a picture in your mind of how the punishment fits the crime. How the delusion is geared to or fitted to attach itself to those people who have no love for the truth.


Now, the problem is that the great delusion is just not single focused thing, nor is it in one single aspect of your life. But the deception comes in every aspect of your life to thoroughly test your love for the Word. It comes from priests to physicians, from pharmacists to philanthropists, and from PHD’s and the educational system to the literature and media you partake in. From the food you eat to the water you drink, from the lifestyle you choose to the church you attend.  The deception is there for every choice you make, and if you are do not love the truth, it is because you are geared to non truth. You have fitted yourself to the destruction and can blame no one but your own self.


Therefore in this series on brother Branham’s sermon Satan’s Eden, so far we have seen how brother Branham gave us his first scripture from 2 Timothy 3:1 which warned us that this age would be an age of deception and it would be hard to deal with and hard to bear. And that is exactly what we are dealing with in this hour which is the greatest deceptive age ever recorded in history.


And this we see in  2 Timothy 3: 1 But understand this, that in the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble - hard to deal with and hard to bear  And in using the word perilous he is speaking of a very dangerous time to be living. What other age have we lived in that man can be obliterated in s3econds with no warning at all. What other age have we see that the nations are all killing off their own people by the millions and subjecting them to experimental medicine. We saw Nazi Germany do that to the Jews, but we have never seen every nation under the sun doing the same thing to their own people.


And we found in the methodology the Globalists elitists they are using Psychological warfare and germ warfare to kill off the people at rates the world has never seen before. And part of their methodology we saw a few weeks ago was what is called neurosis which brother Branham said began in his day when the whole world was becoming neurotic. 4 months before the plan-demic, we preached 11 sermon in 2019 on end time insanity and then for the past two years we seen those warnings manifest all over the world in a people who were so neurotic that they would drive down the street in a car all by themselves and wear a mask, I guess to protect themselves from themselves.  


In Webster’s dictionary we found this condition was defined as Neurosis which is: Any of various Psychic, or mental, functional disorders characterized by one or several of the following reactions: (1) ANXIETY, (2) COMPULSIONS and (3) OBSESSIONS, (4) PHOBIAS, (5) DEPRESSION, and (6) DISASSOCIATION.”


So we see the end time deception take on the form of a mental psychosis. And we see in this neurotic age we live in, that the globalist are well aware of this and have used these elements of Neurosis as a psychological warfare against the people. So we have germ warfare, psychological warfare, economic warfare and we see the beginnings of food warfare where people soon will be starving to death.


Now,  Neurosis is a psychological condition that the Globalists understand very well with all their psychiatrist and psychopathic medical research scientists who have developed these germ warfares against the people. But germ warfare deals with the physical immunity of the people, whereas the psychological warfare deals with the mental ability to take the stress and changes that are sweeping the nations. So the warfare is not a single focused warfare but has come to every facet of our lives in multiple ways to each facet.


And so they are using this psychological conditioning as a weapon in their arsenal to bring about their final solution. And why is that? Because Neurosis works. If you can get the people to become anxious and thus worried about what may happen first, then you can push them into fear and from fear into depression and then into disassociation (using methods like social distancing, wearing masks to talk to even your children, quarantining whole families away from each other, etc.) which seeing all this it triggers fear even further, and when that happens it cripples the people, and they no longer seek freedom but rather they choose what has been given as a perceived safety route instead.


And of course that further triggers a deepening neurosis when they can get everyone to look on their neighbor as a breeder of the disease when in fact the very solution they offer is what causes people to produce their own spike proteins. Just like the annual flu. Most people get the flu from the shot or someone in the family that got the shot, and not from some pig in China.


Then the social distancing, and the unscientific mask requirements and the quarantines all add up to produce a deeper neurotic mental instability in the people and not only of the people but now in all nations as well.


And when nations are crippled in their ability to rationally make a right decision, then there is nothing to keep them from destroying everyone else by “pushing play” with the atomic bombs available to them.


And what the tactic of  fear does best is crippling a person ability to naturally react. It causes a person to stop doing what they naturally would have been doing creating a new normal, which is not a happy normal. And they end up just doing nothing instead. The new normal is a neurotic normal. A delusional normal. And there will be no return to the old normal, because the nations are seeing to it that it never comes back. This is Satan’s Eden we are seeing.


We showed you in scripture how that the Bible told us “Joseph feared to take Mary to be his wife.  Fear stopped Joseph from doing what was right, so God had to send his angel to get him back on track. And Every time God sends His angel he tells us “fear not for I have come from the presence of the Lord.” Therefore the Bible tells us that “fear has a penalty” and that penalty cripples you and in this case causes a person to look on everyone else as a potential breeder of the disease and thus an enemy.


Whereas,  God’s Word teaches us that “perfect love casts out all fear.” And we are further instructed in God’s Word that “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of a sound mind.


Now, this ought to tell you that when people are in a state of fear that it did not come from God, nor do those who live in fear have a sound mind.


But here is the thing. Brother Branham in paragraph 9 tells us, “But I thought I would try to bring something to your mind with these Scriptures I got written here, that would enlighten you to know, make you a better soldier in the field that you're fighting in now, to learn the tactics of the enemy so that you can block everything before it gets to you. See? That's the main thing: is to learn to keep the punches off of you as much as you can.


And just like a good fighter who knows and has studied the tactics of the enemy, he thus has nothing to fear, and is ready for whatever move the enemy places upon him, and he is able to counter that move or that tactic of the enemy.


Now, remember we are in the most deceptive age ever, so we have to know that deception is not just in the form of religion, but the deception in this age is in every aspect of our living.


From the food you eat, to your choice of what you drink to the air you breathe. From the place you choose to educate your children, to the medicines you take into your body. In every aspect of your life there is deception, and that deception is there to destroy your life and your way of life.


From the religion you choose to live by, to your diet and choice of foods you choose to eat. From the air  you breathe,  to the medications you are prescribed.  From the clothes that you wear to the cars that you drive. From the energy you use to conduct your living, to the energy you use you make your car run, to the energy you use to heat your home.


We are bombarded daily with life and death decision, and we are “living in a time of great stress which is hard to deal with and hard to bear”. You go in for a simple operation and you come out a cripple for life, and you just can’t trust anyone. In fact we are faced not just in our daily life, but every hour of your life we are being bombarded with false advertising, fake news, fake education, fake religion, fake medicine, and fake educational system. Then on top of that we live in a fake economy where everything in this Satan’s Eden is fake, fake, fake, and that tells you the deception is in every place you turn your eyes to look upon today. 


Oh my, and we could take each one of those areas of our life and preach many sermons on each area of your life where you are being given deceptively wrong advice, until you cannot trust anyone or any church, any school, any Doctor, any Hospital, any Financial institution, any media, any restaurant, any grocery store, any government, any food suppliers, and even any water supply.

So you ask yourself why? And the answer is because it has all been poisoned and unfit for consumption, And we are told with a deceptive messaging system that everything is ok. That this is just normal. But it isn’t normal. It’s all deception, and it’s all a big delusion brought to you by Satan’s Eden. 


Like the globalist agenda says we are not supposed to own our own home, or car, or anything, but we will be happy that way. Then why aren’t they living what they preach. They own 99% of the wealth of the world in their 1%, so why not give away their 99% to the 99% and everyone would have the same? But that is never how it has worked in Satan’s Kingdom, and never will until we come into God’s Kingdom.


But with all this deception coming at us at such a high velocity, and yet through all of this “the Bride will not be deceived.”  But hear is his game plan, and the real object of Satan’s Eden and that is to get you to place no trust in anyone or anything, including God and His Word, and that is what Satan’s Eden is projecting everyone.


So you ask yourself, why is that? Because Faith is based on explicit trust, and when there is no longer any person or place to can put your trust in, then there will be no longer any faith on earth. And Jesus said in Luke 18:8, “Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”


But the answer to Jesus Question is a resounding yes! Because there is a people who0 has been ordained to be over comers, and who are also ordained to not be deceived in this hour from the onrush of deception which makes this age the age of the great deception. And therefore only among them who have been predestined to glory, which is those predestined to be filled with his opinions, values and judgments, will there be a people who believe, and who place their full trust and Faith in God and His Word, alone.


So that is our anchor my brothers and sisters, for God is our Rock and our buckler and shield and our help in times of trouble.


Therefore the object of Satan and his ministers in this Satan’s Eden is to put out such a message of deception and delusion and distrust so that it breaks the very fabric of the church and of family life.


Now, remember the apostle Paul warned us in 2 Corinthians 11 that “Satan’s ministers would appear as ministers of light”, but that does not just mean that all of Satan’s ministers are preachers.  An angel of Light could appear as a government official, or as a school teacher, or as a medical doctor, or even as a media person, or a newspaper editor. So just about every occupation you can think of can appear as an angel of light. But in this hour they are all confused and pushing their confusion on others. Why? Because the Bible says al them that “will be deceiving are doing so because they also are deceived as well.


But God’s Word teaches us that “God is not the author of confusion,” and it also tells us that “God is not a man that He should lie.” And that “God is not a respecter of persons”. Therefore he is consistent making Him “the same yesterday today and forever.


So you see there are a people who will believe God’s word regardless of what Satan’s Eden shows them. They will not be deceived and they will see through the plans of the enemy because they have “studied to show  themselves approved unto God, workmen that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  And therefore the Bride will not be deceived.


Now, remember the Apostle Paul said those who will be deceived open themselves up to the delusion because they are geared to that delusion.


You see if they can get you to see everyone as your enemy, then they can manipulate your emotions and control you. And we see that today. Those who have fallen for these “fear campaigns”, have also subjected their minds to fear those who have not been injected. Now that simply makes no sense at all. If you get the jab so that you won’t get sick from COVID,  then why should you care whether others are jabbed or not. You’re protected aren’t you? Oh I see, you’re not protected. Then why did you get the jab? 


Now, can you imagine, that. They are told that to get the shot you can return to normal, but once the people got the shot, then they said they had to get two shots to go back to normal. Isn’t that called a lie?


So they began to hand out passports for those who got the two shots, and then they said no, no, no, it is no longer good enough that you have two shots, you will now need three shots to get your passport back. And then they said that things will never go back to the normal they once were. But people don’t ask Why? They say, there will be a new normal. Ok, so after obeying like dumb sheep normalcy never will return because the plan is not to get back to normal at all but to change the definition of normal. 


In other words the plan has been a delusion all along. Nothing but a deception. And at least 50% of all peoples of the earth have shown they are a deceived people. The people fall for the same lie over and over and Einstein made famous the words, “To keep making the same mistake over and over expecting a different result is a sign of insanity.” So we see that 50% of the world have proven so far to be insane. And why is that? Because they have turned down Gods Word, that’s why, and he has turned them over to a strong delusion. And he’s not done yet. And people fall into error and make these disastrous mistakes because they do not know nor do they care nor do they understand their history.


I did not accept my commission in the Marine Corps not because I signed to play professional football, I knew I was signed just to give Fred Cox some competition. I didn’t not sign because I was afraid of the long commitment. Those were some of the reasons but the main reason is because I saw how they had injected service men with toxic experimental drugs and to refuse it you could get court marshaled.  And I never felt that anyone should have absolute control of anyone’s life like that except God Himself who is the only one trustworthy of such.


You see, many people think in terms of the Catholic Church and not in terms of the political realm when they think of a new world order and a universal faith. But brother Branham taught us to change that kind of thinking. He said the Catholic church cannot get it done using religion, so they will turn to politics and there they will get it done, and then the boycotts will take place and the mark of the beast. That is exactly what he taught us. And if you do not see that then you have failed to understand the tactic of the enemy. Rome has always run her business that way.


In his sermon Jezebel religion 61-0319 P:64 he said, “Then one day after sin had took its toll, and God has brought His people to their knees... Jezebel took everything; she wiped it all up; and she'll do it again. That's Thus Saith God’s Holy Bible. She'll do it again. She's right on the throne now, behind the figurehead, twisting it anyway she wants to; and nobody's going to stop her.  Certainly, nobody's going to stop her now, because what they couldn't get in the religious circles they cut it all into politics, and there they done it.


So where did they do it? He said in Politics. Though the Catholic church is a religious organization, she will bring her power into politics, and then the optics will become clear.


And if you know your history you will know that is the tactic that the Catholic church has used all the way through the inquisition, where she controlled the Kings and Monarch’s and got them to use their own armies to kill off the protestants. And they will do it again. And they are now doing it through the world wide vaccination program that is killing and maiming and causing pain and suffering in millions around the world right now. And it will get worse, because the Bible tells us it will, but the elect will not have to go through the tribulation. The church will, those who have been deceived into it will, but the elect will not be deceived.


And then brother Branham says, “Uh-huh, that's exactly what they done. Which the political will be a boycott (and what is a boycott? Its a cancel culture) just exactly back to the mark of the beast, as sure as I'm standing here. See? And the Bible said it. And where do we see the boycott today? It’s called a vaccine card. And in many blue states and in many countries they have it because they can get away with it. If you haven’t taken the jab you become boycotted. You can’t socially gather, you can’t go to church. You can’t go to large gatherings such as ball games and music halls. Australia just celebrated a freedom day, but it was only for those who have taken the jab. So freedom is for only those who have taken the death jab, hmm, interesting way to put it preacher. All others were excluded from the so called freedom day. And that my brothers and sisters is a boycott. Just like what is spoken of in the book of Revelations.


And worldwide you can’t even travel internationally unless you’ve taken the jab, and worldwide you cannot travel in your own country or within your own city on what is called mass transit like buses, trains, unless you have the vaccine card. And even Uber and Lyft are moving towards vaccination mandates, and have already mandated masks and safe distancing. And it is already getting to the place in some areas of the world that you cannot hold a job, and you cannot get unemployment if you lose your job, and you cannot go to the grocery store, and you cannot get your money out of the bank. Now that is exactly what the scripture describes as the boycott to all who do not have the mark.


So what is a boycott? It’s nothing but “cancel culture”. And the world is full of cancel culture today which is nothing short of boycotts. And we see it all over the world. Not just a few countries here and there, but literally and globally the entire world. So Revelations 13 is manifesting.


So we read in  2 Timothy 3:1  This know also, that in the last days perilous (hazardous, risky and dangerous) times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,  Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,  4  Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.


And that is your key right there. It says “avoid such people”. And so we see that is Gods call for us to socially distance ourselves from all this perverted world.


Therefore, I believe in social distancing, but we should do it as the Bible says, and not what governmental perverts tells us to do. We should distance ourselves from all that live ungodly.


6  “For of this sort are they which creep into houses,(houses of worship) and lead captive silly women (churches) laden with sins,(sin is unbelief) led away with divers lusts, 7  Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8  Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth:


These are people who stay clear of the truth and who say no to the truth) men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.  Which is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, for there is only One faith and One Lord, and that one faith is the one revelation of that one Lord.)


9  But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. 10  But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,  11  Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. 12  Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 13  But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

And in 2 Thessalonians 2: we are also warned 1  Now we beseech you, brethren, by the parousia of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 


Now the gathering together is to be unto him, but the deception is to get you to gather together unto someone or something else. So watch that deception brothers. He said at the end time,  at the Parousia of Christ, there is to be a gathering together unto HIM who is here. Now, some think you have to come to them to gather but He said unto Him and he was speaking of Christ the Word.


But we are waned that there will be people who say that Christ is here or there in certain places as Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:22   And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. 23  Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. But it is not possible. For the elect cannot be deceived.


25  Behold, I have told you before. 26  Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: and if you listen to the questions and Answer brother Branham preached on August 23, 1964 both the morning and evening you will hear that there was quite a few questions where people said there was a teaching that the people had to move to Arizona if they were going to go in the rapture. And brother Branham said if he believed that it would make him a false prophet. Right Don? Isn’t that what he said? Well what about those who are now saying you must come to the secret chamber, lets read what Jesus said they will be saying…


26  Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; and what did Jesus say? He said if they say Christ the anointed is in the secret chambers, Jesus said, believe it not.


So I always wondered what those secret chambers were. Have any of you asked yourself what those secret chambers are that Jesus said don’t believe them if they say Christ is in the Secret Chambers? Well, the Greek word for chambers is tameion. And do you know what this word tameion is defined as in the Strong’s exhaustive Greek concordance? If I tell you, will you promise me you won’t be offended? The word tameion is defined in the strong’s Concordance as the word “store house”. It also says a dispenser or distributor.


Now, look, I am not fussing with anyone, but that is what the Bible dictionary of Greek words says, the strong’s dictionary.


So if recall that brother Branham said the entire new testament speaks of this hour, and the words of jesus speak of this hour. So when he says, 25  Behold, I have told you before. 26  Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: 26  Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.


So how about if we read it as William Branham brought it out to us and the strong Concordance brought it out.

25  Behold, I have told you before. 26  Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in Arizona; go not forth: behold, he is in the store house that is a dispensor or distributor believe it not.


Yes, you don’t have to believe anyone who says you go to go there for the anointed Word.


27  For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the Parousia of the Son of man be. 28  For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.


In other words His presence will be universal. “wherever two or thre are gathered in my name, there I will be.


Now, I know that there are certain ministers who throughout the years have tried to influence the people to come here or come there, and got the people to believe that you had to set under their ministry to make it, and that is just a bunch of malarkey. When people said that of Brother Vayle he said  in his sermon Justified and sanctified 31   Anybody that says, "you got to follow me" I’m going to say you're a liar, a liar, a liar, and the truth is not in you, and you will go to the lake of fire. Because you’re already on fire with the stupidity of sickness, sick sins called lie. Oh he hates that thought,  "You ain’t got a think coming,” and he thinks it’s coming from me! I don’t have a think coming! I’m trying to follow the Word.


And again in his sermon LV #6) Questions and Answers - Pastors P: I would not sit in any congregation for fifteen minutes where the congregation believe that you had to hear me to make the Rapture. And then he said, …You don't have to hear me to make any Rapture. I fought that for years. ...  21 Let me tell you here, and it's on tape going around the world. I deny categorically, that anybody has to hear me, because I don't even stand to hear myself to make the Rapture. That's the biggest bunch of hogwash and nonsense in the world….


But you see where that kind of teaching comes from? It comes from people who are unstable in the faith. Peter said they even wrestled with the Words of Paul to their own destruction, and they are doing the same with the words of William Branham. So just stay clear from anyone who says you have to hear this one or that one or you must listen to this tape or that tape at this time with us to make the rapture. That is pure nonsense and shows spiritual immaturity to talk like that. 


Some think if everyone around the world will go to their website and listen to the same tape they listen to, that if everyone around the world will do it somehow the great gathering of the saints will take place but they just don’t know their Bible when they talk like that.  But Jesus warned us otherwise.

And William Branham vindicated prophet of God told us that teaching is wrong, we do not have to all come together until the resurrection takes place.  In that same tape of Questions and Answers of August 23, 1964 said the bride will not gather together in one place until the resurrection and then he quoted the apostle Paul.


Questions and answers COD 64-0823M P:34 All right, fifth question:240. Will the Bride be gathered together in one place at the rapture, and will it be in the west? Nope, don't have to be there. Yeah, the Bride will be gathered together in one place. That is true, but not until the resurrection. See? "For we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord..." II Thessalonians the 5th chapter, I believe it is. "We which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent (or hinder) those which are asleep (universally); for the trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise, and we shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air." Therefore, the Bride will all be together when it goes to meet the Lord. See? It will be together, but it don't necessarily mean that they all have to be setting in one place like this; because the Bride is sleeping in the dust of the earth around the world, from the Arctic to the tropics, and from the east to the west, from north to the south.


And then the very next week he answer that again this way, …Questions and answers COD 64-0830E P:68

407. Will there be, or is there now a place for the Bride to gather together to live, like when Moses led the children of Israel? I'm going to answer that question for you; it was just revealed to me. I'm going to tell you the truth. Yes, sir. There's a place for all the Bride to gather. You want to know where it's at? In Christ. Correct. Just gather in there; we're all together.


And remember Jesus said if they say Christ is in the store house believe it not. So my brothers and sisters, just relax you are not missing out on some great gathering of the elect, for if you are in Christ no matter where you are you will be there.


So in getting back to the foolish virgins in Matthew 25,  notice that something happened to the virgins who heard the shout which is the midnight cry. And when they all went out to meet HIM, something happened and not all who went out to meet him, actually stayed with HIM. The others were somehow attracted to go buy from them that sell. So the sellers had a very strong selling point, “he’s in the store house” but Jesus said if they say that believe it not. And that is just a gentle way of saying, that is a lie so don’t believe it.  Otherwise the foolish virgin would not have gone away from the one they came out to meet.


The fact is they had gotten their eyes set on seeing a vessel, and because they saw no vessel they concluded that he was not there. That was their fatal mistake. Because by doing so they turned down His Parousia Presence. Because the midnight cry was said “Behold the Bride Groom, which means Look and see the Bride Groom, come out to meet Him.”


And remember because they loved not the truth God gave them over to believe the lie, which is a strong  delusion, and since they are geared to the delusion, and are fitted for it, then point number one, they believed the lie to begin with and did not believe there was an appearing before the coming. And that is what the midnight cry declared “he is here come out to meet him.” But they were somehow convinced that the best way to see “HIM who is here” was to go to them that sell. And again I do not know how they could have come to that conclusion except them that sell were telling them, “he is in the secret chamber,” the store house the distributor of the oil.


Absolute the 62-1230M P:51 No matter what your experience is then; if something in you tells you that that Bible isn't true, that power of God, apostles, prophets, and teachers, and pastors, and the gifts of the Spirit just isn't the same as It was when It flowed through them apostles at Pentecost, there's something wrong with your absolute; it has to tie to a denominational creed, instead to God's Bible, when He said, "Both heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail."Watch what your absolute is. You might be absolutely sure that you're in good fellowship with the pastor; and might be absolutely sure that you're in fellowship with the district presbyter; you might be absolutely sure that you're in fellowship with the bishop, or some other great man in your church; but if your absolute isn't Jesus Christ... "For upon this rock I'll put My absolute, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it," spiritual revelation of Who He is and knowing. All right.


Absolute an 63-0127 P:61 Now, if He is our Absolute, there can be no other absolute. You can't have, say, "Well, my church is my absolute. My creed is my absolute." If Christ is your Absolute, you believe Christ's Word. There's no other way to do it.


Absolute the 62-1230M P:80 And if your absolute is in some organization, or some sensation, or something else besides the Person of Jesus Christ, you'll come to the same portion of shame, only worse. See? If your absolute is not Christ, that's the only Center-post of the human life; and Christ is the Word, not your church, your word, The Word. See? "Upon this absolute I'll build My Church," upon Christ, the Word.


And that is what happened to the foolish virgins. They began right but somewhere they lost their oil. So somewhere on their way to meet with the Parousia of Him who was there, they got deceived away from the door where His presence was standing their knocking, they looking for Him in the secret chamber instead, and for a vessel and because their theology pointed to a vessel other than Christ the Word, they actually did not believe the midnight cry, and so they chose to disbelieve what the midnight message was, in favor of the delusion  that He is in the secret chamber  which Jesus told them that is a lie, yet because they had to have a vessel in their mind their delusion ended up deluding them even further when they went out and saw no vessel.


Remember Moses knew the ways of God but the children of Israel only saw His Works. And the ways of God is to get your eyes off the vessel and onto the one who is using that vessel. Now, what is good for the goose is good also for the gander. And God would never have us do something that He himself did not do.

And we know that God does not look upon our flesh, but on the thoughts and intents of the heart. So if God does not look at our vessel then how can we expect that He would have us look at the vessel He uses. Just think about that, and it will help you to see, and have rest in His righteousness, and not your own.


So not seeing a vessel which went contrary to their theology, they somehow convinced themselves that the Message was wrong and He was not present to meet them. So they called the Parousia of Christ a false doctrine because they could not see the vessel of Him who said come out to meet him. Therefore, the one who had called out to them to come out to meet him, their own theology believed that he had to be somewhere. So they would need to find a vessel and that is where they would meet Him. And that is why they went to the secret chamber which Jesus warned us they would do, and of course we know the secret chamber is the store house where they sell the oil. Now, isn’t it strange that the ones who left the appearing looking for the coming, because they looked for a vessel, are the same ones who had no oil in their own vessel to give them light, which is revelation.


So their deception actually began even before they could get outside to meet Him. That is when the deception actually began in them. They were geared to the gullibility by their own theological mindset.


And the apostle Paul warned us of this in the book of Acts 20:28 “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.”


So the apostle Paul warns us to take heed unto ourselves, and this word take heed was translated from a Greek Word prosecho, which literally meansto hold the mind.” It also means tobe awareandpay close attention to”.


Now, if the foolish virgin had held their mind to what the voice said, and were on their way outside to meet Him who was there, they would not have become distracted away from that Message “Behold, Look see, He is here, come out to meet him.


And in holding their mind on what he said they would have come out and understood the Mighty God had unveiled Himself to them in the form Spirit by His Pillar of Fire and His Word. But they got their minds off the real Message, and somehow convinced themselves that they were to look for a vessel. Why? Because they were always looking at everyone else’s vessel as well as their own to make judgment against them.


As brother Branham said in his sermon End time evangelism 62-0603 P:30 Now, we have already seen and are witnessing the appearing of the Lord. Now remember, appearing and coming is two different words: to appear and then to come. Now is the appearing; He's already appeared in these last days, right here with us in the last few years. Now, it's a sign of His coming. He's appearing in His Church in the form of the Holy Spirit, showing that it's Him, 'cause people cannot do these things that you see the Holy Spirit doing; so that's the appearing of the Lord. Now, you remember, it spoke both places, "appearing" and "coming."


So they got turned away from Him who is here to Him who is not here and they went to them that sell looking in the secret chamber for Christ. Trying to figure out what that midnight cry was all about. 


So we are looking at an end-time deception to begin with. Now, let’s continue to read what Paul warned the flock that was about to come…


29  For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.


So the flock hears the midnight cry, and on their way to meet the presence of the One Who is here, they got distracted and detracted away from the One Who is here, to the Message about the One who is here. In other words a mechanical device. And the apostle Paul tells us that the deception will come from those who are right in our midst, whom he calls “grievous wolves”.


And this word “grievous” means “distressing, and grievous news”, and the only “grievous news” when coming out to meet him, was to say “he is not here”. 


So someone turned the minds of the people from what the Message said, to what it didn’t say. The Message said, “Behold, come out to meet Him” and it was turned to “ok, since you can’t see Him who is here, youcan find him in the store house so you got to go to them that sell, and then you will know who is not here yet, but is coming.”  


And so the emphasis was redirected from the presence of the One who is here to “get the tapes, push play and you will meet him when he comes”. And so the people were redirected away from His Presence to “the tapes” to  a “Mechanical device” is all you need. Now, remember, we read you three quotes last week where brother Branham said himself that God does not use a mechanical device, he always uses men.


Now, the good thing though, is that somehow when they went to them that sell, to the secret chamber to find him who is here, they got redirected back to the door which is Christ the Word.  But the bad news is, that by the time they finally got around to see who came down, it was all over, and they were all left to the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth which is tribulation period.


Now, I’m not making this up, that is what Jesus Himself taught us.


Now, in 1 Timothy 4:1 The apostle Paul said, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from The Faith, and according to Ephesians 4:5 there is only One Lord and One Faith, and since Brother Branham taught us that “Faith is Revelation”, and since there is “Only One Lord”, then this One Revelation is the Revelation of that One Lord, which is the only Revelation spoken of in the Scripture, and that is "The Revelation of Jesus Christ."


And so 1 Timothy 4:1 continues by saying that those who will depart from the Revelation of Jesus Christ do so by "giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils:


In fact we read in Hebrews 6, that these people who fall away or deviate from the Truth were among those who were Once for all enlightened  which there is only one once for all enlightenment and that is the Shout of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 that God descends with, which is the Message.


And we know there is no other age where this could happen except at the end-time according to Revelation 10, Malachi 4, Acts 3:19-23 , 2 Thessalonians 1:10, Joel 2:25 and as so many other scriptures that point out that this restoration of the Word or “Once for all enlightenment” will take place at “the Revelation of Jesus Christ.”


Now, in getting back to what the apostle Paul says next, in verse 30 we read,  “Also of your own selves (so that would be within the movement of the Message itself) shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. 31  Therefore watch,(that means to observe) and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.


So the deception comes via two things: men trying to draw you away from His presence unto themselves, and two: from a false movement, a false teaching, a false creed, or a personality.


We find this end time deception is also spoken of by the apostle Peter in 2 Peter 2:1  But as there were false prophets among the people, even so shall there shall be false teachers among you,


Notice again he said as there were so shall there be, so we are to learn the tactics of the enemy so we ourselves will not be deceived by them.


But as there were false prophets among the people, even so shall there shall be false teachers among you, who privately will bring in (bring in to what? Bring in alongside of true doctrine) destructive heresies, even denying (saying no to) the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2  And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.   And through covetousness shall they with feigned (feigned words, made up words, not giving you quote by quote and talking it back to the scripture, but giving you half quotes by half quotes, like some are doing who say it is Gods will that you take the vaxx because they half quote Jesus who said “render to Caesar that which is Caesars”, after they had showed him the coin with Caesars image on it.

But they fail to quote the other half where he says, “and unto God that which is Gods.” Therefore) with feigned (made up) words (or quotes) they make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.


Now, I ask who is making merchandise off this message? And making merchandise off the people of this Message?


Brother Vayle said in his sermon The Rapture  number 7 -  P:62 “Now watch: 2 Peter 2:1But there were false prophets among the people, (Jesus said the same thing. They're coming-anointed to power like Balaam but off the Word.) even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies (In other words, they have their own revelation. From the time the prophet comes on the scene, they will tell you "no way" about the Rapture...tell you "no way" about revelation.) even denying the Lord that bought them (What is that word 'deny'? It means to 'refuse' just like in Hebrews 6.) and brought upon themselves swift destruction.  2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; (Bloodless ways. Certainly. There's no Blood. You get outside the Light, where is the Blood? You find me where the Blood is outside the Light. Now, come on. I'm quoting Scripture- John 3:16-19. 2 Many shall follow their bloodless ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 3 And through covetousness (that is greediness, men who can’t get enough, who know not to say enough is enough, but they want more, and not only more but they want it all.) shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you.


So avoid that kind of doctrines my brothers, because it is a wrong spirit, and it is a Catholic spirit at that.


Now, in getting back to what the apostle Paul said, let’s read on in 2 Thessalonians 2 and verse 2…


2  That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;”


Now, here is the key, he said, “Let no man deceive you by any means”. So you must become aware of what the word any means is? You’ve got to know the weapons of their warfare.


As brother Branham said in Satan’s Eden paragraph 8…that would enlighten you to know, make you a better soldier in the field that you're fighting in now, to learn the tactics of the enemy so that you can block everything before it gets to you. See? That's the main thing: is to learn to keep the punches off of you as much as you can.


Ok, so we see the apostle Paul tells us the deception does not come until the falling away begins.  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;


So like the foolish virgins, because on their way to meet the one whose presence was there, on her way the foolish virgin got side tracked, and had already began to fall away when she had began to open her Bible and try to find out what this midnight cry was all about. And seeing she had lost her first love, and lost what oil she had in her vessel, she was ready for the deception and redirection, which was “go to them that sell, for he is in the secret chamber.”


Now the sad thing is this, it was something the wise virgins had said to the foolish virgins who wanted what the wise virgins had. But they were just telling the foolish where they got the oil from, and pointed them to go listen to the same tapes they had listened to. They never told them which ones, they just pointed to the message and said that is where we got our oil from.


Matthew 25:6  And at midnight there was a cry made, (ok, so we see that midnight cry is the shout, and so what did the Shout or Message declare?) Behold,(Look and see) the bridegroom cometh; come out to meet him.  Then all those virgins arose, (they were awakened. The Greek word is “egeiro” which means literally through the idea of collecting ones faculties. And what did they do?) and they trimmed their lamps.


Now, we know that the Word of God is said to be a light unto our feet. Psalms 119:105 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”


So they trimmed their lamps. In other words they began to open their Bibles to search it out to get a better understanding of what this midnight cry was all about. (I believe that began in 1977 with the understanding of the Presence, which is the appearing before the coming.)


8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. (we have no oil so we have no light on the Scriptures to know what they are telling you.) But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.


“Look, there’s been a Message preached, go and listen to those tapes for yourself and you will get oil in your vessel enough to be able to see who is here. But you cannot see the one who is here based on my revelation, you have to get your own revelation of what the Word of God is showing you concerning this midnight cry for yourself.” That is what they were told by the wise virgin and they are still being told that.


The Bible says, “buy the truth and sell it not.” That is why this church has never sold anything. We have  always given it away. “For what we have freely received we have freely given”.


But notice she said, “I had to get my own from those tapes, and so you got to get your own revelation yourself or you will never see Him who is here like we see Him that is here”.


And so off they went to the ones who sell in order to buy for themselves. But when they went to buy for themselves they must have been caught off guard because according to Matthew 25 they stayed there for quite some time, because by the time they got back to where they had gone off, and when they returned to where the Message had said He was at, they were rejected and cast out into weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Now, that is what the Bible says, I cannot add to it nor can I take away from it.


10 “And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him  to the marriage: (notice the invisible union took place) and the door (Christ the Word) was shut to them.


11  Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12  But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. (Dr. Hoyer one of the greatest Greek scholars of the 20th century said that the actual Greek says, “I used to know you as my wife but I do not know you as my wife any longer.” So this is the great divorcement). 13  Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.


Let us pray…