Spoken Word no. 50

All Scripture must be fulfilled, the Last trump

Brian Kocourek


Last week we spoke on the Voice of 1 Thessalonians 4 and the week before that on the Shout. Now, this morning I would like to continue in our study of brother Branham’s sermon The Spoken Word is the Original Seed, and in paragraph 35 we will again read.  “Jesus said the Scriptures must be fulfilled. That is, that all that's written in the Scriptures... Now bear this in mind, 'cause you who are getting the tape now; at the end of these tapes you'll find I come back to that again, that all that's in the Scriptures must be fulfilled. Now, let that soak just a minute, class. See? All that's in the Scriptures has got to be fulfilled. Then if God said anything, there you are; It's got to be fulfilled. Or if it isn't, that's not the Word of God. Then if that isn't the Word of God, then where are we at? Let's get something that looks like God or anything we want to do: as the Bible said, "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die." See?


Now, notice that He said, “all that God spoke must be fulfilled”. Not all that you speak or all that I speak, or all that anyone else speaks, but this vindicated prophet says, “all that God speaks must be fulfilled”.


Now, remember, part one of our study concerned the Shout of 1 Thessalonians 4 15-18 which Shout brother Branham taught us is the Message. Part 2 of our mini series we spoke on the Voice. And we find that concerning the Voice there is more speculation than any other end-time doctrine, because men will not say what the prophet said. They seem to feel it is necessary to add their own thoughts to what he said, and even those who do not believe in the five-fold ministry and say they believe only the tapes, these are the worst offenders, because they do not say what brother Branham but they read into what he said and produce their own fictions concerning the Voice.


So let’s read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 again.  But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14  For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15  For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  16  For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.


Now, these words are very clear. Paul says that the Lord Himself will descend with a Shout. Now, we know what that Shout is because we had a vindicated prophet tells us what it is. In the Rapture sermon he told us it is the Message. 


We see here in these verses that Paul is speaking of the Presence of the Lord coming down and doing three major things.

A Shout, which is the Message, the Voice which is the resurrection, and then the Trumpet which is the calling to the marriage supper. Therefore, we are looking at the Parousia Ministry of the Holy Spirit doing three things.


Rapture the 65-1204 P:75 A "shout," what is a "shout"? It's the Message going forth first, the living Bread of Life bringing forth the Bride. Now, God has a way of doing things, and He never changes His policy. He never changes His... He's the unchanging God. In Amos 3:7 He said He would do nothing on the earth until first He revealed it to His servants the prophets. And just as certain as He promised it, He'll do it.


Rapture the 65-1204 P:82 He ordained these things to be, and He must send this. The first thing come when He starts descending from the heaven, there's a shout. What is it? It's a Message to get the people together. A Message comes forth first. Now, "Lamp trimming time. Rise and trim your lamps." What watch was that? The seventh, not the sixth, the seventh. "Behold the Bridegroom cometh. Rise and trim your lamps." And they did. Some of them found they didn't even have any oil in their lamp. See? But it's lamp trimming time. It's Malachi 4 time when you come... It's Luke 17. It's Isaiah... All those prophecies that it can perfectly set in order for this day in the Scriptures, we see it living right there. There's no...?...


Ok, then we can say with our prophet that the Shout is the Message.


Then as we examined last week, William Branham taught us that the Voice is the resurrection. And he taught us that it is the same voice that raised Lazarus from the grave after 4 days laying there dead and stinking from decomposition.


Now, this Voice is the resurrection. That’s what Brother Branham taught us in his sermon, the Rapture. The Voice is the resurrection. That is what he said.  Rapture the 65-1204 P:88 The first thing is the shout, and then a voice, and then a trumpet. Shout, a messenger getting the people ready... The second is a voice of the resurrection. The same voice that, a loud voice in St. John 11:38 and 44 that called Lazarus from the grave. Getting the Bride together, and then the resurrection of the dead (See?), to be caught up with it. Now, watch the three things take place.


Now, there are basically two things that will occur at the time of the resurrection.


1. The world will go into tribulation, and the foolish virgin will be hunted down and slaughtered,

and all who do not take the mark of the beast will suffer a great boycott and will not be able to   buy or sell.


2.     There will be a resurrection and change of the living for the elected of God.


Now, we looked at the fact last week that the resurrection is not something that takes place in the moment or twinkling of the eye. That’s the body change. The resurrection will consist of a period of time more or less extended during which time the sleeping saints are resurrected, and are seen by the living saints and then a body change takes place for all the saints.


Brother Branham explains it like this:


First: the sleeping saints come up with their celestial bodies, or theophanies as brother Branham states.


Secondly: they are seen by the living saints. After being seen by the saints, the living saints receive their celestial body and together the body terrestrial and body celestial will make up our glorified body. This will take some time, and he describes it like of a wave  after wave after wave. The last generation to go down will be the first to come up and the first generation to go into the ground will be the last generation to come up. He called that the order of the resurrection as did the Apostle Paul.


Letting Off the Pressure 62-0518 Can't you see we're at the end time? It's all over. The next thing will be a sweep of getting that little group together, and in a month or so she'll be gone - as soon as she's gathered together. We're at the end; there's no hopes left anywhere. Run to Christ, people!


Now, we saw this take place in the alpha ministry of Christ in the book of Matthew.


Matthew 27:45  Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. 46  And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? 47  Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, This man calleth for Elias. 48  And straightway one of them ran, and took a spunge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink. 49  The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him. 50  Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51  And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52  And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53  And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54  Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.


And we know that Alpha must repeat in Omega, so we shall see the same basic thing take place in this hour.  Now, the day of Pentecost did not take place until 50 days after Jesus rose from the dead, so he was with the saints during that time. We know very little about that period of time from Scripture, but we know that when Jesus led captivity captive he took the dead saint up in a rapture.


Rapture the 65-1204 P:98 David said over there, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up.” He led captivity captive and give gifts unto men. When the Old Testament saints went in with Him, they said, "Who is this King of righteousness?" "The Lord of glory, mighty host." Here they come in, marching. Jesus led captivity captive. And here He comes with the Old Testament saints, and went into the new gates up there, and said, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up, and let the King of glory come in.” The voice come from the inside, said, "Who is the King of glory?""The Lord, mighty in battle.” The gates flew open. And Jesus the Conqueror led captivity captive them that had believed on Him, and the Word had come to them.

There the Old Testament saints laying in there waiting. He led captivity captive, ascended on high, took the Old Testament saints, and went in. There's one rapture already passed. The next rapture takes place is II Thessalonians for the church, the Bride, to be resurrected to be raptured into glory. "We which are alive and remain (That's the body that's left on earth.) will not prevent or hinder them which are asleep; for the trumpet of God shall sound first, and the dead in Christ shall rise. (See?) And we which are alive and remain shall caught up together with them."


Next we saw Brother Branham speak on the condition of the living saints and the saints which are asleep in the graves.


In the sermon, Who is this Melchisedec 65-0221E P:47 Brother Branham reads from Scripture and says, II Thessalonians tells us so: "For we which are alive and remain shall not prevent (or hinder) those which are asleep; for the trumpet of God shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise first; we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air." Perfect, all these types...Therefore the theophany, if you have died and entered into that theophany, what happens? The theophany comes to the earth to pick up the redeemed body. And if you're here in the air, you take the body to meet the theophany (There you are.), and caught up and go to meet the Lord in the air.


And from his sermon called Life 57-0602 P:23 he says, And then when we die from this life, we go into the body which... If this earthly tabernacle is dissolved, we have a theophany to go into, a body celestial. Then at the coming of the Lord Jesus, this body is picked from the earth again and made in a glorified state to live in His Presence forever.


Notice he said, if you are among those who have already died, you enter first into that theophany. Then with that theophany, you come forth to get your redeemed body. if you have died and entered into that theophany, what happens? The theophany comes to the earth to pick up the redeemed body. Then once that redeemed body is joined to the Theophany, it becomes a glorified body.


On the other hand, those of us who are among the living, will get our body change and then go to that theophany to complete the glorification process. He said, And if you're here in the air, you take the body to meet the theophany (There you are.), and caught up and go to meet the Lord in the air.


Next we shared several quotes from Brother Branham and several Scriptures confirming the order of the resurrection as declared to us by both Paul and William Branham.


Jehovah Jireh #1 - 62-0705 And then, remember, if we go before He comes, we will be up and in His Presence, or, raised before the others are changed. "The trumpet of the Lord shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which alive and remain shall be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, and be caught up together with them, to meet the Lord in the air." Look at the order of the resurrection. See, God knows that we long to see our loved ones. And if we got there to meet Him first, we'd be looking around to see if mother or dad and the rest of them was there.

But see how, the Holy Spirit in His wisdom? We meet one another first, and then when we get there and sing "Amazing Grace," that's when there's going to be a time of worship.


Seven Church Ages 54-0512 "Behold He cometh with clouds." Now, let me stop here just a moment. Clouds doesn't mean that He's coming on a big thunderhead as mama, bless her heart - she's sitting here somewhere. I remember her voice, she used to set and tell me, said, He's coming on, a great big cloud gonna raise someday and God's gonna come on. Now the Cloud that He's coming is, if we just had the time to get this back, and get the real background and the whole thing. Now the Cloud He's coming in is not a cloud, like a thunderhead, but it's a Cloud of Glory He's coming in. See? Now, when Jesus was overshadowed by God on Mount Transfiguration, Clouds overshadowed Him and His raiment. See? And when Elijah would come down, a cloud come down and received him up, not a not a thunderhead, but a Cloud of Glory. His great glorious Presence will strike the earth. He cometh in Clouds! Oh, I love that. Clouds, there'll be wave after wave of His Glory will come across the earth - and the resurrection of the saints shall come. That blessed Holy Spirit that's lived in their hearts and they're dried with their corpse laying there and the pierced veins over their cheeks and things like that and they're placed back in the graveyard. A great wave of that same Spirit and a sshhewww, wave after wave - He that was last will be the first. He that was first will be last. I'm kinda see that way...that's the order of the resurrection. I won't know nobody in the generation before me or the generation after me. I'll know those in the generation with me. Every generation will come successfully right as it went down. They which were last will be first. Sure, that's me. See? I'll know my people, the next time my dad and his people, my grandfather and his people, on down like that, wave after wave after wave after wave. And the saints will rise from everywhere. Won't that be wonderful, Amen. That makes the old people feel young again, yes. Now notice closely, for I come to you in a Cloud, and every eye shall see Him, no matter how far back they died, they'll see Him.


Condolences to Stadsklev family 60-0924 P:17 Then them which are asleep shall not prevent those which are awake at the coming of the Lord. "For the trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. And we'll be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air." You notice the order of the resurrection? "We which are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord (II Thessalonians, I believe about the 5th chapter) shall not prevent (or hinder) those that are asleep. The trumpet shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first." And notice the next, "Then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them." See, we meet them first. Now, I wonder, how God in His great mercy, when He'd be worshipped perfectly there, and when... He knew that. He knew that if we got there first to worship Him, and then we'll go to look around, wonder where baby is, and where mother is, and where this one or that one; but (You see?) He lets us meet one another first. So when you go up to worship before the Lord on that day, she'll be with you. See? 18 "We not prevent or hinder those which are asleep, for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first, and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them, caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air." And then we meet one another first and then stand before Him to crown Him the King of king and the Lord of lord. Oh, what a worship. When I see those precious ones. I preached and labored through the years, my loved ones, and meet them all, and then together hand in hand, stand in His Presence, won't we worship Him?


Jehovah Jireh 56-0224 P:50 When we get our big tent up out here somewhere, we'll take plenty of time and go through them in-between the lines. Watch the resurrection thing how it moves in there, just beautifully. Just get in love with Him and He will reveal it to you. And then, I noticed that...You know God what did to Abraham and Sarah there? I'll tell you what He done. He turned them back to a young man and woman again? "Oh," you say, "Brother Branham, that's ridiculous." But He did. He turned them back to a young man and woman.


All right?  Now that we have established that the Shout is the Message and the Voice is the resurrection, let me establish one more thing before we go on to examine the last trump.


Now, notice brother Branham in the Rapture message said the Voice is the resurrection, and Paul said that the Lord Himself will do all three things, so it is not another, but the Lord Himself that will do it.


 1 Thessalonians 4:14  For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.


Now, this tells us that those that slept in Jesus will God bring with Him. So you are probably thinking , These that slept in Jesus Will God bring with whom? And the answer is that God will bring them up with himself when he leaves the midst of humanity. When he takes us up to meet the son of God in the air. Because you see it is God that comes down with a shout, not Jesus the Son of God. Jesus the Son of God is still on the throne making intercession for our confession. Then when the Holy Spirit who is now in our midst (that’s the Parousia Presence) when he gathers us together and takes us up takes us up from the midst of humanity, then at that time, He incarnates again His Son and at that time we crown Him King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.


See, we go to meet Jesus in the air. So it is God or the Holy Spirit that raises the dead, the same Holy Spirit hat is here in the form of the Pillar of fire, that takes us up with Himself to meet the son of God in the air. That is why it is so important to understand the Godhead. Because if you do not then you can not understand the rapture process.)


15  For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  16  For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:


In the message The First Seal 63-0318   161-3  {301} Brother Branham said,  Notice, and when this Holy Spirit that we have, becomes incarnate to us, the One that's in our midst now in the form of the Holy Ghost, becomes incarnate to us in the Person of Jesus Christ, we'll crown Him King of king...?... That's right. See?


Now, if you do not understand what the word incarnate means, it means to be Embodied in human form; therefore he is talking about God indwelling again the body of His Son. God, the Holy Spirit who is now in our midst, when he takes us up from the midst of humanity, he once again indwells his Son, He once again comes into the body of His Son Jesus and at that time we will crown him, and not until that time, Because you can not crown a Spirit.


We find Paul speaking of this in II Thessalonians 2: 5-7 Do you not remember that while I was still with you I kept on telling you these things? And now you know with a positive assurance that which namely, the departure of the church, the saints being assembled to the Lord, is preventing his being disclosed as to his true identity, in his strategic, appointed time, for the mystery of the aforementioned lawlessness is now operating. Only He, the Holy Spirit, who is holding the lawlessness down, will do so, until He goes out from the midst of humanity. And then shall the lawless one be disclosed in his true identity. Wuest Translation”


So we see here that this Scripture speaks first of the Saints assembling to the Lord and then it speaks of their departure from the earth. Then, as if in the same breath, Paul also tells us this will happen when the Holy Spirit departs from the midst of humanity. Now, the Holy spirit could not depart from the midst of humanity if He were not here. And if we are to be gathered together to Him first, then when he goes we go, for nowhere in scripture does it speak contrary to this. Nowhere in Scripture does it speak of the Lord leaving at a different time from the earth than the saints leave. So, if we are gathered together unto Him first, then it is He that takes us up from the midst of humanity just like Jesus took Peter James and John up into the Mountain.


Mother's Day 59-0510M 86 As that great light begins to spread all - as we begin to look around, and the great circle will be getting and greater and greater; it's all just reflecting the approach of Jesus. And after while, as the song said, And I shall we see Jesus at last. He will be waiting for me, Jesus so kind and true, On His beautiful Throne, He'll welcome me Home After this day is through. Then as we see Him...and we'll not be as we are now. We'll know how to love Him more. We'll not stand back with a little fear, because we'll be like Him. He'll be more of a relative to us than He is now. We'll understand Him better, because we're so far away in the mortal bodies. Then we'll have a body like His glorious body. We'll know how to worship Him.  And when we see what the Presence of His Being has done to us, changed us, the old back young, all the deformed straightened out, oh, we'll understand then why His power healed us. The questions that's been in our mind, "How can He do it? What would this?" somehow, mysteriously, they'll all fade away. The knots that's been tied in the back of our minds, "Will it be this? How could it be?" somehow, or another, majestic fingers will just untangle, unravel those knots, and it'll all fade into the one big crown of love.

Jehovah Jireh - 62-0705  And then, remember, if we go before He comes, we will be up and in His Presence, or, raised before the others are changed. "The trumpet of the Lord shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, and be caught up together with them, to meet the Lord in the air." Look at the order of the resurrection. See, God knows that we long to see our loved ones. And if we got there to meet Him first, we'd be looking around to see if mother or dad and the rest of them was there. But see how, the Holy Spirit in His wisdom? We meet one another first, and then when we get there and sing "Amazing Grace," that's when there's going to be a time of worship.


So there is an order to the resurrection. And the Apostle Paul also speaks of this order of the resurrection in I CORINTHIANS 15:20But now is Christ risen from the dead, [and] become the firstfruits of them that slept. (Now, notice that the use of this word first-fruit shows there is an order to the resurrection. Christ first, then the rest. Now, let’s look at verse) 23 But every man in his own order: (And notice what that order is?) Christ the firstfruits; In other Words, Christ first  afterward they that are Christ's at his (Parousia).


Now, this brings us to the last trump which brother Branham said is the literal catching away of the saints to the wedding supper.


Rapture the 65-1204 P:93 Therefore, the Message calls the Bride together. See? The shout and the trumpet, the same morning with a loud voice He screamed out with that shout, and voice and woke Lazarus. With a loud voice He cried, "Lazarus, come forth." See? And the voice wakes up the sleeping Bride, the sleeping dead. And the trumpet, with the sound of the trumpet, and when it does, it calls... Always a trumpet called Israel to the Feast of the Trumpets (See?), which was the Pentecostal feast, the great feast in the sky and the Feast of the Trumpets... And now, a trumpet denounced a calling together, calling to the feast. And now that is the--the Lamb's supper in the sky (Now, watch.,)--the assembling together in the Bride, the Feast of the Trumpets, the Wedding Supper. We have seen it in types. Now, watch just a moment before we close.


Going beyond the camp 64-0719E P:12 All of us know Brother Bill Dauch setting here in the corner. And oh, how thankful we are for all of God's great blessings. May it continue to be with us until that last trumpet blows. And you know, we'll be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air. Think of it. Missing people, they can't see you no more, but you're getting together with the rest of the group. "They which are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord shall not prevent (or 'hinder,' the word is) those which are asleep." Not dead, no, Christians don't die. They're just taking a little rest (See?); that's all. Oh, my. "And the trump of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first, appear to many..." And all at once you happen to stand and look, and "Well, there's a brother..." And you know it ain't long. In a few minutes we'll be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, and together with them be missing on earth, caught up to meet the Lord in the air.


Our bodies will be changed in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump and this is the last trump, the seventh trump of the Seven Church Ages. And it’s also the trump which God sounds to take us up into glory. There’s a declaration: the last trump. The last trump is the trump of the Seventh Church Age messenger. So, therefore, his declaration is necessary to raise the dead and to change the mortal. Brother Branham said in quoting Paul, they without us can not be made perfect, they must have this ministry.

Now our bodies are getting ready to change because the inner man has listened to the voice of God and it’s in the process of changing because that’s what the apostle Paul said, at the last trump, and the last trump is the sounding of Rev 10:7, under the Seals and under the Seven great Thunders


1 Corinthians 15:51  Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53  For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54  So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.


BREACH.THE 63-0317E 104-2 {247} 123 No matter if he falls asleep in the first watch, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh, wherever he falls asleep... What'll happen? The trumpet of God shall sound, that last trump will blast forth the same time that the last angel's giving his message and the last Seal is opened, that last trumpet will sound, and the Redeemer comes forth to take His redeemed possessions: His church, blood-washed.


You and I are laying in the Presence of God. Why? Because there is a seed in us; and the seed is the seed of God. It's the gene of God that Paul spoke of that was in Him before the foundations of the world, that was ordained for adoption of sons. That’s our soul. Now notice it’s a grain-seed-body. Because you're looking at resurrection, you a glorified body. You are not a body, that’s just the husk, but you are a grain; because the Life inside is what you are. In the grain is a seed, in your grain is a soul that has been fertilized by God. And Bro. Branham said, if any seed is fertilized, all it takes is sun and rain. All right now, the seed of God and the life of God has come upon it, making your soul entirely of God.


1 Corinthians 15:35  But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? 36  Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die: 37  And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain (seed), it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain: 38  But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.


Notice Paul types our bodies in terms of a grain. Now when the grain goes in to the ground, like the grave it dies, the grain body or shell evaporates, disintegrates. And the life in there, called a seed, will bring forth another plant. So that's what you're looking at right now. You are looking for all those who went down and the seed life left the grain. That must happen so the new body can come up. Now we are in a grain and in this grain is the life that will produce a new body. "In a moment in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump" a sweep goes over us after the resurrection begins and we see the sleeping saints which have come back to this dimension.



So you see what you're looking at this morning? You are now in the God’s thoughts a grain, not a body, though you do have a body. But you're looking forward now to the body of the resurrection. And that is formed around the life that is within you by the rain (doctrine) and the sun (the Light of God upon His Word), by the constant looking at this Word to see the Christ that is to be revealed in this hour. And when every creed and dogma is gone and you begin to see what God’s prophet taught, and by God’s Grace what we are teaching here and understanding here is the same rain and the same sun, then you are coming to the place where you will put on the same glorious body that the Son of God put on, because His was changed. He said, “handle me and see, a spirit hath not flesh and bone.” He didn't say flesh and blood. He said flesh and bone. You will not have blood, you won't need it. See?


1 Corinthians 15:39  All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. 40  There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41  There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory. 42  So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: 43  It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: 44  It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.


Uncertain sound 60-1218 P:77 "We which are alive and remain shall not prevent or hinder those which are asleep, for the trumpet shall sound." All those soldiers laying yonder, asleep, across through the ages, but when the trumpet sounds... Though they be dead in sleep, it shall not hinder them, for the trumpet shall sound and awaken them. They're prepared. Those unprepared don't know the sound. When that Sound of the coming of the Lord blasts, it'll shake heaven and hell when it blasts. But those who are in hell, those who are lost, don't know that sound. They don't know what to do. But those, though they be sleeping in Christ, they know that certain Sound. Oh, the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, And the morning breaks eternal, bright and fair; When the saved of earth shall gather to their homes beyond the sky, And when that roll is called up yonder, I want to be there. Put your name on the Lamb's Book of Life today by the Blood of the Lord Jesus, and it won't be an uncertain sound.


Abraham's grace covenant 61-0317 P:68 What's the next thing after this sign goes away? God's going to condition Abraham's children, getting ready to receive the promised son. How are we going to receive Him? We can't receive Him in these bodies. We're going to meet Him in the air. Praise God forever! The trumpet shall sound. The dead in Christ shall rise and we'll go to meet Him in the air. What's He doing? The last sign before the transfiguration, the last sign before the rapture. For most any time the atomic bomb's going to destroy the world. Before it screams into the tapes, "Jesus is coming," "We which are alive and remain shall not prevent or hinder those that are asleep dead, for the trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise. We which are alive shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. An old man will be young. An old woman will be young again. And we'll be conditioned to meet the promised coming Son. Oh, Hallelujah. We'll not change God's order. What happens? Just as the Angel had His back turned and showing that sign to Abraham, He brought everything down through justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, placing of sons, gifts and orders come out, and then showing His last sign before destruction. And then changed Abraham's seed. It might come before we close the meeting. Old Brother Kidd, setting here, and Sister Kidd, old veterans of the war... Watch. In a moment, these...?... will have become young man and woman again. Changed. Why do we have to be changed? It was totally impossible for that old man to have sexual relationship with his wife. It was totally impossible for her to conceive and bear a child if the supernatural taken place. And the only way it could be done would be, have to be a transformation of her body. He had lived with her since he was eighteen years old, or sixteen--his half-sister, he married her young. And she was barren and he was sterilized. You see it? And so He had to change their physical being to receive the son.