The Unveiling of God no 1

Unveiling brings forth the Revealing

March 4, 2018

Brian Kocourek, pastor


1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:


So we see here that God had a Hidden wisdom that was ordained for our Glory or doxa, which is for us to enter into the opinions, values, and judgments of God, but it has been hidden and if hidden then must be unhidden or unveiled in order for it to be revealed to us to transform us into the very glory of God or the very mindset of God.


Deuteronomy 29:29  The secret things (the hidden things, the veiled things) belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed (those things which have been unveiled and thus revealed) belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.


This evening we will begin a new series from brother Branham's sermon "Unveiling of God". I do not know why we are taking this one, but we are and I had no idea we would be going into this sermon, but as we walk in the Light as he is in the Light we just yield to his leading.


However, I believe and am expecting to receive many blessings as we examine this Message that Brother Branham preached in June of 1964 just a year and a half before God took him off the scene.


Unveiling of God pp1 0614-1964  1 Let us remain standing just a moment while we bow our heads for prayer. Our gracious Lord, we are indeed grateful today for this privilege that we have of assembling ourselves together upon the earth before the coming of the Lord. May we examine our hearts today by Thy Word, and see if we are in the faith, that we might be ready that, at the hour of His appearing, that we should be as the Scripture has said would be, "Caught up together with those who are asleep, and meet the Lord in the air, and forever be with Him." We thank Thee for the true Christian Spirit that's still in the world among the people, that they still believe Thee and Thy Word. So we ask Your blessings upon us today, that You'll shower out to each one of us that which we have need of, that we might be watered by the Word, that we might grow into instruments of use in Thy hands for this last day. For we ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our great Shepherd that we're looking to appear. Amen. Be seated.


Notice the very title itself suggests to us that God is going to reveal Himself by unveiling Himself to us in this last hour.  And as we see this great unveiling we should be examining our hearts as brother Branham said, and checking where we are positionally placed in this Bible that is God's Word.  Because as brother Branham said, "in order to see if we are even in the Faith." For Jesus said to us "when the son of Man cometh shall he find Faith".


And we also find Br. Branham mention in this paragraph that we not only want to be watered by the Word, but we want to be instruments in the hands of God to be used by him for this last days. And then we want to find that our greatest desire is to be found "ready that, at the hour of His appearing, that we should be as the Scripture has said would be, "Caught up together with those who are asleep, and meet the Lord in the air, and forever be with Him."


So we ask our Loving Father this evening to bless our study and may it draw us closer to him than we have ever been before, and we ask this in Jesus Christ's name, amen.


Now, to find this thought of the "unveiling of God" we will go to Scripture this evening and begin our study of this great message by first examining where we find this unveiling of God in Scripture.


The word unveiling according to the English Dictionary means to remove a veil or other covering from; display; reveal: to reveal or disclose by removing a veil  or covering:


Therefore to understand what has kept God veiled all these years we must find in Scripture our answer in 2 Corinthians 3: and let's just read the entire chapter.


for this is the chapter brother Branham will take us to in his text which he does not get to until paragraph 12.


Therefore, not to get ahead of our prophet we will take an introductory t this word unveiling which has a benefit to us of revealing.


Because a veil suggests to us a way in which to hide something. We see the Muselm women wear a burka to hide their face and we see that the church uses creeds and dogmas today to hide the Word of God.


But this sermon will deal with the Unveiling of God, and therefore it will deal with the doing away with the veil by which man has kept God hidden from plain site for more than 6,000 years.


The Greek word Apokalupsis is mainly translated in Scripture as the words "reveal" and "revelation" but this is the product of an unveiling.


In other words, when the veil is removed, which we call the unveiling,  there is by default a revealing of that which had been hidden by the veil. And you cannot have an unveiling without having a revealing.  The two actions go hand in hand. The One produces the other.


We have a tendency however, when using the word revelation, to think only in terms of having a mental concept or idea.  But this  word  apokalupsis goes beyond simply having an understanding. In addi­tion to the concept of understanding, it also places an emphasis on the source of that understanding and the reason that one is able to understand. The revelation is therefore induced by an unveiling or an uncovering that brings the revelation to Life.


In the Church Age Book  Chapter 1 - Introduction - The Revelation of Jesus Christ P:8 we read, "Now the Greek word for revelation is "apocalypse" which means "unveiling". This unveiling is perfectly described in the example of a sculptor unveiling his work of statuary, exposing it to the onlooker. It is an uncovering, revealing what was previously hidden. Now the uncovering is not only the revelation of the Person of Christ, but it is THE REVELATION OF HIS FUTURE WORKS IN THE ONCOMING SEVEN CHURCH AGES.


Luke 2:25-32  "And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him. And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for Him after the custom of the law, then took he Him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy Word. For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation. Which Thou hast prepared before the face of all Thy people; A light to apokalupsis the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel."


The King James version uses "A light to apokalupsis the Gentiles " which is actually to enlighten or reveal to them, but if you will notice the wording here let's you know that this enlightening from this light, comes as a result of the light being prepared before, and manifested openly to the people of Israel.  A light is always thought of as that which manifests. In  Ephesians 5:13 it says, "for whatsoever doth make manifest is Light."


In fact Brother Branham said in his sermon Indictment pg. 9, "And today, by the light of the Gospel reflecting from a Light, a Pillar of Fire visibly among us... This shows that the light or message has its source in the unveiled Presence of Christ among us.


Simeon had already received revelation by the Holy Ghost that he would not die until he had seen the Lord's Christ, but He was still unsure of Who It would be or in what fashion. He did not know this until He came into the presence of Jesus Christ Himself


Our examination of the scripture and Brother Branham's quotes on this Unveiling will hopefully allow us to see the difference between revelation as an entity of its own,  and revelation as it comes forth from this great unveiling.


This unveiling brings into view not only that which was hidden from view, but it also brings what was hidden into the light and puts an emphasis on the hidden attributes and characteristics that are so essential in fully disclosing the true nature of the Person of Christ.


II Corinthians 12: 7  "And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the apokalupsis, (unveiling and subsequent revealing) there was given unto me a thorn in my flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure."   


Paul speaks here not only of the abundance of the  revelation he received from the unveiling of the Holy Spirit, but this revelation also came as a result of the Pillar of Fire manifesting Himself to Paul alone.


Remember, the other men did not see The Pillar of Fire. Only Paul saw It, and was blinded by it long enough for God to get a hold of him.  Each of us who have come into the light of this hour have experienced the same thing in that this Word  temporarily blinds us in a way which we must stop and reexamine our doctrine. This is why the Parousia of Christ is so important. We see the Bible in a new way and the Word becomes alive to us, and we become established in the Present Day Truth.


Brother Branham posted above his pulpit the words, "be still and know"... because we must stop and be still before we can properly know and understand.                      


The Apostle Paul said in Galatians 1:12  "For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the Apokalupsis of Jesus Christ." 


Again we see that Paul is not just speaking of revelation as if it were his ability within his mental faculties  to receive and sort out knowledge and understanding. He lets you know that he received this revelation or understanding as a direct result of the Appearing and unveiling of the Mighty God before him.  It was Christ that revealed Himself. It was not Paul using his mental prowess to figure out the right doctrine and mysteries of God. If God has hidden them, then they will stay hidden until God Himself unveils them and reveals them.


Brother Branham has always stated that no man has a right to interpret God's Word. God interprets His own Word by bringing it to pass, and then when we see this Word coming to pass, those who are ordained to receive the revelation or understanding of His Word for their season, will also be able to see the manifestation that vindicates the revelation when it comes. And that manifestation is the unveiling, which brings forth the revealing.


One other thing. You will notice that Paul says he did not receive it, nor was he taught it by man. Then this lets you know he was taught it, and the source of the teaching was the actual apokalupsis or the act of the unveiling itself.


from brother Branham's sermon Unveiling of God]  PP. 122 6-14-64 he said, "And God needs no interpreter, He does His own interpretation. He manifests it and...He gives the interpretation. God unveiling Himself. Oh, My! Right in the midst of us, we see His great hand telling these things, doing these things."                                     


And from his sermon Identified Christ of all Ages] pg. 42  6-17-64 he said,  "And until you come in behind that badger skin, until you get out of your old skin, your old thoughts, your old creeds, and come into the Presence of God; then the Word becomes a living reality to you, then you're awakened to the Shekinah Glory, then the Bible becomes a new book, then Jesus Christ is the same yester­day, today and forever. You're living in His Presence, eating the shew-bread that's only provided that day for believers, priests only. "And we are priests, royal priesthood, a holy nation, peculiar people, giving spiritual sacrifices to God." But you must come into, behind the veil, to see the unveiled God. And God is veiled. That's His Word made manifest."


The Apostle Paul said in Galatians 2:2 "And I went up by apokalupsis and communicated unto them that Gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them that were of reputation, lest by any means I should have run, or had run, in vain."  


We see this story further unravel in Acts 15. If you carefully observe what took place here, you will notice that some men whom Paul called false brethren, who were still Pharisees (at least  in their thinking), and they had come into the message of the hour. These men had heard what Paul was teaching and  had come down from Jerusalem to Galatia to set the people straight. They began teaching the people to be circumcised which was contrary to what Paul was teaching.


Now, these men had some pull at the headquar­ters in Jerusalem,  so Paul not only went up by revelation to declare his revelation of Christ to the Apostles. In other words, when the Pillar of fire became unveiled to Paul, and Jesus Christ disclosed Himself or revealed himself to Paul, that He was the same God who led Israel in that Pillar of Fire, and He is the same God who indwelt his son. 


The outcome was that Paul had the true revelation of what was going on because God unveiled Himself to him and the Apostles were basically backslid concerning the truth. Why?  Because they had listened to the opinions of man rather than the opinion of God.


Therefore as the alpha repeats itself again in the omega, this must also repeat in this hour.  Paul did not receive His revelation from man. He received it from the very Presence of Jesus Christ Himself, and all the other Apostles had to admit that Paul had met with the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. The same can be said in this hour with William Branham.


The Mighty God Unveiled pg. 14  pp. 2  6-29-64   " I'm  afraid  that  the  traditions of the fathers, the church fathers, has hid this from too many people. Since the Holy Ghost is come in this last days as prophesied, and the veil has been rent, too many people try to hang to their traditions of their fathers; and that's why they can't see this extreme joy, and peace, and things that the church has today. Yet it's in plain view of those who believe. He hid the Word, the promised Word of this day."


Ephesians 3:3" How that by apokalupsis He made known unto me the mystery,..."  In this scripture the apokalupsis was Christ's appearing in the form of the Pillar of Fire unveiling  and revealing Himself to Paul. He then took this appearing of Christ to the scripture and God anointed the eyes of his heart to see that the Pillar of Fire who called Himself "Jesus",  that it was actually Jehovah, the Almighty God of Israel, in another form, alive forever more. Paul let you know without a doubt by this Scripture that God had unveiled Himself to him, and not to the others and because of this unveiling, he was able to declare the mystery of Christ.  


In 1 Timothy 3:16 Paul declares, "And without controversy great is the mystery of Godliness: God was manifested in the flesh..."  


Now, although Jesus Himself had come back to the Apostles in a body form on several occasions, it was through the identifiable characteristics of the Pillar of Fire that Paul was able to take the scripture and show Jesus Christ from Genesis to Malachi.


Notice once again how Paul let's you know that it was by and through the apokalupsis that the mystery of God was made known. So the unveiling is what actually does the revealing. The unveiling then, is what actually gives the understanding.


Now, I want you to keep this in mind as we begin this sermon of brother Branham's concerning the "Unveiling of God" and never let it slip from your mind that the unveiling brings forth the revealing. for without the unveiling their would b no revealing. And the English dictionary even tells us the word revelation means manifestation of Divine Truth. So without the manifestation there would be no understanding and thus no revelation. And the manifestation is the unveiling then that brings forth the revealing.


Just remember that when God unveiled that Pillar of Fire to Paul's eyes, it revealed to Paul the entire story of how God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself. God using the body of His first born son. and the entire New testament writing of Paul are based on that unveiling of God. And the entire ministry of the end-time prophet of Malachi 4 ministry is based on the same God acting in the same way unveiling Himself to the prophet by manifesting His presence in that Pillar of Fire in the same way to him as He did to Paul. The Alpha becoming the Omega.


Now in Revelations 1:1 we read,  "The apokalupsis of Jesus Christ which God gave unto Him, to shew His servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it by His angel unto His servant John:"   


Brother Branham refers to this scripture in his message: Revelation of Jesus Christ] pp. 106  12-04-60  "The 1st verse is unveiling Christ. The Revelation or the uncov­ering. Oh, how the last age and the coming of the Lord was cov­ered up to the apostles! They asked the question, but only one lived to have the revelation; and still he didn't understand it, because the history was not yet made."  In other words the unveiling had not yet occurred.


As we said in our study concerning the end time Parousia of Christ, although the Apostles all wrote of its coming in the future, yet they were not aware of a first coming much less a second coming. They were looking for Him to disclose Himself publicly to the people. In other words, they associated the Parousia with an unveiling which would bring forth a revealing of Christ. And that is exactly what has taken place in this hour.


Notice also that brother Branham let's you know candidly that you cannot possibly understand fully what the scripture is telling you until God actually performs that portion of Scripture and unveils it by manifesting it. That is why he never taught much on the millennium and the New Jerusa­lem and the other things which are future events.

If they have not unfolded, then we can only "presume" and you know what  he said about that. He said, "to presume is to venture without authority".


Now, as for the Appearing or Parousia; God vindicated it by bringing it to pass. And once again notice the wording of this verse of scripture. "The apokalupsis of Jesus Christ which God gave unto Him, to shew His servants things which must shortly come to pass.  


We see that the purpose of God providing an apokalupsis is "to show", which means "to teach" or "declare". So we see that the Apokalupsis is a tool God uses to teach, to instruct, to make known His ways to the people.


In his sermon Revelation of Jesus Christ pp. 104 12-04-60 brother Branham said, "Now, unveiling, the Greek word, something that's been hid, re­vealing Christ."


And the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8:19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the apokalupsis of the sons of God.  


The use of this scripture is good in that it lets you know that it is not merely a revelation that the sons of God have, but the fact that there is an unveiling or manifestation of them that will set off, or spark off  the rest of God's creation.


The KJV version uses the word, "manifestation" here, because it is not just a revela­tion but an outward disclosure or unveiling. The question we should ask ourselves as we read this is, "What brings on this manifestation?


We find the answer in I John 3:2 where It says, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when He shall Appear, we shall be like Him: for we shall see Him as He is."


It is seeing Him as He is, that causes us to  come into manifestation to what we are. And he must be unveiled before we can unveil.


The Apostle Paul said in Romans 12:1-2 "we are transformed by the renewing of our minds."


Again he tells us in II Corinthians 3:18  that the actual process of the transformation comes by the renewing of our minds.  This renewing of our mind brings us into the Glory or the "opinion" and "Values" of  The Father.


Finally in  Colossians 3:4 we see the very Life of the Father which has already come into the Elect by the new birth, becoming manifested  in it's true character when He Appears and manifests His true character.


And in Romans 16: 25 we read "Now to Him that is of power to stablish you according to my Gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the apokalupsis of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began."  Notice the apokalupsis had been kept secret but was revealed to Paul. Paul is stating three things here,  1) There is to come a time of establishing you,  2) It will happen according to His Gospel, 3) It will happen in accordance with the revealing of the myster­ies.

The mysteries will be revealed at the time of Revelations 10:1-7 in which Christ will reveal Himself through a prophet, and that prophet will be declaring the same message Paul declared, which Paul said would take place in II Thessalonians 1:10.


Again from his sermon Unveiling of God  pp. 367   6-14-64  brother Branham said, "Father, we pray today that these, Lord, who are not yet through that veil. They're standing out there like Israel, they're watch­ing. They believe, but they've never broke into this yet, to see that great Shekinah Light, both Spiritual and physical, insomuch that a mechanical eye of the camera keeps taking the pictures. Just two weeks ago caught it again. You're revealing Yourself, Lord. The Mighty God unveiled to the believer; still veiled to the unbeliever, but unveiled to the believer. May they break through today, Lord, see His great splendor and Glory. May their hearts be changed before we even get back to this church tonight. May they all be filled with your Spirit, Your Presence. May the Master take up the faith that they've got, streak it across the Word; may the tune come back, "Thou has been ordained before the foundation of the world to believe this. Believe my child and be saved."


And from his sermon Works is Faith Expressed  pp. 128   11-26-65 he said, "It was God revealing Himself to the individual. While others laughed, these were rejoicing. It was an individual revelation.."


And again in his sermon The Mighty God Unveiled pg. 15 pp. 5  6-29-64You can see the unveiling of this great and mighty One. Traditions has blinded the people again to these things that's been prophesied."


And from  Unveiling of God pp. 343 6-14-64   "And you will see, if you'll just do that, break those old traditions and things and come to Him, you'll see Him standing, the Mighty Conqueror, The Word of promise for this age made manifest. You'll see the Mighty God unveiled, see Him right among us here, unveiled, the Mighty God, unconquered by traditions."


And from Unveiling of God pp. 360  6-14-64 "Break through every veil of selfishness, and every veil of unbelief, and see the Mighty Conqueror unveiled before the believers."


Now, the Apostle Paul said in I Corinthians 1:4-10]"So that you come behind in no Spiritual gift; waiting for the apokalupsis of our Lord Jesus Christ:"  


In this Scripture we see a great revealing of Christ or unveiling that is to come. In order to become a beneficiary of this great unveiling, Paul tells us that there is to come forth a dispensation of Grace that will prepare our minds by enriching them like fertilizer enriches the soil, preparing the mind to receive this great unveiling of Christ. We see this dispensation of Grace also in I Peter 1:10-13 which we spoke on last week. And how does God reveal Himself?   Since he is the same and a=changes not he told us in Amos 3:7 that it must come through a prophetic ministry.              


The Mighty God Unveiled pg. 4  pp. 3  6-29-64   " I'm identified with a group of people that feels the Spirit of God.   I'm identified with a group of people that knows He's unveiled, that knows He's the same yesterday, today, and forev­er, and knows that this is not fanaticism; It's Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. I'm identified with that group here tonight,  yet they're called a bunch of heretics, yet a bunch of fanaticism on account of the Word of God. But I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for It is the power of God unto salvation to them ones."


We are called heretics because we believe the Parousia of Christ is the doctrine of the apostles and spoke of the Appearing of Christ before the coming just as William Branham taught it.


Unveiling of God  pp. 360  6-14-64 " Show Yourself among us, Lord, as You have been doing. Ever remain that way until we're visibly before You, when the en-morphe has been changed and You become again Son of Man and Son of David..."


Man running from the Presence of God pp. 40 2-17-65  " May all the great mysteries that we're supposed to know at this age, Lord, be unveiled to us and we'll see the plainness of God, so that we'll know how to behave ourselves and act, correcting ourselves and bringing the members  of our body into discipline to the Word, that we might know how to live in this present day at the approaching of the Lord Jesus."


Look, it's not all about the doctrine, the doctrine is only a tool that teaches us how to live, and act and think and speak and conduct ourselves as sons of God.


The Trial  4-27-64  "It's God unveiling Himself, bringing Himself down so He can be...He was above in the Pillar of Fire. Then He manifested in His Son, Jesus Christ. And now revealed to us by the Holy Ghost."


The Mighty God Unveiled pg. 31  pp. 3  6-29-64   "Oh, great God of heaven, unveiling Yourself, unfolding Yourself, making Yourself known, the Mighty King of Glory..."


Proving His Word  pp. 236   8-16-64   "Now, remember, that was not Jesus talking to Abraham there, that could discern the thoughts in Sarah's mind behind him. That was not Jesus, He had not yet been born. But it was a man in Human flesh, that Abraham called, "Elohim, the great Almighty."


Ephesians 1:17    "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of Glory, may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and apokalupsis in the knowl­edge of Him."  


Notice this Scripture tells us that the Spirit of God Himself is to descend with a message that will make us to know Him better.


In the Rapture tape, brother Branham tells us that the shout of I Thessalonians 4:15-18, is the message. This scripture tells us the Lord descends Himself with a message, and Jesus told us "as a man thinketh in His heart, so is he. And out of the abundance of his heart, the mouth speaks".


So if God has descended from heaven with a shout, then it must be a declaration of Himself, who He is and Why he has come down.


In I John 3:2 we see that this message brings us into a knowledge of Him which transforms us by the renewing of our mind as in we saw in Romans 12:1-2.   


From his sermon Adoption pp. 181  pt. 4  5-22-60  brother Branham quotes Ephesians 1:17 and says, "That the Father of Glory may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him." Just keep revealing Himself to you all the time, growing from grace to grace, from power to power, glory to glory. Not fall back, but from glory to glory, keep moving on 


And notice  how brother Branham ties  Ephesians 1:17 with  2 Corinthians 3:18


Brother Branham said in his sermon Seventy Weeks of Daniel pp. 167  7-30-61"The Spirit of Wisdom comes into the church to make known to the church by the revelation of the Holy Ghost, bringing the church in and revealing what day that we're living in. Just the same as Gabriel come to Daniel, the Holy Spirit comes to the church in the last days to reveal these great, deep, secret things. Do you understand now?"   


Here we must ask ourselves this question. What was there about how Gabriel coming to Daniel that was to repeat in this hour. It was one angel coming to one prophet. And brother Branham let's you know that it will be that way again, only this time that angel will represent the very Presence of the Holy Spirit coming to one Prophet.


Again the Apostle Paul said in II Thessalonians 1:7  "And to you who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be apokalupsis from Heaven with His mighty angels,"  


And if you will notice also in verse 10 it says this unveiling will come by the preaching and receiving of Paul's Gospel. Notice also this revealing comes as Christ The Judge, accompanied by Angels, as brother Branham illustrated by pointing out the white wig of the Supreme Judge when showing the Life magazine photo of the cloud.


Revelation of Jesus Christ  pp. 129 12-04-60  "But to those who know what it is, oh, what a blessing! What is it? A revelation. A revelation of Who? Of the man in the pulpit? Jesus Christ in this last church age! Revealing Himself like He promised He would do. It's a revelation. See?"


Revelation of Jesus Christ pp. 146  12-04-60  " So then you see why Satan is so against the book of Revelation. Anything that's revealed, spiritual revelation, Satan's against it. That's why he's so against the ministry today."


Will the Church go through the Tribulation 1-9-58  "Jesus said, "When the Son of Man is revealed from Heaven." Let me close by saying this, that, the Son of Man is now being re­vealed from Heaven. 'Will it come after awhile, brother Branham?' It is now! And I hope I won't have to make this so personal of this own meeting, but that your spirit within you, that's give you by God, can read what I'm talking about. The Son of Man has already come from Glory and is revealing Himself, for the past few years, to His church in mercy, showing them His great Presence, doing the same things that He did when He was here on earth, Revealing Himself like He did to Abraham before the de­struction. He has come now in mercy , revealing Himself to the church. It's being laughed at and scoffed at. The next time He reveals Himself, It'll be in judgment on the world and the na­tions that forgot God and sinned their day of Grace away."  

Questions and Answers  pg. 114   COD  993-1060  8-23-64  "Now, we say this with reverence, and love and respect. See? As Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, and also that in the last days, as it was before Lot's time, or in Lot's time in Sodom, so shall it be in the day that the Son of Man reveals Himself again. Revealing Himself. Now, in this last day the Logos that was upon Jesus, which He has become from that back to the Pillar of Fire again and has descended down on the earth to (I was going to say something, but I watch the tape. They wouldn't believe that if you told them. It wouldn't make any difference. They...people wouldn't believe it, but I'll omit that) but has come down for an investigating judgment goes on."


Just Once More Lord pp. 63    12-01-63  " We have as big a machinery as we ever had, and as many members; but what good does it do, if you're blind to the very thing that's going on in front of you, and you can't see it? What's happening here day by day, along with the people. The Holy Spirit revealing Himself, and people don't see it. That's blind, spirit­ual blind."


God's Provided Place of Worship pp. 239  4-25-65   "Can't you see the Son of Man, the Son of Man in the form of prophetic message, returning back again in His church, in prophe­cy, revealing Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forev­er? It's never been done through the age, till this time. See? There is the proof of it."


I Peter 1:7   "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto Praise, Honor and Glory at the apokalupsis of Jesus Christ."  


This scripture makes it very plain that there will come a reveal­ing or unveiling of Christ and when this happens something happens in the Elect.  What happens is this. The Elect come through a cycle of Praise, then Honor and finally into the very Glory of God.  We know the Praise is defined in Hebrews 13:15 and Malachi 3:16-18 where the people will talk this revealed truth and express this  revelation of Christ one to another. Then when this happens, the Elect will move into Honor, which is a Greek word Ti'm-e which means that they will place the right value and assessment upon this revelation and this will be capped off by the very Glory of God which is His Doxa, His very opinion, and judgment, and assessment of Himself which He brings with Him and declares in His shout, of 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and this Glory which is the very mind of God, comes into the Elect as seen in II Thessalonians 1:10


This is all  to happen at the apokalupsis of our Lord Jesus Christ. So I hope you see why I am so excited to study this wonderful sermon of brother Branham "Unveiling of God".


A Trial 4-27-64  "And He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming when the Son of Man shall be revealed." The Son of Man being revealed, not the Son of God in the church age. He's put out of that. Now He's the Son of Man revealing Himself. The Word is becoming flesh among us. Oh, my friend! Open your eyes, court, before you make your decision. Make your decision, and believe it with all your heart. He's justified in writing this in the scrip­tures. He's justified in what He says. I can prove it. I know He's right. God does prove it.  He needs nobody to interpret, say, "This is that," "This is that." He says He will do it and He does it, and that settles it. He's His own interpreter."


The Rising of the Sun  pg. 45  pp. 3   4-18-65  " He is the One Who opened those seals; He is those Seals. For the whole Word of God is Christ, and Christ is the Seals that was open. What is the opening of those Seals then? Revealing Christ. And the very seven angels which represented the Seven Churches was all completed, and we couldn't even see it. They took the picture, not us. And there He is standing there, Supreme Judge, showing that He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. What Identification!"


Proving His Word  pp. 222 8-16-64  "And the Son of Man is revealing Himself in the same power that He was, (Not down through the church age, through justification, sanctification, all these things here) but the Son of Man. Who is the Son of Man? The Word! And the Word is quicker than, powerful  than a two-edged sword, and discerns the thoughts that's in the heart. What did He have to do? He has to prove that Word. What will He do? Notice it when we see it happening, look at It in the same form that He was in the beginning, the Pillar of Fire. My! Proving that He's Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ  is the same yester­day, today, and forever." What is it? Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, that was Christ that was in the wilderness with Moses. How many knows that the bible said that? Yesterday! That was Christ when Paul was speaking here today (you believe that?) in the new testament. Then the same Son of Man, the same Christ, in the last day. See? all right."


Revelations Chapter 5  pt. 2  pp. 199  6-18-61  "And in the last days He's revealing It by His own Presence among His people."


This Day This Scripture is Fulfilled  pg. 30  pp. 4  2-19-65  "That was the royal Seed of Abraham. And here that Royal seed of Abraham (which come because of that Identification of that man sitting here with Abraham) come to prove it was the same God promised in this day, as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man, when He is revealing Himself as Son of Man! Amen! This is the day for this scripture to be fulfilled."


God's Chosen Place of Worship. 2-20-65  "Then, my brother, I want to ask you something in closing. We might say this: In Malachi 4 aren't we also promised another Eagle, a Pillar of Light to be following to show the erring church this day that He's Hebrews 13:8, the same yesterday, today, and forever! Aren't we promised another One to come flying from the wilderness! Amen! That's exactly the truth! How fitting and matching it is to Luke 17:30 where the Son of Man Eagle will be revealing Himself to bring to naught all other worship places such as denominations and so forth."


I Peter 1:13  "Wherefore, gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end, for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the apokalupsis of Jesus Christ."  


You will notice that this scripture not only speaks in terms of a great apokalupsis in the future tense, but this apokalupsis as we explained last week will be accompanied by a special measure of grace from our Lord that will  allow the believer to receive this great unveiling and understand it. We showed you this last week also in 1 Corinthians 1:4-10.


The Apostle Paul said in Romans  2:5  But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and apokalupsis of the righteous Judgment of God;  


Now if this word truly means unveiling or uncovering as brother Branham said, then the day of wrath and the righteous Judgment of God must also be unveiled or uncovered if this scripture is to make any sense.


Did not Jesus say in John 12:48 that His Word shall judge in the last day?


In James 5:7-9 and Revelations 3:20 we are told that the Judge will be knocking at the door in the Laodicean age.


Thy Loving Kindness  2-28-58  "Jesus said Himself, "In that day when the Son of Man reveals Himself from heaven," He's revealing Himself now in mercy to His church. The next revealing will be in Judgment on those who's rejected Him."


I Peter 4:13] "But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings that, when His GLORY shall be Apokalupsis, ye may be glad with exceeding joy.


The Mighty God Unveiled pg. 30  pp. 4 6-29-64 " You'll see the full value and see the unveiled God come right in view, that He's just the same as He was when He fell on the day of Pentecost upon the people, when He kenos Himself, emptied right into them."


Unveiling of God  pp. 370  6-14-64   "How many sees Him standing, The Mighty Conqueror, the Word made flesh, unveiled before us, the Alpha and Omega..."


Shalom  pp. 161  1-12-64  "God revealed it, manifested it, and is among us today. He showed Himself here with us , and proved and a-vindicated His Word."


Unveiling of God  pp. 136  6-14-64   "But this is Spirit that comes upon the promised Word for this age, and brings forth and manifests, (not to tables of stone) but the Presence of the living God. Not a mythical thought somebody made up or some Houdini trick, but the very promise of God re­vealed  and made manifest right before us."  


Let us pray...