Unveiling of God no 38

The Frequency of God part 2

July 22, 2018

Brian Kocourek, Pastor


Wednesday night we look at brother Branham's comments from pp 69 through 72 where he was comparing when God came down to visit the Israelites in the wilderness with Moses in comparison to now when God has come down with a Shout  in the Parousia Presence of this hour. He said, "But this is Spirit that comes upon the promised Word for this age, and brings forth, and manifests, not two tables of stone, but the Presence of the living God: not a mythical thought somebody made up or some Houdini trick, but the very promise of God revealed and made manifest right before us. What sort of a veil will that be behind? And to lose that...


Then brother Branham goes on to show how the people saw God come down from His dimension to the dimension where they lived and the effect it had upon them.


72 See, that was so great till even the people said; they said when they seen Jehovah come down in this Pillar of Fire and begin to shake the earth, and the things He done, and the mountain on fire, and even if anybody tried to go to that mountain, perished... It was so great till even Moses feared the quake. Then if that time He shook just the mountain, this time He will shake heavens and earth. What about this glory? If that was veiled by a natural veil, this is veiled by a spiritual veil. So don't try to look at the natural; break into the Spirit and see where you're at, see what hour we're living in.


Notice, when God transcended from His dimension to the three dimensions man lives in and the Glory of seeing that was so great, that Moses had to place a veil over his face because of the radiance of that glory reflecting off His face, for having sat in God's presence for those 40 days. And brother Branham points out how the Apostle Paul tells us much more will be the glory upon us when God doesn't just transcend to our dimension, but when we go into His Presence, where He dwells, where those invisible, Spiritual recorded Words live and dwell.  


Then we showed how from his sermon


From his sermon, Man That Can Turn On The Light - 63-1229 1M brother Branham said, "There's nothing can give you Life but the Spoken Word of God. Life only comes by Light." Nothing can bring you into manifestation but the Spoken word of God.


From the  Amplified translation of  I Corinthians 13:12 we read,  "For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection (of reality as in a riddle or enigma), but then  (when perfection comes)  we shall see in reality and  we shall see face  to  face!  Now I know  in part (imperfectly); but then I shall know  and  understand  fully  and  clearly, even  in  the  same  manner  as I have been fully and clearly known and understood (by God Himself). 


So we see that Jesus spoke in an enigma, in a way that kept the understanding hidden from those who it was not meant for them to understand. Now, we are also told that the time when the hidden things and the dark things will be exposed or revealed is when the Lord Himself shall come as a Light and will bring via that (Light of His Presence) the revelation of those hidden things, and those things that are dark.  


This is why I cannot understand why the people are not getting it. Why they are so distracted with the things of this world, and are not totally focusing on what God has brought to us concerning this Message, this Shout that He came down with. There is still way too much churchianity, too much churchy spirit among the people who claim to be following the Pillar of Fire. When we should be totally focused on the role of sons in this hour that we might fulfill what he saw us to be before the foundations of the hour.


The Bible tells us "sons are God are led by the Spirit of God." So ask yourself are you a son this morning? If so what is leading you? Is it your desire for things on this earth? Is it for a new this or a new that? Is if for seeing how much you can accumulate when we should be unpacking and getting rid of anything that is getting in our way of reflecting Christ to this age we live in?


After all the "whole creation is groaning and waiting for the sons of God to manifest as sons of God." The whole creation is waiting on us, my brother and my sister. And if you are being led by the Spirit of God you are sons, but what if you are not being led by the Spirit of God? What then? What if you are being led by man or the things of man, then what?


So it behooves us to be led by him.


Wednesday night I began to teach you how we can open ourselves up to what God is doing by way of a Spiritual Resurrection that is going on right now, that we might be ready for the physical resurrection ministry that is soon coming. And many of you set at home with more important things to do than get your soul ready to go into that Resurrection ministry.


And believe me, not all of you are going to make it. And you know your own condition, and you know in your soul that you are not ready, and yet you do what you want to do instead of coming and finding out how to make ready yourself as a prepared people. But just as br. Branham said, "people are going to do what they are going to do." and I will tell you, by doing what you want to do instead of being led by the spirit of God that shows you are not you are missing right now what God is doing.


The foolish virgin missed the Rapture, she missed it because her oil had gone out, it run dry which means she once had it but through lack of use, she lost what she had.


Questions and answers COD 64-0823E P:89 Now, this is a striking thing. Please don't take it as a doctrine, but do you understand what the Scriptures said would take place when that did? Time was over. For look, there was ten virgins went out to meet the Bridegroom, and half of them had oil in their lamp, half of them didn't. That's the part of the body that's dead and the part that's alive. The five's wise, when the cry come, "Behold the Bridegroom..." they all trimmed--woke and trimmed their lamps to go into the wedding supper. But when the foolish virgin said, "Give us some of your oil, our lamps is gone out. (See?) Give us of your oil," they said, "Not so, we just got enough for ourself. Go buy it." And while they went to buy it, the Bridegroom came.


And in his sermon


Uniting time and sign 63-0818 P:24 Now here is the same today that the clergy, we don't read it right. It's just like it was then, they didn't think that it was time. They thought that they were living pretty peaceful then, and so they wasn't looking for no Messiah. And Jesus had said that His coming would be as a thief in the night, when the people would be unaware of His coming. But there were some of the virgins that went to meet Him, half of them had oil in their lamp and was ready; they were watching for that sign. And that's who I'm speaking to tonight (See?), to those who are looking for the sign now, the sign of His coming.


So having the oil in their lamp showed they were ready and watching, but the others who had no oil were not ready when he came. And look, what oil they had at one time, they had lost. They had it at one point but they somehow lost their readiness and lost their edge as we might say, and so they did not have their lamps ready to light, because of a lack of use.


Now, if they had been trimming their lamps every day they would have known they were low on oil, or had no oil at all, but these virgins didn't even have a clue that they were missing the oil, an so brother Branham says, the ones with oil were ready because they had been watching. So this would imply the others with no oil were not ready because they were not watching.


And he told us in the previous quote their oil had gone out which tells us they did have oil at one time.  And so they lost what oil they had, and I'm sure it didn't just have ot one day and then they lost it. It dried up. They lost it because they were not aware it was going out. They were asleep. You fill the vessel one drop at a time, as you do your own vessel one Word at a time, and Jesus said, "My Words are Spirit and they are Life."


Now, I don't  mean to be so blunt this morning, but I have to be blunt if I am going to help you see your own condition. The Laodicean church was blind and completely bankrupt spiritually, but oh how she had money to burn. But she had become lethargic. She lost her energy for the things of God. Her oil ran out.


At one time there was revival in this Message. God had sent a prophet but God just let her set with that revelation, and because she was not open to further light upon the Word her oil went out and the revival fires in the Message died out. Then came brother Vayle teaching the revelation of God's Parousia, and Who came down which is Godhead, just as  brother Branham taught concerning the appearing of the Lord before the coming of the Lord, and the revival fires burned again in many churches, but then he began to show who came down and the revival fires got less and less until what oil they had, what anointing they had on this Word, what fire they had in their souls, they lost it. The oil ran out,  and so did the ability to have fire in their lamps, because their vessels ran out of oil, and they lost what Spiritual anointing on the Word that once had.  

This is why I hammer so much about concerning the Parousia of Christ. We are supposed to lay in His Presence,  His Parousia in order to ripen. And I believe that is how we enter into that dimension or that frequency whereby we are able to hear, then recognize and then act upon what that recorded Word has that has been encircling the earth.


The fact that we are talking about His presence, and He is the invisible God, that tells us that by recognizing His presence, we are actually being made aware of that Dimension where God lives and moves.


Now, brother Branham did not use the term frequency very much but he did use the word vibration a whole lot, even explaining the first sign God gave him would be when he held a person by his left hand there would be a vibration in his hand and by that he would know the disease. Just like Moses first sign as when he put his hand into his coat and when he took it out it was full of leprosy, and when he put it back in again and took it out it was healthy again. Healing, "the God who healeth all thy diseases showing" showing the vibration in the hand to discern which disease it would be.


But only one time but he used instead the term vibration which that is what a frequency actually is. Now, I want to read you several quotes concerning this in order to help you understand where we are going with this.


Moses commission 50-0110 P:33 And there's something pulled at my heart all the time. But on that day, It made Itself visibly known. It was a man of about six foot tall, weighing some two hundred pounds. When It came down, It would come... A few years before that, come down in the form of a Light, hung over where I was at. It's come down many times in the form of a Star, where thousands of people stood and looked at It. It's made Its visible appearance right in the auditoriums and so forth. And different things has taken place. This time when He come, He was a Man. And He... I was scared. He walked towards me. He said, "Do not fear; I'm sent from the Presence of God," said, "to tell you that your peculiar birth and peculiar life has been to indicate that you're taking a gift of Divine healings to the people of the world." Then said... And said, "If you'll get them to believe you, and be sincere when you pray, there'll be nothing stand before your prayers."Well, I said, "I'm uneducated, Sir."He said, "I'll be with you." And said, "That you might know, it'll come to pass that you'll take people by the right hand in your left." And said, "You'll feel the results of it (Now, I call it vibrations.) upon your hand. You'll become familiar with that. And you'll tell people all of their diseases, and what they've got in their body. And then if you'll be..."


Greatest news flash in history 61-0424 P:71 Now, he sees that's it's still a vibrating on my hand. He's sick, Father. I pray for mercy. I pray that You'll make it to leave him, through Christ our Lord.


Identified Christ of all ages 64-0401 P:79 Now, you are a Christian. Not because you're saying, "Praise the Lord." You could be a deceiver standing there saying that. See? But if it was, He would know it. See? But I feel your spirit vibrating. It's true you're a Christian.


Confirmation of the commission 62-0122 P:141 "If thou canst believe, all things are possible." Just have faith. Now, be real reverent. Excuse me. I was watching the Light moves around through the building. I was just watching to see...Now, I want to talk to you just a moment. Look like a good person to me. We're strangers to one another; the Lord knows your troubles. He knows me; He knows you. We're man and woman standing here meeting our first time, with the Spirit... You are a Christian, and I can feel the vibration there, it was of your spirit, you know, just moving. And I know you're not a hitchhiker; you're a Christian. See? So then, that's... What I mean hitchhiker, is just jump from place to place, you know. You're born again, you're a real Christian. I can feel your welcoming (See?), and the Holy Spirit here welcomes that spirit, because it's a kindred spirit. See? We're brother and sister. You're not here for yourself. You're standing for somebody else, a friend of yours is suffering with demon oppression. You believe that? Put that handkerchief on them and don't doubt. It'll leave them. God bless you. Have faith in God. Just believe with all your heart.


Things wasn't so from the beginning 61-0120 P:12 And if we get all the vibrations of unbelief out of us, God's work will still be like it was at the first beginning. That's exactly right. It'll zero every time. It did once; It'll do it again. Don't be satisfied with a creed or something. Stay right there until the Word zeroes.


Be not afraid 60-0717 P:96 Now, sister... Now, how many in there, in this audience, solemnly believes and knows that something's happening here? If you could see it. I wish I had time for every one of you to come by. Is anybody up on the platform never seen it? You all have seen it, I guess. You've seen it, you, you. You seen it, Roy? Come here. Roy's one of our new associates. Now, Brother Roy, look at my hand. Looks just ordinarily, put my hand on it, looks ordinarily. See? I put her hand, this hand on, looks ordinarily. Now, put this hand on here and watch what happens. There she goes. See what I mean? See how it swells up and them little things hit me? Now, that is a death that's in her, vibrating against life and life's holding it back. Now, which is strongest, life or death? Life. Which is the strongest, light or dark? No matter how little the light is, it'll shine in darkness. So then, the power of God is much stronger than the power of death, because He's Life. Which was first, life or death? Life. What is death? Life perverted. What is unrighteousness? What is sin? Righteousness perverted.


Now, as I pointed out Wednesday night, brother Branham said the Word of God is recorded, and it has been circling the earth and when a believing soul hears it, recognizes it and then acts upon that word that has been circling, that word acted upon becomes manifested in that person who hears it, recognizes it and acts upon it. Just like Isaiah had spoken God's Word and said


John tapped into that other dimension and saw the Spirit of God as a dove come down and indwell His first born son. He saw what no one else saw, because John was ordained to see that Light. John was ordained to tap into that frequency of God, and so he saw it, he heard the voice and he recognized it as the voice of God and then he acted upon what he saw. 


And thus John became the voice of one crying in the wilderness, as we see in   John 1: 19 "And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? 20  And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ. 21  And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No. 22 Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? 23 He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias."


And so John heard that Voice of Isaiah that had cried out in Isaiah 40:3 The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God."


And so that voice after Isaiah had cried out, had been circling and circling the earth and one day John heard it, and John recognized it,  and then John stepped into it, and John became exactly the image of what that Word had declared, for him to become.


So brother Branham explains to us concerning this frequency of God which he explains using the word vibration in his hand.


My angel shall go before thee 53-0213 P:16 Then Edison, hour after hour, something in his heart... They never had no electricity before, but to light a light, but Edison believed that it would do it. And finally he conquered it, because something in his heart said it'll do it. And as long as there's something in here saying that it'll do it, there's got to be something out there to respond to that. That's right. What would your great grandfather have said when he talked to the neighbor about a television, a wave, vibrating through the air like that, would even make the picture. Why, he'd have said, "He's mentally upset," but somebody believed that there was an airwave. And he couldn't explain it. God had it here. Now, how did he think of being a airwave. We've got it: we got television, haven't we? Sure we have. Radio and so forth. How was it? Because something down in the human heart said, "It's there." And it broke into that realm, and picked it up, and brought it out here and give it to the world.


Let us pray