Unveiling of God no 89

The Two Vines - The False persecutes the True

April 7, 2019 pm

Brian Kocourek, Pastor


Matthew 24:24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25  Behold, I have told you before.


Most Christians who have read the Bible have read these verses of Scripture but have a hard time understanding what they mean. Basically tonight I want to explain what this scripture means. It has to do with the bible doctrine of Twins or the Two Vines. The spirit of the true vine and the false vine is so close that it will take being filled with the Holy Ghost to know the difference. This does not deal with the True church vs the false denominational systems called churches. This deals with One Church, and the two seed-life's that occupy that church.


It is a study of each revival that God brings and in each there are two forms of Life that are begotten, one a truly spirit filled Christ centered child of God and the other a formal but carnal (having a form of godliness, God-likeness, but denying the power thereof. That is the power of an endless life as the Apostle Paul speaks of in  Hebrews 7:16


From 70-2 Ephesian Church Age CAB CPT 3 brother Branham said, "I want to carry this thought all the way through, so let us go a step further. Have you ever studied the history of revivals? Now a revival signifies a move of God in power. And every time God moves, Satan is there to move also. It never fails. In the days of the great Welsh revival (and most people don't know this), the insane asylums filled up quickly, and there was a great display of devil power to take away the attention from God. It is written that in Wesley's day the people would do most peculiar things that were definitely of Satan to try to mock the goodness and power of God. In Luther's day it is said that the miracle of his ministry did not lie in the fact that he successfully protested the Roman Catholic Church, but the miracle lay in the fact he could, and did, stay sound and sane amidst the fanatics who were often filled with, and guided by, wrong spirits. And if you have been aware of this last day ministry, you will have noted the same invasion of false and wicked spirits. It has to be that way. Now I hope and trust you are spiritual minded enough to get that, and capitalize on it."


Therefore in order to understand these Two Vines as Jesus mentions them in Matthew 24:24 and how they will occupy the true Revival for each age, we must understand what brother Branham called "The Bible doctrine of Twins", and we must first understand the two sources involved because to have Twins there must be only one mother but there are two fathers who are the source of the life of these twins.


The thing of it is, you will notice that these twins never get along. We find that Cain attacked Abel, Esau set out to destroy Jacob, Judas turned on Jesus to destroy him, etc. Therefore tonight I would like to show this conflict between the two vines is a very Biblical conflict, but it is such a nature that the false vine always persecutes the true vine and never visa verse.  


Now, Jesus said that God would bless both the wheat and the Tares, the two vines, so you cannot tell which is which by the blessings they receive. And you cannot say the true is in the Message and the false is not. The Two Vines are both in the church which makes up the message for each hour. They both are birthed by the revival for their hour.


As Jesus said in Matthew 5:45  "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."


Brother Branham further enlightens us on this parable in the 70-1 Ephesian Church Age CAB CPT 3  These illustrations depict perfectly the parable of the Lord Jesus Christ when He said that the kingdom of heaven was like unto a man who sowed good seed, only to have an enemy come and plant tares amongst those good seeds. God did not plant the tares. Satan planted those tares right amongst the good seed of God. Those two kinds of plants (people), from two different seeds, grew up together. They partook of the nourishment in the same earth, they shared in the same sun, rain, and all other benefits, and both were harvested in their turn. Do you see it? Don't ever forget these truths as we study the church ages and later the seals. And above all, don't forget that it is in this last age, when the tares are getting bound for their burning, that they will shove out the wheat that is to be garnered by the Lord.


But we see in the 92-3 Ephesian Church Age  -  CAB  Chptr 3 that both vines are to grow up side by side. so they will be right in the church. "Now to get the real meaning of what we are about to go into, I must caution you to ever keep in mind that religion (spiritual matters if you like), is composed of two parts that intertwine but are as opposite as black and white. Religion and the spiritual world are made of those two trees which had their roots in Eden. Both the Tree Of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil stood in the midst of the garden and no doubt their very branches intertwined each other. Thus in the Ephesian Church is that same paradox. The church is made up of good and bad. Two vines make the church. They are like the wheat and tares, growing up side by side. But one is the TRUE. The other is the FALSE. Now God will speak TO each one and He will talk ABOUT each one. He will call them the church. And only the elect will really know which is the true Spirit. Only the elect will not be deceived. Matthew 24:24, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." So way back there in the early church (a very short period after Pentecost) the false vine got to intertwine itself around the True Vine and we find these deeds of the Nicolaitanes. And that spirit is going to be found fighting the True Vine until it is destroyed by God. Now have you got it?"


And from the 366-2 Resume of the Ages  -  CAB CHPTR 10  brother Branham said,  "From our studies we have already learned that much of the Revelation is totally misunderstood because we have not formerly known that the `church' spoken of and spoken to in this book does not refer to the pure `ekklesia' the `elect', the `body of Christ', the `bride', but it speaks to the entire body of people who are called Christians, whether they be true or merely nominal. As "all Israel is NOT Israel", so "all Christians are NOT Christians." Thus we learned that the church is made up of two vines, the true and the false. The two vines are motivated by two kinds of spirits; one has the Holy Spirit while the other is endued with the spirit of antichrist. Both claim to know and be known of God. Both purport to speak for God. Both believe certain very basic truths and differ on others. But since both bear the name of the Lord, being called Christ-ians, and by such name-bearing obviously claim a relationship to Him (God calls it marriage), God now holds them both responsible to Him and therefore speaks to each.


So we have established here that the church is the group of people who make up the people birthed during the revival. For Every revival produces twins.


From his sermon Ephesian Church Age 60-1205 113  brother Branham said,  "Now, as I said to begin, 'fore we start off on this again, every revival produces a pair of twins. One is a spiritual man; the other one is a natural man of the earth, "I joined the church; I'm just as good as anybody." And that's what this revival produced. That's what, every revival. That's what Luther's produced; that's what Irenaeus' produced; that's what Saint Martin's produced; that's what Columba's produced; that's what Wesley's produced; and that's what Pentecost produced. Just exactly. You see how they've gone to seed,


85-2 Ephesian Church Age CAB CPT 3 Did you get it now? There are those twins again. There are those two trees again, growing side by side in the same earth, partaking of the same nourishment, drinking in the same rain, and benefiting by the same sun. But they come from DIFFERENT seeds. One tree is FOR the Word of God, exactly as God gave it, and loves and obeys it. The other tree is from the seed that is anti the Word of God and changes it where it wants to. It substitutes its own creeds and dogmas for the living true Word exactly as did Cain, who ended up killing Abel. But fear not little flock. Stay with the Word. Keep that Word between you and the devil. Eve did not do that and she failed. And when the church lets down on the Word she goes into the depths of the darkness of Satan.


Notice he says twins come from different seeds, therefore they have different natures.


Ok, so we have established that this Message has produced twins, and so has the revival that sprang forth from the Message concerning the Appearing of Christ in this hour, which is the Parousia-Presence of Christ. That revelation revived the bride but also produced Twins,  and so has the Revelation of the true understanding of Godhead, that there is one God, One Lord  who had a son. That has also produced Twins. So no one escapes this fact. If there is a revival there are twins that are produced during that revival. And brother Branham tells us that one group will be natural, they will be carnal, they will talk the Word and tell you all about what the revival is, but they won't live it. They are not spiritual so they are talkers but not doers. 


From his sermon 359-1 Laodicean Church Age  -  CAB CHPTR 9 Now we can see why there were two vines, one true and one false. Now we can see why Abraham had two sons, one after the flesh (that persecuted Isaac) and one after promise. Now we can see how that out of the same parents two boys came forth as twins, one knowing and loving the things of God, and the other knowing much of the same truth, but not of the same Spirit, and hence persecuted the child that was elect. God did not reprobate for the sake of reprobation. He reprobated for the sake of the elect. ELECT CANNOT persecute elect. ELECT CANNOT harm elect. It is the reprobates that persecute and destroy the elect. Oh, those reprobates are religious. They are smart. They are of the Cain line, the serpent seed. They build their Babels, they build their cities, they build their empires, and all the while calling on God. They hate the true seed, and they will do all they can, (even in the Name of the Lord) to destroy God's elect ones. But they are needed. "What is the chaff to the wheat?" No chaff, no wheat. But at the end, what happens to the chaff? It is burned with fire unquenchable. And the wheat? Where is it? It is gathered in His garner. It is where He is.


Now, I know this is fact, this is true because I know brothers that have built themselves a little following by doing just one thing, and that is persecuting me for teaching One Lord. These men are not content to teach Two Lords and prove it by the Scriptures and message because they can't. So they build themselves little following by  calling me all manner of evil names because I teach one Lord, not two like they do.  That is what brother Branham is talking about in the Church Age book. Because in all ages, the True Doctrine went forth and then men came in after the Messenger went off the scene and brought in heresy against what he taught, and there was warfare right in the message for each hour.


175-4 Pergamean Church Age  -  CAB CHPTR 5   But what do we have in this our day? Multitudes are working signs until we have a generation of sign seekers that know little or nothing about the Word, or a true move of the Spirit of God. If they see blood, oil and fire they are happy; it matters not what is in the Word. They will support any sign, even unscriptural ones. But God has warned us about that. He said in Matthew 24 that in the last days the two spirits would be so close together that only the very elect could tell them apart, for they alone would not be deceived.


From his sermon E-30  True Vine and the False Vine 55-0607  brother Branham said, "Notice those two spirits, leaving from there. Watch how it's dominated the world. Here they come out of Genesis. Watch anything you want to; watch the world order; watch everything. As it comes through Genesis, it comes up through a process, and now, it's done gone up here, and blooming out in the seed to produce the same thing it was in Genesis. Here's the false vine; here's the true vine. And they're both growing side by side. Did you realize, that Judas Iscariot was treasurer of the church, out of the same tribe of the Lord Jesus? He was a big man, brothers with the rest of them, set in the same pew, sang the same songs, worshipped the same God, preached the same Gospel, and was Judas? Do you realize that same spirit moves right up through the church? But where Judas showed his colors was at Pentecost, just before Pentecost, before they really got born again.  People don't believe tonight, many of the people don't believe there is such as a thing as an experience of being born again. They say, "It's all in your mind." No, it's in your heart, brother. That's right.


E-22  Joseph Meeting His Brethren 56-1230  Now, in the Genesis, "Genesis" means "the beginning, the seed chapter." And remember that everything that there is today actually began in Genesis. It was the beginning of all things. It was the beginning of salvation. It was the beginning of sin. It was the beginning of all the cults. It was the beginning of the true church. It was the beginning of the false church. It was the beginning of righteousness. It was the beginning of deceit. It was the beginning of, all things started in Genesis.  I wish we had just about three months on this, to stay right on this one subject and just dig it, tie it by the Holy Spirit by God's cords. And just wrap it together and watch how every word just dovetails right in with the other words: such a beautiful thing.


68  Revelation Chapter One   60-1204M Now, the ages appear in succession, each one, from the ascension of our Lord to His coming again. Each church age is described of its spiritual condition. Each church age can behold itself by its Scriptural and spiritual speaking unto them; as the Spirit speaks, each age can behold itself. Each age bore the true vine of Christ, the wise virgin; and each age bore the grafted vine, the foolish virgins.


E-16  Things wasn't so from the Beginning 61-0120  Now, you farmers, you Texans, Louisianians, and what you may be here, any one that's got common sense, that ever seen a vine grow, knowed that the vine does not bear fruit. The branches of the vine is what bears fruit, but it gets its life from the vine. Jesus is our resource of Life. Yes, sir. Now, we'll notice then if Jesus is the resource of our Life, that's He's the true Vine. The very life that's in the vine is in the branch. And if that vine puts forth a first branch, and a bunch of grapes comes forth on it. If it ever puts forth another branch, it will be a bunch of grapes. It'll put forth another branch, it'll be a bunch of grapes. And it'll be the same kind of branch on to the end of the vine. O God. (Now, I need my half hour; just getting ready...?...) Amen.   Every time that vine puts forth a branch, it'll be like the first branch. Why? Because the life that's in the vine will put forth the same type of branch. If the first vine brought grapes, the next won't bring pumpkins. The next won't bring citrus fruit. And then, after while on down like that, it won't do it.  If the true vine puts forth a branch, and if Jesus is the Branch in the first, or, the Vine. And the first branch that brought forth, they wrote a book of Acts after it. Is that right? The Pentecostal church, the real Pentecostal church... And it wrote a book of Acts, with signs and wonders following the believer. If that real true Vine brings forth another true branch, they'll write a book of Acts behind it. Yes, sir.  E-17   Here in Arizona not long ago, I was looking at a tree in a man's yard: a citrus tree. It had nine different kinds of fruit on one tree. It was... Every one of them was a different fruit. It was a orange tree to begin with, but it had pomegranates; it had lemons; it had grapefruit, all different kinds of citrus fruit. Why? They were grafted in there. They were living off of the life of that tree, but they could not bring nothing but what they was. They couldn't bring oranges, because they're a grafted vine. But every time that tree brought forth a true branch from itself, it was an orange tree; but oranges it bore.  That's the way today. We've grafted Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian vines into the true vine, and living off of the strength of it. But it can't bear nothing but creeds and denominations. But if that vine ever puts forth another branch, it'll be interdenominational, powered with the Holy Ghost, just exactly like it was on the day of Pentecost. Back to the beginning. Amen. I better quit. Amen.


So you see, they come into the message but bring their own creeds and dogmas, and yet claim they believe the message. Brother Vayle told me that brother Branham said a few days before he left Tucson on his way back to Jeffersonville before the car crash. "There are already 17 different variations of the Message." If it was 17 back then when he was still alive preaching, what do you think it has become today? So we have a group that says, I believe Br. Branham and I only listen to tapes, and yet if you ask them to explain the Message they can't. because they don't know what the message is. They're waiting for another prophet to come along and explain it to them. And they're afraid to take it back to the Word because they live in fear of saying something, anything, and then have someone else say, you are not saying what their prophet said. So they won't talk what he said either. So they in fear only listen to the tapes. Yet how are they going to know whether they even know the message unless they speak it. As the angel said of Laodicea, they are naked and blind and don't even know it.


And how many people claim to believe the Message and don't even know what it is. There's more than 2 million people who claim to believe it and yet they don't know Christ in the power of his resurrection. And the messenger for this age told us there could be perhaps only 500 who will make the rapture from this age. And did not Jesus say, "not everyone who saith unto me 'Lord, Lord' will enter in, but they that doeth the will of my Father. Yet they will tell you the message is "God sent a prophet". That's not the Message. A Messenger does not come talking about Himself? Jesus said in John 5:31 If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.


Now, listen. If the son of God could come and say, "if I bare witness of myself my witness is not true." Then how could it be that William Branham came to bear witness of himself? he didn't, but many people believe that the message is about William Branham. That's anti Christ.


Jesus said, 32  There is another that beareth witness of me; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true. So who is this other that came to bear witness to the ministry of Jesus? Let's read on and find out.


33  Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth. 34  But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved. 35  He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light. 36  But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me. 37  And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me.


So what Jesus is telling us here is that God Himself came down and is the one that bears witness of his ministry. In fact he says the works I do in his name, these are the witnesses to you that I am from God and am doing what he has commanded me to do.


Then he adds, "Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape. 38  And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not. 39  Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. 40  And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. 41  I receive not honour from men. 42  But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you. 43  I am come in my Father's name, (So the name of the Father is Jesus,) and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. 44  How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only? 45  Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. So  let's just make that a little more personal and read it again... 45  Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even William Branham, in whom ye trust.


46  For had ye believed Moses, (for had you believed William Branham) ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. (He spoke of me) 47  But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?


So you see William Branham did not come so that we might understand God sent a prophet. He came to  bring us to Christ, to Show that God has come down in the form of the Pillar of Fire just as he did with Jesus at the river Jordan.


And William Branham said in his sermon From that time 62-0713 P:102 How many knows there's a difference between the appearing of Christ and the coming of Christ? It's two different words. Now's the appearing, the coming will soon be. He's appearing in the midst of us, doing the works that He once did, in His church. Now, you're a part of that church, and by grace you believe. I am a member of that church. Now, I'm not a preacher. You know I'm not. I have not the education to do it. Sometimes I feel reluctant standing here by men of God, who's called to that office. There are apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists. Not all are apostles, not all are prophets, not all are teachers, not all evangelists. I'm standing here...But my ministry is a different ministry from a pastor or teacher. I'm not. And if I say things wrong, brethren, forgive me. I don't mean it. But this is my ministry (See?) to declare Him, that He's here.


So the ministry of William Branham was for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is for us to see that God Himself has come down to get us ready for the rapture of the church. And the True vine will respond to that the false vine will not even know that is what the message is all about. They think it is about a man, and not the God the man served.


Brother Branham said in his sermon 52  Anointed Ones at the End Time    65-0725M  These trees--the true vine and false vine... You've heard me preach on that since--from years ago, how they growed up together. Brought them in individuals and showed that from Cain and Abel, the two vines that met at an altar, both of them religious, both of them anointed, both of them desiring life and worshipping the same God, and one was rejected and the other received. And the only way that the one that was received could've done anything different from his brother, it was revealed to him, for the Bible said, "By faith (Hebrews 11th chapter)--"by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain, which God testified that he was righteous."  Jesus said (the spiritual revelation of Who He was), "Who does man say I, the Son of man am?"  He said, and Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."  "Blessed art thou, Simon son of Jonas; flesh and blood never revealed this to you; My Father which is in heaven has revealed it. Upon this rock I'll build My church." What? The true revelation of the Word. There's the True Vine again. "Abel, by faith..."


Ok, so we see that both vines grow up side by side in the same Message but the True Vine has a revelation of what the Message is and they enter into it and they live it, as Brother Branham said, "They hear it, and recognize and, and act upon it," while the other Vine just hangs around and talks about it.


Again from 57 Anointed Ones at the End Time  65-0725M Brother Branham said, "The true vine and the false vine both had the same anointing. The water fell on both of them. No wonder He warned us it would deceive the very elected if it was possible.  


Let me just stop here for a moment and take us to Deuteronomy chapter 32. Notice here that William Branham said they both had the same water fall on them. Right? Remember Jesus said "The Rain falls on the just and the unjust". Is that not what he said? So what is that Rain? Now, let's turn to Deuteronomy 32 and find out what that rain is?


Deuteronomy 32:1  Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.  My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:


So they both had the same doctrine, the same Message, because after all every revival comes via God bringing Revelation of a certain Doctrine to a certain Age. Like Luther with Justification and Wesley with Sanctification, etc.


He continues, "Notice. They looked the same; they're anointed the same. But notice, "By their fruit..." How do you knowed it, how do you know that isn't an orange? Because it's bearing a grapefruit. That vine's all right; it's living in the tree; but it's bearing a grapefruit. It isn't like the first one. And if a church says they believe Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, and deny His power, deny His works, (And I would like to add, deny what works? John 14:12 the works that I do shall you do also.) And if a church says they believe Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, and deny His power, deny His works, (they) deny His Word...


You might say, ok brother you are just obsessed by John 14:12, I'm just saying what the prophet himself is saying. Just read on and the prophet says so himself.


If... The church that believes in Jesus Christ will do the works of Jesus Christ; it'll have the Life of Jesus Christ. And if it isn't... No matter if the life is pouring into it, if it isn't predestinated from the roots, it'll bear grapefruit every time or something different. But if it's the predestinated Life in the Roots, it'll bear Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, if it's the Word coming up through the Root, which He is the Root, the beginning of time.


You see how God has been guiding us all along here and we didn't even realize it? Why was there such a fuss over John 14:12? Because it reveals who the twins are? The Ones with John 14:12 operating are the true vine and the false deny it and persecute it.


E-64  End Time Seed Sign 62-0319  There's a revival going on. What is it? A sowing. You don't hear very much of Billy Graham no more, do you? What about Oral? What about the rest of them? You know the great revival fire's not burning. What is it? It's the end time seed sign. The words has been sown. What is it? Denomination will reap denomination. That makes them confederate themselves together.  But the Word of God has been sowed also. And when the Spirit of God begins to fall, the Word of God will live in the people. And that false bride that's committed adultery out there, and brought herself into creeds, and sold out her birthrights will reap what? A confederation of church, that's to be bound and burned like the thorns and thistles. But where the Word of God's been sowed into the people's heart, it will reap a Bride for Christ as certain as I'm standing here: End time signs.


73-4  Spoken Word is the original Seed  62-0318E  That's what's the matter today. You want some kind of a phony makeup with screaming, jumping, speaking in tongues, or something, instead of waiting for the real Word of God to be made manifest to the Bride. Them kind that takes the Word is God's true Bride, bringing forth children. They can't die. A child the Bride brings forth on the Word can't die, because It's the Word. Amen. Did you get it? She can't die 'cause she's... That child can't die because he's a Word child; he's a seed child; he's an eternal child. Hallelujah.


E-73  Conflict Between God and Satan 62-0531  Fire is the confirmation of the Light coming from the Word. They will fill... The smart virgin, the wise virgin, had oil in her lamp, and she trimmed her lamp and lit it. Now, what is it? Now, God is the Word; the Oil is the Spirit; and the Fire is the Gospel Light on that Oil. Amen. God said so. See? That's the vessel. All right. The Oil is in the vessel, and the Fire burning it, shows that it's reflecting the Light of what the Word said. See? That's the reflection. Now, that wise virgin could do that; but that other, foolish virgin, was on the outside, had no Oil. And they couldn't reflect nothing but just their church and their denomination. See?  Now, "You say the Word... You said the Word was Spirit?" Yes, sir. God said, "My word is Spirit." That's right. The true Bride must be unified by the WordNow, remember, if she is a part of Christ, she has to be the Word of Christ. In order to be the Word of Christ, you have to be baptized into Christ. And when you're in Christ, you believe Christ and Christ is the Word.   Amen. Amen. Amen.  Do you believe it? Amen.  Do you love Him? Amen.  Will you serve Him? Amen. Amen, Amen.  He's the Light of the world. Amen.  He's the joy of our hearts. Amen.  He's the power of our life.  Amen. Amen, Amen.    The Bride must be unified, unified together by the Word. "My sheep hear My voice," and this is His voice on printed Word. All right. Unified by the Word, she makes herself ready, not with the regular creed.


318-5  {270}  The Fourth Seal 63-0321  They finally form up in the image unto the beast, another power, notice, and act to the Lamb's Bride like she did in Revelation 13:14. That's what they do, just persecute, just the same thing.  The churches makes just as fun of the true Bride of Christ as Rome ever did (Just exactly. Yes, sir.), acts to the real Lamb's Bride just exactly like she did in Revelations 13:14.  Now, notice, we see by God's Word of promise, He will kill her children, the denominations, her daughters, with spiritual death. (Now, that's Revelations 2:22. Don't forget it.) To kill is to put to death, and death is eternal separation from the Presence of God. Think of that, friends. Think of that. Don't you trust in any manmade creed. Anything that's contrary to the Word, you keep away from it.


318-5  The Fourth Seal   63-  319-2  {290}  Notice, The antichrist refuses the true Bride doctrine, and therefore he takes his own bride now and builds her up under a creed of his own,...


Hearing, Recognizing and Acting upon the Word of God 60-0221   72    Whenever there is a revival, it always produces twins. That's a rude remark, but it's true. When there was a birth out of, from Isaac and Rebekah, it produced twins. When the world was created, it produced twins, two trees. And when Cain and Abel were born, it produced two. When Ishmael and Isaac was born, it produced two. And when Esau and Jacob was born, it produced two. One of them, natural (one of them of the earth); the other one Supernatural. And one looked at the natural, intellectual; the other one walked by the Spirit. It's always been that way. When the Lutheran church came forth...  73    Let's take Pentecost first. Look at the Pentecostal birth. It brought forth a great, powerful revival that swept the known world: Pentecost. It wasn't long after Pentecost till even Paul said that there would be men rise up among them, with perverse things, and would turn the people away from God. And that's just exactly what they done. It produces two. When the Lutheran church was born, Martin Luther brought forth a spiritual revival. It wasn't very long till here come Esau, right behind him and organized it down. And it produced two. Then after that come the Methodist, John Wesley, a spiritual revival. And after that come the organization, organized it down. It'd produced two. And after that come Pentecost, a revival. And now they've organized it, and now they settle down to organization. And it produces two.   77    But that spiritual seed of the living God, though it has to be a sojourner, though it has to be a rambler, it always causes separation. Esau didn't last very long with Jacob. As soon as Jacob obtained the birthright (Praise God), it called for separation. And when a man... I don't care what church you belong to, if it's carnal, and your associates that you run with, the people you play cards with, and your literature societies, and so forth, when you obtain the birthright, that something that's down in your heart that's hungered for God, when you receive that, it calls for separation. "Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith God." Separation...   78    The church settles down. See, it cannot go on.  . . . Esau was a very good type of the carnal believer today, never able to overcome the world. He don't overcome the things of the world. They still like their carousing, their dancing, their manicure make-ups, and, the women, on their faces, and cutting their hair and wearing little old short clothes; and men likes to go out to the poolrooms, and smoke cigarettes, and tell little dirty jokes; and still belong to the church. They're never able to overcome those things: neither could Esau. But yet, to be religious, he had to settle down to an intellectual conception. That's the same thing the church does today. "We'll become an organization. We'll put ourself together. We'll make a clan, or a clique, or something like that." And that's the way the church moves today, the spiritual and the carnal, still the same. It hasn't changed and never will change.


Hearing, Recognizing and Acting upon the Word of God 60-0607   E-18    Now, these differences has always been since Cain and Abel, Cain and Abel, the first human beings that produced life on earth. Adam and Eve brought forth two, one of one kind and one of another. There was Cain and Abel. There was Esau and Jacob. There was... All along down the line, there's always been that, the two spirits warring against one another in the churches. We've had plenty of it. And it always come to a place where there had to be a time of separation. Abraham and Lot started out to find the city whose Builder and Maker was God. Lot was a carnal character. And it finally come to a place that Abraham and Lot had to be separated before they could ever, Abraham could ever obtain the promise. They had to separate, one from the other. And so is it tonight; you've got to separate yourself from the things of the world. You've got to walk with Christians. I'm a great believer in Christians fellowshipping with Christians. Yes, sir. You cannot walk together unless you're agreed. And you agree first with Christ. And every man agrees in Christ, will agree with you.

E-19    And Abraham and Lot had to separate before God could bless Abraham. And Lot, did you notice the carnal condition, yet as a lukewarm church member. He knew that Abraham was living up there in a tent. But did you notice, his religion was so straight, till Lot didn't ask the Angel, "Let me go up with Abraham, my uncle." But he said, "There's a little city down here; let me go to that one." He still didn't want anything to do with Abraham. See, that's the way it is today; no matter what you do, the carnal can't associate with the spiritual, no more than you can make oil and water mix. It will not do it.  Therefore, the church needs a good cleansing. What we need today is some old fashion revivals, some sweeping revivals, some power of the Lord. We need men and women who's willing to sell out to everything in this world, to burn every bridge behind them. We need to take the world today, we ministers, like the old Norwegians used to take a country. When they went in by ship, they hit the shore and set the ship afire and burned it behind them. They had no way of escape. That's the way we ought to do: Burn every bridge and every escape. Sell out everything for the Kingdom of God and keep moving on. There's no place of stopping. There's no place of compromising.

E-20    God don't like compromisers. God don't want His Church to look like the world. He don't want it to act like the world. He doesn't want to have anything to do with the world, only to preach the Gospel to the world and to call those forth.  God wants separators. The church wants mixers. They want a pastor who'll not be so hard on them, and tell them good things, and not dig right down, and just rake the hide off of them. Brother, that's what we need. Here a few weeks ago in a certain place, I had a vision. And there was a little kitten laying on a pillow. And I was raking him like that. And he was just purring, and I noticed above him he had a name. And I thought he's the cutest little fellow, and he was just purring away, like he was sleeping away. And the Spirit said, "Rake him back the other way once." When I raked him back the other way, all the snorting and squalling you ever heard, them green eyes shining, he was the horriblest looking monster I ever seen. Oh, as long as you can let people just go any way they want to, they'll give you some catnip, all right, but when it comes to a place... We don't need catnip. We need the power of the Holy Ghost back into the church and back into the building, the resurrected Life of Jesus Christ that cleans us up, makes us new creatures. We need strong wines, not catnip. That's for babies.


311-1 Philadelphia Church Age -  CAB CPT 8 Let me show you what I have been trying to teach all along about the two vines which come from two different spirits. Take the example of Jesus and Judas this time. Jesus was the Son of God. Judas was the son of perdition. God entered into Jesus. Satan entered into Judas. Jesus had a full Holy Ghost ministry for "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: Who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him." Acts 10:38. It says "For he (Judas) was numbered with us, and had obtained PART of this ministry," Acts 1:17. Matthew 10:1, "And when He had called unto Him His twelve disciples, He gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease."


311-2 Philadelphia Church Age -  CAB CPT 8 That spirit that was in Judas went right along through the ministry of Jesus. Then they both came to the cross. Jesus was hanged upon the cross, gladly giving His Life for sinners and commended His Spirit to God. His Spirit went to God and then was poured out into the church at Pentecost. But Judas hanged himself and his spirit went back to Satan, but after Pentecost that same spirit that was in Judas came back to the false vine that grows right along with the true vine. But notice, Judas' spirit never got to Pentecost. It never went up to receive the Holy Spirit. It could not. But what did that Judas spirit go for? It went for the bag of gold. How it loved money. It still loves money. If it goes about in the Name of Jesus doing mighty things and holding great meetings, it still makes more of money and buildings, and education and everything with a material concept. Just watch that spirit that is upon them and don't be fooled. Judas went about as one of the twelve and he did miracles, too. But he did NOT have the Spirit of God as his own. He did have a ministry. He never got to Pentecost as he was not true seed. He was not a true child of God. No sir. And it is that way right now in the synagogue of Satan. Don't be fooled. You won't be fooled if you are of the very elect. Jesus said you wouldn't be fooled. Yes, these folks say they are Christians but they aren't.


361-2 Laodicean Church Age -  CAB CHPTR 9 The Consummation of the Gentile Ages This age is the last of the seven church ages. What began in the first or Ephesian Age must and will come to full fruition and harvest in the last or Laodicean Age. The two vines will yield their final fruit. The two spirits will terminate their manifestation in each of their final destinations. The sowing, the watering, the growing is all over. Summer is ended. The sickle is now thrust into the harvest.


361-3 Laodicean Church Age -  CAB CHPTR 9 In verses 15 to 18 which we have just studied lies the true picture of the ripened false vine, false spirit, false church people. "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear: and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see." No words ever spelled out a more bitter denunciation, and no proud and arrogant religious people ever deserved it more. Yet in verse 21, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne," we find the true vine, true Spirit, true Church people exalted to the very throne of God with the highest compliment ever paid to a humble, steadfast Spiritual group.


64-1 Laodicean Church Age -  CAB CHPTR 9 Harvest time. Yes, harvest time. The two vines that grew together and intertwined their branches are now to be separated. The fruits of those vines which were at such variance will be gathered into separate garners. The two spirits will go to their separate destinations. Now it is time to heed the final call that comes only to the Wheat Bride, 'Come out of her My people that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye (wheat) receive not her (tares) plagues (the great tribulation of the sixth seal and Matthew 24).


70-3 Ephesian Church Age CAB CPT 3 Just to seal this point on the True and false vines mingling and demonstrating the two spirits that are at work, let us look into I John 4:1-4, and Jude 3,4,12. "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and EVEN NOW ALREADY is it in the world. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: (antichrist spirit) because greater is He, (God's Spirit) that is in you than he that is in the world." Jude 3,4,12. "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the SAINTS. For there are CERTAIN MEN (not Saints) crept in unawares (these have not come into the fold by means of the DOOR and are therefore robbers), who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, UNGODLY men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast WITH you, feeding themselves without fear..." It cannot be denied in the face of these Scriptures that the True Church and the false church are intertwined, having been planted together but of different seeds.


Wisdom vs Faith 62-0401   70-3    These two sources has battled since Eden: God's faith against Satan's wisdom. God has proven in all ages that it will not mix; it must be separated to grow. Now, quickly let me run over just a word or two on each one, just take a few things that I got wrote here. Esau and Jacob was a perfect type: both of them religious, both of them twins. Esau was the ecclesiastical type. He was a man that was smart. He had a good moral stands and things like that, but he didn't have no use for that birthright. Jacob didn't care what he had to do, just so he got the birthright. And as long as they were together they could not produce. Is that right? One was against the other. Have you caught it? Amen! "Come out from amongst it; be ye separate saith God, and touch not their unclean things; I'll receive you." See? Jacob had to separate himself from his denominational brother before God would ever bless him. God told Abraham the same thing. Israel and Moab. The four hundred prophets of Israel stood before Micaiah, and Micaiah separated himself from them and got the Word of the Lord and come back with It. Moses and Korah, same thing, wouldn't mix, they had to separate. Is that true?


Power of Transformation  65-1031M  135    There's always twins. And that's the reason... Don't forget this, little flock. The church in the last days is going to be twins, so close that'd deceive the elected: Matthew 24:24. See? The church is going... It's a Pentecostal move. It's so much like the real thing, till it would deceive the very elected if it was possible. And a little later on, if I get the chance, I want to explain what, how that election comes. See, it's going to deceive them, because it's almost like the same thing. See, just two fathers, that's all; same mother, same church, same movement, same thing. The bedding ground is the same, where the Word falls; but one of them, like here, is perverted. You understand? Say "amen" if you did see. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See, one of them is a perversion, because it's the wrong father. Which, I will prove someday, if God will let me, that denomination is the mark of the beast. See, it's a wrong father. He's steering people to an organization instead of to the Word. See? It's the wrong father. It's a Cain move.


Let us pray